Broken Timeline “5, 4, 3, 2, 1, GAME OVER!!” A loud roar erupted from the crowd and the tension was unbearable. This was the Robot Showdown, a competition in which ten students go head-to-head in a robot competition. The goal is to build the strongest, fastest, most complex robot possible in 30 minutes. The judges walked around as everybody picked up their controllers and presented their robots. Finally, it was decided that Katrina had won. “Yay!” she yelled, Her dream had come true. She was a true scientist and her love of robots was remarkable. With her auburn hair swishing behind her, she ran up and hugged her best friend Mike. He had dark brown hair and he too shared a love of robots with Kat. They decided to celebrate by going for ice cream, their favorite treat. As they arrived, sitting right outside the shop was an old man in shaggy clothes with white hair and a pair of antique-looking glasses. With Kat as the friendly type, she fished for a dollar and gave it to the old man. Now this man was not ordinary. He gave her something in return: a small rugged bike. “Thank You” said Kat kindly. Kat was kind of confused, but she stayed polite. Little did she know that when you start pedaling on this bike you can travel in time. When Kat and Mike got home they decided to take the bike for a spin. Kat got on and started pedaling and she tried to stop but she couldn’t, and suddenly she couldn’t see anything but black and then POOF! She was at the ice cream store again. At that moment, she knew she had traveled in time. But first, she had to figure out how to get back. Otherwise, she would become lost in time. She started wishing to go back to her time and it worked. She was back on the bike and all she could see was black, and then POOF! She was back in her time. And time hadn’t gone on without her. She ran up and hugged Mike and told him everything. She was a time traveler. As they arrived at school the next day it was not any ordinary day, it was Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The whole day was filled with learning about Dr. King. Kat and Mike got really into this. When they found out he was assassinated, they knew they had to do something about it. So when they got home they worked on the time machine till they figured out how to choose the time period they were going back to. Except there was one problem that occurred to them... they had never traveled back to a time they were not alive in. This was risky but they decided it was worth the chance. They both managed to squeeze onto the bike, and luckily at school they had learned exactly where and when Dr.King was assassinated. “Ok, it’s set, Lorraine Motel, 5 pm Thursday, April 4, 1968. Memphis, Tennessee!” yelled Kat. WOOSH! Everything went black, and then suddenly they were in the Lorraine Motel exactly one hour before Dr. King was assassinated. They rushed to the front desk to ask which room Dr. King was staying in and they got escorted to his room. And then they were standing in front of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Mike glanced at his watch and realized it was five minutes until Dr. King would be assassinated. They stalled him by talking with him and asking him questions. Five minutes later a chill swam through Kat and Mike’s bodies. Had they done the right thing? Did they change the future? After they stopped Dr. King from getting shot, they hopped back onto the bike and wished to go back to their own time. Only to come back to guns shooting and screaming kids. “Kat?!” “Mike?!” they screamed to each other. They weren’t back in Kat’s yard, they had came back into a tent. “WHAT’S HAPPENING!” yelled Kat “I DON’T KNOW!” Mike replied. All they could hear was the sound of guns going off and crying from everywhere. It was a war between blacks and whites. What had they done? Kat and Mike thought and thought, trying to think of a solution. “I got it. How about we find the old man that gave you that bike?” Mike suggested. “Great idea, but let’s hurry.” Kat exclaimed. The two kids snuck out the back of the tent and went to the ice cream shop. Lucky for them, he was right where he had always been. “Liked your trip?” questioned the old man. “You knew?!” They both said. “Indeed I did.” “Well, then can you help us fix it?” Mike asked hopefully. “Alright.” “Yes!” the two cheered jumping up and down. “But on one condition, you give me back the bike.” “Ok” Kat said as she handed it over. The old man introduced himself as Dr. George. He explained that he used to be a scientist at a university and he tampered with time just like Kat and Mike did. Once the other professors found out he got kicked out of the university. They talked about the solution and then it was decided. They would go back to that exact time and they would do nothing and therefore nothing would change. Dr. King would still get shot, which was what they wanted to prevent, but they knew it would stop the race war and fewer people would die. It was a difficult decision, but they knew it was the right thing to do. THE END