The lost puppy Once upon a time,there was a sweet little golden retriever puppy named Honey. She was 1 month old ,and she loved her mother more than anything. Here’s a picture! One day Honey and her mother went hunting in the woods. Honey was just learning. Suddenly, Honey and her mother saw a bear! And it was coming right toward them! Honey was terrified! She ran between the bear’s legs. Now the mother was terrified. She howled for her puppy. But Honey was still running and didn’t hear. So Honey’s mother sadly went home without Honey. She whimpered and howled. Meanwhile, Honey had stopped running and she realized that she was alone. She sat down and howled. She was very tired. So she laid down, turned around 3 times, and went to sleep. The next morning she woke up and thought why am I wet? And then she remembered where she was. She was really hungry. But since she was in the forest, she didn’t know how to find food! So she decided to explore. She walked for a long, long, time until she finally found someone. And so she told it she was lost and her name was Honey. It said there was an owl in the forest who seemed to know most everything you told him. “I will take you take you to him” it said. “Thankyou thankyou thankyou!” Said Honey. So an hour later, there they were, at the owl’s tree. “He’s sleeping right now” said the animal. “At night he will come out and you can talk to him. I will leave you here for now” “wait!” said Honey.”I have one ”Where can find food?! “Here”said the animal. “I will get you some food that is okay to eat. Then, if you’re ever hungry you can look for the food I gave you” “thank you!”said Honey and so, at night, the owl came out.Honey was nervous, but she did it anyways. “Excuse me, Mr. Owl?” “Huh? Who’s there?”said the owl.”me, Honey, a lost puppy dog” “I assume you’re here for my help”. “Correct?” “yes.”said Honey. “What do you need my help with? Asked the owl. “How to get home.”said Honey. “where do you live?”asked the owl. “in an alleyway.” said Honey. “I know many alleyways.” what does your mother look like?” asked the owl. Like me, but bigger. “Okay” said the owl. “I’ll look for your mother every day” THANK YOU! Said Honey. 2 months later, on a sunny afternoon, the owl came over to her, looking really happy. “I found your mother!” he said. Seriously? Asked Honey. Yes! Said the owl. So an hour later, they were at Honey’s home. Mom! She said, and she settled down to tell her mother all about her adventure. THE END!