District of Columbia. With my frizzy hair, dark hazel eyes, med ium brown skin, la idback style, and young age, I keep the bad guys at bay. With my brown brindle boxer Bochi, we are an undefeatable team. We have gotte n recognized by the P.D.A wh ic h is the Private Detective Age ncy. Most people wonder how I got my name when I tell them that my name is Hutch. Here's the story: when my mom was pregnant, my parents wo ndered what they should name me. To celebrate the coming of me, my father bought my morn a rabbit that came from a brown Hutch. Then they knew exactly what to name me. After defeating Pak (a n evi l mastermind) in a " battle", an evi l masterm ind, to say the least, I was in an eminent mood. He had obtained the Briefcase of Bliss. This was a ve ry sacred item. The whole world depended on it or else the world would go into a phase of everlasting chaos and despair. I returned home with a smile on my face. " Hey, Mom, hey, Dad," I said to Mom who was over in the kitchen placing ch icken in a skillet w ith tongs, and to Dad who was watching a Michigan football spring practice game on te levision, "Where's Bochi?" " He's upstairs in you r room, I think," Mom replied. "Okay, thanks." As I was coming up the stairs, Bochi came out of my room. I got down to my knees and started to pet and rub him all over. I went inside my room and went over to my laptop. I saw that there was a message from Jaden, my inspector from the P.D.A. It was short and simple and read, "Meet me at the Beans Cafe." I went back downstairs and went over to my dad. " Dad, can I go meet Jaden at the cafe?" I inquired. " Okay, but be back five min utes from dinner," he agreed. " See you! Thank you," said I as I went outside and got on my lime-colored bike. When I got to the cafe, I locked up my bike and to ld Bochi, "Don't go past the park, okay Bochi?" He gave a woof in response and bounded off, playfully chasing a butterfly. I c huckled a nd then walked in. I walked straight over to the table near the w indow where Jaden and I always met. He was already there sipping content ly from a smooth ie. " Long time, no see, Hutch. I see you got my message," down. "Yes, well I apologize; y-" " You neve r know who ' s watc hin g," I interjected. " I see you are lea rnin g. Now, let's get to our business. What has been stolen is the Sparkl ing Torch. T he Sparkl ing Torch was created by a man who called hi mself Seltzer. This is a highly sacrosanct and very a ncient item. There is a seal that protects the Sparkl ing Torch from being stolen. At exactly 0' I 00 hours this seal is broken. This is about the time that the Torch was stolen. It was stolen from one of P.D.A.'s other locations , " Jaden stated. "That doesn ' t make any sense. If it was stolen from the P.D.A, wouldn't you have the security camera tapes to go off of?" I questioned. "You bring up a good point. This v illain is obvio us ly intelligent because somehow they were able to disable the cameras. A ll that we had viewed on the cameras was not very important," Jaden confi rmed. "We have narrowed our villain range to three s uspects. These include Eli Mago, Brad Colith, and Ruby Shamrnit," " What? Mrs. Sharnmit is my teacher!" I exclaimed incredu lous ly. " Well , let's hope that it ' s not he r," Jaden replied calmly. " It ca n not be her! She is the nicest teacher in the world. She even g ives us candy and sweets when we're good ," I announced, bewildered. " Well the re you go there. I never trust anyone who gives out candy," Jaden muttered under his breath. I shot him a hard look. T hen I softened. " What else do I need to kn ow," I asked him. "Your parents are going on a business trip today so yo u and I will go to the P.D.A and then we will go stop that vi llain !" he said. " Okay. So I' ll see you later," I sa id getting up. "Okay, see you ," he replied . I went out and Bochi came back to me and we went back home. Getting home just in time, I opened the door to a wondrous smell. " Mom, you a re truly thee world' s best cook," I said genuine ly. "Yes, well I try, " she responded gr inning proudly. She ca n be a softie for a ny type ofcomp liment. We said ou r prayers and started to eat. "Oh yes! I just remembered. Hutch, your father and I are going on a business trip to Baltimore today. We shou ld be back around two days from now. As an a rchitecture designer and buil der, when duty calls, we have to go. We hired Jaden to " babysit" for you. He should be here any moment," Morn said. Just then, the doorbell rang. "That must greeted him, opening the door " Hello Mr. and Mrs. McLaw. Pleasure to be here," he said pol itely stepping in. " Well, our bags are