King of the Clouds - 1 King of the Clouds You may have read the Greek myths published in books. Or you may have heard them in some other form. But you have never heard this myth. Many, many years ago, Zeus, king of the gods and ruler of the sky, married a beautiful cloud nymph named Cumulucia. Soon Cumulucia bore Zeus a son. Zeus dearly loved his son and often flew him through the sky for fun. On one of these father-son trips, the boy reached out to a cloud and shaped it into the face of his father. Zeus was overjoyed with his son's talents, and named him Cloudious. Zeus announced to a proud mother that their son was to become immortal--he would be the god of the clouds. When Cloudious was a young man with gorgeous soft silvery hair, Zeus gave him a light- blue tunic that showed his godly power and a silver chariot with wind-spirit horses to pull it. He told Cloudious that his job as a powerful god was to patrol the skies and place or remove clouds when it was necessary. That day, Cloudious's chariot rose into the sky for the first time ever. Every day from then on Cloudious has risen into the sky to add clouds when it was about to storm, and remove them on a lovely day. When he is in a good mood, he shapes clouds into fun shapes to impress the people on Earth. He also works hard to rid the clouds of monsters and beasts. If you are lucky, you may see him one day, if you look into the clouds.