The Day My Mom Locked The Keys In The Car. Have you ever locked your keys in your car? My mom has in the most silliest way possible. Read on to find out more. It was a hot sunny sunday in Summer about noon in 2016. We were at the mall It was hot, humid, and loud. It was so hot that I felt like I was burning. I was with my sister who has long blond hair, tan skin, and brown eyes. My big sister who has long brown hair, brown eyes, and tan skin. I have short blond hair, hazel eyes, and very tan skin, and my mom who has pale skin, brown eyes and long brown hair. We came out of the cool mall to the hot outside and we walked to our navy blue car with a white interior. Mamma opened up the trunk and put her purse(with the keys) in the car and shut the trunk. She locked all of us out (We all thought the car was so stupid for that to happen because if you walked right next to the car it would automatically unlock.)! We tried to open the trunk but it would not open, we did not know the code and we yelled for someone to help us but nowon came. I thought the world would end. My mom had to call my dad at work in Dearborn to drive home and grab the spare keys. We waited for 45 minutes (“it felt like forever I told myself one more minute”) for my ( to buy time my sister was doing the chicken dance and singing) dad to come from home and pick us up. At the end of the experience everyone was starving, sleepy, annoyed, and thirsty. I crawled into my bed “what a day” I said loudly. “I know” my Mom said quietly. “It was crazy" I whispered. “So crazy” Momma said very quietly. GIU “What was crazy” my little sister whined. “Today at the mall, it was crazy” I told her. “Yes” she whispered as she closed her eyes. “What a day” I thought as I went to sleep. That was my story about the day my mom locked the keys in the car. I hope you enjoyed it. I definitely did. See you next time. I'll tell you about the ice cream incident.