Resc-alcon 1 Resc-alcon By Nathaniel Dodge 2527 Prairie street, Ann arbor, mi 48105 734-996-9122 fifth grade, Thurston Elementary school I am the eyes of the city and the world. I see everthing and I help any creature in the city except maybe not the Pidgeons, but I wasn’t always like that . . . I love flying high and low, fast and well not slow but you get the point. Speaking of point, my beak is like a needle so I guess I’m considered dangerous to other birds and all that jazz. My name is Resc-alcon. Actually it’s Folcer but I fashioned myself a new name: Resc for rescue and alcon for Falcon. I am an extremely dark colored bird and I have an extremely bright beak. I love flying around in the morning when the sun is just another beautiful cresent to see. I also love the way the wind howls like a coyote and how the trees bend like paper. I know I’m a Peregrine Falcon and I’m supposed to act predetorial and vicious but I just don’t feel good when I’m done because If I were like a Pidgeon or anything I eat I would be terrified. I live in the city on a balcony but I hid my nest well so none of the humans can come out and hit me with their flip-flop or their People Magazine. The only time I like humans is when they turn on Spider-Man or The Avengers because I love super heroes. I’ve always wanted to be a super hero. I know that probably no one would want to be saved by me but you can’t blame a Falcon for Resc-alcon 2 hoping, right? I only have one friend in the whole wide world. It’s my friend Masky. He’s always been there for me, sort of. He’s a racoon so if he sees anything, even garbage, he goes wacko and starts eating. I guess he just eats first and asks questions later. Well never mind about Masky, let’s get back to the story. I was just flying around looking for Masky when I heard a girl shriek. This was my chance! I swooped over buildings and under trees. I even almost got hit by a frisbee! Finally I got to where I heard the shriek. “Ma’am are you okay?” I asked. “Excuse me but, I’M A BOY! It was Masky! I wondered what he was doing there but then it hit me... the frisbee! I fell toward Masky, and knocked him out of the trash can. When I got up I saw three Maskys. I blinked four times and then there was only one Masky. “Masky! I thought you were actually in trouble not stuck in a stinkin` trash can!” I scowled. “Sorry,” he apologized. I was enraged! I thought that I would be famous! I thought that just once I could be the hero. It was hard to see cleaarly because there were splotches of salty dew in my eyes. Or maybe they were tears. Then he heard a yelp, a shriek, a cry, a yell. Suddenly there was a wave of danger-filled screams! I was next! Resc-alcon 3 Suddenly a claw of talons gripped my throat. I gasped for air. Then I flipped backwards onto the hawk’s back. He seemed to have eyes on the back of his head and he did a sumer-sault and had me in his talons. He didn’t give me time to escape either. He went so fast and his grip was so tight that I almost passed out. When I awoke I was in a dark consealed cave surrounded by a bunch of other animals. Beavers, bears, rabbits, birds, deer, and some other animals I didn’t recognize. There was Masky! I flew over to him and tried to find out what happened but it was hard to hear over all the other animals so I just gave up. I had had it so I yelled as loud as I could and that shut them up. “Guys if we’re going to get out of this cave then we need to work together or else we’ll just rot here arguing, okay!” I said. Apparently everyone agreed with me or they were just scared I would eat them. Either way they were listening so that was good. “I have a plan but we all need to work together to make it work so listen up.’’ Everyone listened as I told them my plan and everyone seemed to agree with my ideas. For the first time in my life I felt like someone was finally listening to me. When everyone had heard the plan they got to work. The spiders spun their webs. The beavers drilled an opening followed by the bear charging at it with such force that the Earth almost became a bolling ball and I don’t think Saturn was going to like it very much. Every animal was doing it’s job the exact way that I had told them. I was so proud of myself and the other animals, I guess. Suudenly I heard some Resc-alcon 4 giant wing flaps. The hawk was returning! We hadn’t even finished the first phase of my genius plan! Everyone broke out in to a loud panic. I heard many thing like were doomed, and goodbye world, and even I’m hungry! No I did not make that last one up. The hawk shot the door open a the ground grumbled. His talons made marks on the steel floor. I heard some whimpers but other than that everyone was silent. I’ll be back in 20 minutes you useless hags and then I’ll make you dinner,” he smirked. Then he flew away in a heartbeat. “Okay guys, we need to get to work or else we’ll be falafel and chips!” Evertone looked at me like I was a psycho dweeb but that was the only food that came to mind. Everyone got back to work instantly with worried looks on their faces. They worked twice as hard to break free and it was working! The walls were getting thinner and thinner and I could even see some skylight. We only had 10 minutes left though! “Guys keep up the great work we’re almost there,”I said. I didn’t mention the 10 minutes thing `cause I assumed that would make everthing worse. Most all of the animals were helping to break a hole in the wall but it was almost impossible to break. This steel was basically inpenetrable, but I had some of the toughest animals in the world working for me. BOOM! The wall burst open! Screams of delight and terror were in the air. The hawk had returned for dinner. Everyone headed over to the open wall when the door burst open. “AHHHH! How did you open that wall up?” he yelled. “We dug it dumbo,” said the Star-nosed Mole. He took a few steps forward but he probably regretted it. He had stepped in worm slime and frog mucus, then he got tangled up in the spiders web. Next all of the bees stung him and surprisingly didn’t die. Finally the bear tackled him until he fell flat on his face. I walked over to him. “You underestimated us, Buster. Good day,” I said. We all walked out of the giant steel box and went home. It was dark outside when I returned to my tree. I cuddled up in my blankets and thought about what happened today. I slowly drifted off to sleep. In the morning the sun was shining so bright over the city. I got up and went outside. I live in a park next to the city, not in it. I could just make out the words Folcer. That was my name! I was Folcer! I greeted my friends. I felt complete now that my friends (all of the animals from the cave) didn’t see me as a predator. “You’re my hero,”some yelled. “You rescued us all!” others yelled. That’s when I fashioned myself a new name, Resc-alcon. Now everyone see’s me as a hero and not another face to be afraid of. That day was probably the best day of my life! I even stopped eating the pidgeons, sometimes. Now instead of seeing me and running away everyone came up and hugged me. It felt so good to the good guy now. I felt up to my name, RESC-ALCON. Resc-alcon 5