The Quables Yes, some of you don't believe in space aliens, but this is a story about a species of aliens called Quables. Many years ago, Megan Bole was going to visit her grandfather on his farm in West Virginia. Her grandfather was short with blue eyes and a long nose. She loved visiting him because they would always play games and they would feed the animals. He always made her laugh, even when she was sad. It was dinner time and her grandpa always made the best meals. Tonight they were having fresh corn from the field, fish from their pond, and green beans from their garden. Megan went out to the corn field to get some corn for dinner. When suddenly she saw a giant smiley face in the middle of the field! At first she thought her grandfather made a maze. So she tried to follow it, but it didn’t seem like a maze after a while. She called her grandfather, but he didn't answer. She studied the smiley face. She saw a list, she decided to read it. It said: make a friend, introduce the friend to the others, be happy. At first she thought her grandpa was playing a trick on her until she heard a noise. She looked up and right in front of her eyeballs she saw a giant spaceship with green alien heads sticking out the windows and a GIANT smiley face on the bottom of the spaceship. The aliens had a green body and yellow freckles. Their eyes looked like snail eyes. They were popping out of their heads. Megan ran inside screaming and went to her computer. Megan looked up alien species. She went down the list and found one that looked exactly like the one she saw outside. She clicked on the description of the aliens. The name of the species is Quables. The description said that Quables are very nice, love to make new friends, they are always excited, love to tell jokes and laugh for no reason. Megan felt relieved that the aliens were nice. Megan went back outside, went to the ship and yelled “Hello!” Something responded but she couldn’t understand. All she heard was, “ waboo loo.“ So Megan took the biggest risk of her life... she went up the ship. Chapter Two She walked through a long dark hallway when she saw a door. She peeked in and there was another door. After 15 more doors she finally found a room which turned out to be the yoga room (not a pretty sight). She moved on to the next room. This room had eggs the size of peas. She moved on carefully trying not to step on the eggs. In front of her there is a door that said, “please disturb.” So she went in. It was dark and after a couple steps she started to fall and fall. She started screaming. Then she started to float. Then she stepped on the ground. She walked through the dark and she found a bed and went to sleep. Meanwhile, at the house her grandpa was taking the longest nap in history. And when he woke up he went straight back to sleep, forgetting about dinner. He slept through the night. Megan thought it was a fun spaceship although it was a little scary and confusing. She walked a little bit more and she found a door labeled “ydnac.” She studied the label, she figured out it was candy spelled backwards. So of course, you could imagine she went in. It was like heaven. Name a candy and it was there. There were even mixes of candies. Megan started eating. After 621 pieces of candy she fell asleep. When she woke up, she started eating more. Then she heard something clear their throat. She turned around and there was an alien right in front of her. He said, "Come with me to the dungeon." in a rather helium like voice. So Megan followed not saying a word. He led her to the dungeon and said, "Wait here." He came back with two more aliens. The two aliens said, "Hi, I'm Bob,” “and I'm Greg.” We're here for a dungeon themed tea party. How are you?" “I'm fine thanks." said Megan, very confused. "You’re welcome. Should we start?" said Greg. "Sure." Megan said. As the Quables stuffed their faces with food Megan was unsure what was happening.  "Would you like to stay in one of our guest rooms? You'll get to have whatever you want while you're here. We have a machine that makes whatever you wish for," explained Bob. "Wow! Really?" Megan asked excitedly. "Yeah!" Bob replied. "Ok!!" said Megan, not thinking of her grandfather. When they were done eating, they showed Megan to her room. When they got there Megan almost fainted. It was amazing. She was speechless. Chapter Three The room had everything from a water bed to a trampoline. It had every food making machines there were. There was one sign she noticed that looked like no humans allowed. So she asked about the sign. “That’s no human, that’s a foof, our worst enemy.” said Bob very seriously. “They killed my parents and destroyed my home. We are here on earth because they are here and they have already taken over one human being, your grandpa.” Greg explained. “ My grandpa!!” Megan was very surprised. “Let's go get those foogs!” “Foofs.” said Bob correcting Megan. “Whatever, let's go.” said Megan. “Wait, where do we go?” “We go get your grandpa, bring him to the lab, do some tests and get the alien out of him.” Greg said loudly. “Flibbledorf!” said Bob. “He said off we go!” explained Greg. “Padooloo eek aeewr dodo labooter.” Bob said, in a language I couldn't understand. “He said let's start tomorrow It's almost midnight,” Greg said softly. That night she couldn't sleep. She swore she heard her grandpa say over and over, louder and louder, “You’re next, you're next.” He whispered in the darkness. The wind was howling, rain pouring down like hail and lightning hitting every trashcan in sight. So to calm herself down she went and made a snow cone. When she was done eating her snow cone she went to her water bed and pulled the covers over her head and finally went to bed at 3:07 am. She dreamed she would never see her grandpa again. In the morning she woke up crying and she wiped her tears. That morning they got out of the ship, went through the cornfield and walked into the house. There was her grandpa... Chapter Four There on the couch was her grandpa. “We have to wake him up before we take him to the ship, have any ideas?” Bob asked. “Let me handle it,” Megan replied. Megan rubbed her hands together then slapped her grandpa on the face. He woke up immediately, but didn't say a word. They walked him to the ship and strapped him to a table in the lab. The lab smelled like dirty socks and rotten eggs. It looked like it had been there for centuries. It was all rusty and rugged. The moment she had stepped into the lab she could feel how old it was. Every time Bob or Greg moved something it would creak. “ So how are we doing this?” Megan asked. “We are going to give your grandpa a shot. It will take some of his blood. Then we will do some tests and figure out a way to take out the alien. When we do we can find a way to destroy all the foofs. “This could take up to a year I’m afraid,” Bob explained. Megan had to close her eyes when they gave him the shot. “It’s over Megan, you can open your eyes now,” Greg told Megan. In the blood from the shot was a foof egg. “If that egg would have hatched he would have become an alien,” Bob said worriedly. “Luckily we got it just in time,” Greg said relieved. Just then the egg hatched right in front of their eyes, it climbed out of the tube and it was as small as a molecule. It was so small Megan couldn’t see it, but she could hear the sounds of it’s screech. It was a weird sound, it sounded like a constipated goat. She felt scared and curious. “Grandpa are you OK?” Megan asked worriedly. “I’m fine honey, now tell me, what the hell just happened? Oh excuse my language I’m not used to being around children, what the heck just happened?” “We will explain later. Now let's get a move on with this. Oh, I almost forgot, Megan, you have to travel to our planet, Xythia, for a year, explained Bob. “You will have to eat our food and learn our language. If that is okay with you? And also, a year there is a second here on your planet.” Bob said. “OK, I’ll do it if you promise it is only a second here,” Megan agreed. “I promise,” Bob said.“Okay I guess we’re going to Xythia!! Then they got in the ship and headed off. On the trip they took along Megan’s aunt who lives with her grandpa. There they go heading off into space, but right then the ship lost all power and started to fall to the ground. Right then and there the ship crashed and Megan got up first and made sure everyone was okay, everyone but her grandpa woke up. Megan was scared. Her aunt comforted her, unfortunately her grandpa never woke up, and he never would. TO BE CONTINUED.