The Last Journey “Next week we will go,” agreed the three of us Mya, Audrey, and I, Laney. We were at Mya and Audrey’s (my best friends) house discussing the journey we had heard so much about. The name of the challenge so hard to complete is “The Big Kahuna”. I have to admit everything we heard about this journey was not easy one bit! It was more of: What you have to overcome is a definite challenge. I’m thirteen and Mya and Audrey are fourteen, they are twins. We have been friends since kindergarten and we all agreed on discovering what is at the end of the Big Kahuna one day when were old enough. We used to watch a show about how far people get to the end and then have to turn around because they can not overcome the challenges. No one could ever fight to the end, and we wanted to be the first people to make it to the end. To be remembered. This is our story! The Sunday we were leaving for the “Big Kahuna” trail I ate a good breakfast knowing that we would not come back till Thursday and what we have for the trail is not that great. I hugged my mom and dad, said bye, and then went outside to my bike, the door slamming behind me. “Alright guys, this is the moment we have all been waiting for, for a very long time!” I exclaimed arriving at the “Kahuna Trail” along with Mya and Audrie. “Yeah,” Mya and Audrie agreed shaking their heads at the slowest pace, I can tell they are amazed and wondering about the journey, just like me “Wahoo!” I yelled happily, we had just gone seven whole miles up and down a mountain with only seven breaks!! We decided to wait or take a break for a few minutes on a shiny rock implanted in red dirt covered with a large variety of fresh green vines ranging in color. We couldn’t stay there long though, three minutes in I saw a sandstorm coming straight towards us! “Guys!” I screamed not meaning to be so loud “We got to get out of here there is a huge sandstorm coming straight. Q​UICK!” ​I​was so scared I don’t even know how to explain it! We all looked at eachother froze to the ground covered in our scaredom, and then we had no choice but to dart into a cave close enough to get to. We knew if we did not get in the cave we would most likely not overcome this almost impossible challenge nor would we be seen again. In two minutes the sandstorm came past us. We all closed our eyes hoping we could make it out. The storm blew only the left over sand into the cave covering us in just a thin sheet of sand. We laid huddled in the cave as far back as we could get. In twenty minutes the storm was done and we were safe to get out. Mya fell asleep, so we woke her up and then crawled out of the cave blowing and coughing the sand in our mouths and noses out, preparing ourselves for anything else that we might have to compete against. The three of us looked around us as we got out of the cave to see steep mountains on such a steep angle. Most of the trees that used to grow plentifully were now knocked down, off there stump, or completely gone, nothing to see. It was scary and amazing to see what can happen to beautiful land in just twenty minutes! Audrie and Mya skipped ahead of me, as I took in all of the beautiful scenery, walking slower than them. I was just about to climb what you could call a pit of sand or mud or I guess you could call it a landslide, when I heard.....”Help Laney, Mya fell off the cliff!!!” I stopped suddenly breathing like a person who had just finished a one mile race. I ran as fast as I could, springing, leaping, anything I could do to get me there soon enough, fast enough. My heart was beating anxiously as I ran to Audrie’s side looking down at her holding Mya. I quickly looked through my bag for rope, finding none, I gave up asking, “What happened, are you guys ok?” “Yeah, I’m ok, I don’t know about Mya though,” Audrie added. Mya replied, “I only have a small cut and I’m feeling kind of quavery, but yeah I’m ok.” A feeling of relief washes over me as I grab Mya’s hand along with Audrie and we try with all our might to get her up, but it just won’t work. Finally, an idea flows through my head and I tell Mya to let go of me with one hand, and use her hand to take off her stretchy belt and threw it up to me. That should do the job, right? At least I hope it does! Mya with her trust in me let's go with one hand, maneuvers her belt off and throws it. As she throws the belt up she falls. NOOOOOOOO,​Ithinktomyself thisabsolutelycan’thappen,Iwastheonewhotoldherto let go with one hand!!! I jump from the cliff catching myself by a tree branch I then grab her by the hand and pull her up behind me. I finally get her to the top releasing the air in my lungs since I had been holding my breath, hugging and high fiving them both. We take a five minute break and then continue. That seemed to be our last challenge for the journey. We were at the end, we had completed our most wanted dream. That moment seemed to be the most exciting moment I ever faced. While we sat down and caught our breath, I saw mysterious footprints leading behind a rock!!! Wait, I heard something that almost sounded identical to mom and dad’s voices. We sneaked behind the rock to find one thing. It was mom and dad, I was right, but the question was how did they get back there? Is there a secret passage that leads here? That’s what I asked mom and dad after I said hi. They then told me something very suspicious, they said they had known about a secret road that led here. What, I can’t believe it we did all that work to find there was a road that took us here, and mom and dad knew all about it! That is awesome! Mom spoke, “We knew you guys wanted to do the hike so we decided not to tell you about the road.” “I’m glad you didn’t mom, it was the best hike ever!” I exclaimed. “Yeah”, Mya and Audrey agreed with me. I decided then and there that this is going to be a yearly thing.