already packed so we' ll just put ou r dinner in a couple ofcontainers a nd we'll be on our way," Mom said gettin g up, " are you hungry?" " Oh, no I'm fine. I might get a little something later," Jad en re plied. My pare nts went and got there luggage from t he den a nd ca me bac k over to give me hugs a nd kisses. " A tout a l' huere*," my mom said. " Oui, oui ; au revoir*," I responded. Speaking French was something we often did for e ntertain ment. They we nt outside and as I was about to tu rn on the te levision, Jaden stopped me. "T ime for bed, Hutch, You have a long day tomorrow," he told me. " O-kay," I rep lied hesitantly trudging to the bathroom to get ready. Beep beep beepbeep beep, went my alarm . "All right already! I'm up! " I said frustrated at my a larm. I got ready a nd went downsta irs to have a breakfast of a breakfast sandwic h. Jaden let himself into the door w ith the key that Mom had g iven him. "Ready for a day ofexcitement?" he as ked me. " As much allowed in one day," I responded. "Good. We leave in a bout five minutes," he told me. After I finished my breakfast, we got into his car which was a 2015 Corvette. When he ca ught me staring, all he said was as he put on av iators, " Ifyou have a cool j o b you have to look frais* doing it." I sm iled. He caught on to my liking of French. I got in and we were off. I saw the P.D.A before Jaden could tell me. It was a big building and it looked like it was combined between a pizza place a nd a bookstore. When we got out of he car and near the building, I saw that there was a brown wooden door a nd a microphone. " Agent Jade n, Inspector, 0035," Jaden sa id into the little microphone. T he n the brown door opened wide and the two of us stepped into the buildin g and I saw that t he building was transitioning from the two stores into the P .D.A. Tables and bookshelves turned into wide plasmas. Menus and books turned into gadgets, equ ipme nt and other needed thin gs. T hen, a "So, the case is the Sparkling Torch. Facts are that we have di scovered that in the tape, the vi llain takes off their hood and reveals that they are a woman! We have confirmed that this is Ruby Shammit," CC-47 announced. 1 felt my heart start to beat rapidly. Jaden came over to comfort me. " YOU don ' t have to continue this case if you want," he said to me, rubbing my shou lders. "No, it's fine. I' ll continue. W hat else do I need to know?" I asked to robot. " She will strike at around 2:55 P.M. This w ill happen at the Orange Leaf. We need to intercept this act. Even if we get a leaf, and brus h it against the Sparkling torch and snatch it away, it w ill stop the granting process. I suggest that you get there early so th at yo u will be ready and also have something to eat before," CC-4 7 said. "Okay, thanks double C. You have been a great help," Jade n said to the robot. When we got to the Orange Leaf and I opened the door, I was overwhelmed w ith a sugary and sweet smell. People all around the shop were ta lking, chatting and laughing, and little childrens mouths were dirty, smeared with frozen yogurt. ' Yum,' I thought. I went over and grabbed a 16 ounce cup. I filled it up w ith red velvet and wedd ing cake frozen yogu rt. I put on sprinkles and put it on the scale. Meanwhile Jaden was filling his cup up with French vanilla and putting sprinkles, Oreo pieces, gummies, and practically everything else on the toppings cart, plus chocolate and caramel fudge on top. He put his on the scale. A teenager w ith freckles told us, " Your total w ill be $ 12.53." Jaden handed over his card and the girl swiped it and gave it back. We got our cups and we went over to a table w ith sma ll chairs. Suddenly, a person that had had her head down earlier now rose and walked to the misled ofthe room. "0 m ighty Sparkl ing T orch! Grant me your power-"The woman kept going on as I crept over to where she was standing and touched the Sparkling T orch. It stopped shin ing, as it had before and went dul l. I grabbed the Torch and as I was doing this, a mask fel l down from the v illain 's face . I ran out the shop 'S .\ . 5 . .. with the Torch in hand, Jaden following me. We got into his car, and drove away towards home. "Great job Hutch. You have done it agai n," he sa id w ith pride in his voice. " Mission accomplished," I said, partially distracted from the prev ious event. When we returned home, as I lay on the couch eating my frozen yogurt, two questions crossed my mind . If that was Mrs. Shammi t, why had her voice sounded like someone else ' s? Who's face had that mask revealed? "Jaden?" I said, "I don't think that was Mrs. Shammit." Was this case not solved?