"Bye Bye, Sunshine" One odd Sunday, a young girl and boy found themselves a problem... Marley and Mark were problem solvers. They were very good problem solvers, but they weren't very well known. They just recently were staying in Georgia and were going to travel to Florida when a problem that changed everything occurred. "Come on, Mark, we're going to be late!" Marley yelled at her twin brother who wouldn't come downstairs. Marley went up to see what was wrong. Of course Mark had overpacked. Again. Marley had to look in his bag. Again. She made Mark confiscate his electronics. Again. It's good that Mark still had his necessities and special kit in case something went wrong. "We've got to get moving," As she dragged Mark downstairs, she heard a rumbling sound like a chainsaw, paused, looked at him, and then kept going. "You really tried to get your phone by me," Marley asked the struggling boy who was still straining to get out her tight grasp. "That wasn't me!" "Then who was it?" "No clue, though I think it came from outside," She had heard it from out there. She kept clasping tighter around Mark's wrist, madder and more curious about what had made the mysterious noise. He finally screamed and Marley let him go. Mark was clutching his wrist for his sister was stronger than he was. "Sorry," she muttered. They went out the front door and got a taxi. As they drove to Florida, they played ABC. "ABC, it's easy as 123, as simple as Doe Ray Me. ABC, 123 baby you and me! A!" They did the whole alphabet 5 times and were finally there with their throats hurting. They paid the driver and got off the bus. "You're standing right in between Georgia and Florida," he said. "Whoooaaaah!" Mark exclaimed. Marley thought wisely and didn't say "Seems like we're standing right in between nothing and even more nothing" even though she wanted to. Then the rumbling sound happened again and this time it sounded like it came from the center of the earth. Who would think that they looked down to find the ground cracking open. Well, they did. "What's happening?" they screamed to the taxi driver. He drove away into the fog. Wait, it was a nice sunny day 2 seconds ago. Marley took Georgia and Mark took Florida. DING! They finally realized what was happening; Florida was breaking off of the United States! They shared terrified looks. Marley reached out and pulled Mark to safety. They reached in their backpacks to find their "odd emergencies" kit. Out they pulled 4 thick ropes and 4 little axes. They tied the ropes to the axes and each took 2 to throw onto Florida. They took out their giant duck tape (from their emergency kit) and did some serious duck taping. They high-fived each other. Mark asked "How are we going to get home?" As if on cue, the police showed up. Along with the news truck and Kent Brockman. He interviewed them and gave them the Nobel peace prize ("Wow, folks! Tonight we have ourselves the youngest people to win this prize! 10 years old!"). After a crazy hour, the whole family got settled into the Mini Cooper to drive back back to Dearborn, Michigan. "You kids did some amazing stuff today," their dad said. "Yeah," they both sighed in unison. "Let's go to McDonald's for lunch!" Just another day in the life of some problem solvers.