One Special Birthday ÒHey, Alexa! I have a surprise for you!Ó said Toby over the phone. ÒYeah? You always give me surprises, what could this be? The 15th ring you give me since itÕs almost our 15th anniversary?Ó Alexa replied. Toby had given her a ring at all their past anniversaries. ÒWhy, no! The surprise is that weÕre going to Stonefish Beach, the place with a fish made of stone and where couples go on the 100th ... well, almost 100th anniversary. WeÕre going to the fish at 7:00pm on Wednesday.Ó Toby answered. ÒBut ... Wednesday is in 2 days and whoÕs going to drive me there?Ó ÒMe, of course! Bye, see you soon. IÕll be home in a few minutes,Ó said Toby as he hung up. Oh, that Toby! IÕve been with him and just him for almost 15 years and he always calls me when heÕs at basketball practice for a surprise. And, he always hangs up without even letting me say bye when the surprise is wonderful! I wonder what the surprise is this time! Thought Alexa. Alexa was suddenly over-joyed. She jumped up and down then ran upstairs to her bedroom and hugged her pillow tightly. She started squealing when ... ding dong! Toby was home. We must have forgotten his key again. Alexa sighed and ran downstairs to greet him. She opened the door and there stood Toby dressed as if he had been to a wedding. ÒWhat the ...,Ó Alexa whispered. ÒI know, I know. CÕmon, letÕs go! Get in the car! I told you we were going on Wednesday because I didnÕt want you to get too excited. And ... What did you do to your hair? ItÕs all messed up! Never mind! No time to worry about that now!Ó Toby told her. Alexa was too stunned to speak. She silently followed him into the car and they were off on their way to Stonefish Beach. Stonefish Beach was sparkling in the moonlight like a diamond when they got there. Toby said, ÒDo you want to go on a moonlight hike in the woods by the beach?Ó ÒUhh ... Sure?Ó Alexa answered. ÒThen letÕs go!Ó Toby shouted. They joined a group that was hiking with a tour guide. Alexa soon got bored of being with a group. So she said, ÒCould we go hiking on our own?Ó Ò Sure, letÕs switch to that path!Ó Toby answered pointing at a nearby path. When they were halfway through the hike without a tour guide, Toby stopped and took out a little box from his pocket. He opened it and there was a Fitbit. It was the most wonderful gift Alexa had ever seen. She loved exercising so the Fitbit could really help her count her steps and measure her heart rate. The Fitbit shimmered in the moonlight like the twinkling stars high up in the night sky. The Fitbit was gold with silver sparkles around it. It was a special ordered Fitbit. This is because Fitbits normally donÕt come in gold with silver sparkles. Alexa wrapped her arms around Toby in a big bear hug and shouted, ÒWow! This is the most wonderful gift I have ever gotten! I have always wanted one! Thank you so much!Ó Tears streamed down her cheek when she said this. But they werenÕt tears of sadness. They were tears of joy, pure joy. Toby smiled and thought to himself, ÒShe really deserves a Fitbit!Ó After Alexa calmed down a little, she carefully put on the Fitbit. Alexa even saw her name engraved on the back of the Fitbit. It shined more than ever the second she put it on. She saw a weird looking, pink button. She wanted to press it but was not sure what was going to happen so she asked, Ò What does this button do?Ó Toby winked at her and said, ÒTry it out yourself.Ó Of course Alexa would listen to what Toby said. So she pressed the button with a shaky finger. Suddenly, she was trapped in a blinding light. It went on for three seconds and it stopped. When Alexa opened her eyes, she felt herself on the ground. It felt like she was on sand. It sounded like a beach, with the sound of water being splashed and kidÕs voices. It felt so great to be at the warm beach. But how did she get here? And was she in her swimsuit? It sure felt like it. But how did it get here and what happened? ÒAlexa? Are you okay?Ó A voice called. AlexaÕs eyes slowly opened. It was Toby! HowÕd he get here? ÒWhat happened?Ó Alexa asked. Toby chuckled and said, Ò That button you had pressed is called ÒThe Going Places Button.Ó I told it to take us to Hawaii when it is pressed and I see it worked! Right now weÕre in Hawaii!Ó Alexa loved Hawaii and longed to be there again! This was the best thing that could happen to her, going to Hawaii without spending a cent. She was so happy until she remembered it was her birthday! She had totally forgotten that it was her birthday and their anniversary. Also, she had to get home because her friends and family had told her that they were going to give her a surprise birthday party. She asked Toby, ÒCan we go home? I mean back to our house in Michigan? Because itÕs really late and my friends and family promised me a surprise birthday party.Ó ÒSure! LetÕs go!Ó Right after Toby said that, they were trapped by a blinding light and in three seconds, they were back home in their house. It was super quiet until ... the lights came on and AlexaÕs friends and her family came jumping out. They shouted happy birthday! The lights came on during that commotion. Alexa was so happy. This was her best birthday ever. Tears of joy started rolling down her cheeks. ÒThis is way better than the Fitbit I got! Sorry, no offense, Toby. Spending time with my family and friends is the best way to celebrate my birthday, ÒAlexa said. ÒWe agree with you too!Ó AlexaÕs birthday guests shouted back. Oh! How Alexa loved her family and friends. They always said, ÒWe agree with youÓ at special occasions. Ò This is the ÔawesomestÕ birthday ever, ÓAlexa thought.