Rabbits on the Run Chapter 1 Once there were two rabbits living in a pet store. Their names were Hoppy and Bouncy. They were very enthusiastic! One night when the owner left and locked the door, Hoppy was trying to break the door of their cage. “Hey!” said Hoppy, “The door’s unlocked!” “Can you open it?” asked Bouncy. “Yes!”said Hoppy. The door swung open, and the rabbits hopped out. “What should we do now?” said Bouncy. “I don’t know,” said Hoppy. “Hey! Look, a window is unlocked, let’s hop out!” The rabbits hopped on top of their cage and out into the night. Chapter 2 Goldy the guinea pig was out in the woods looking for food. “Hmm, what should I have?” he thought to himself. “I’ll just take these pieces of raspberry and mint.” He waddled to his house, which was under the porch of an abandoned home. He used to belong to the boy that lived here before, but he escaped. Goldy was very nice. Chapter 3 Hoppy and Bouncy had gone half a mile before they decided to rest. “This is really tiring,” said Bouncy. “I know,” said Hoppy. “How about we find some food and a place to rest?” They went into the woods and found a couple stalks of wild celery to eat. As you probably guessed, the woods were near Goldy’s house! “Hey look,” said Bouncy. “There is a house that looks abandoned nearby. Maybe we can sleep there.” “Good idea,” said Hoppy. They headed toward Goldy’s house. Chapter 4 “Hey!” said Goldy. “It looks like there are travelers coming! I’ll go and meet them.” He waddled over to say hi to them. “Hi!” he said to the rabbits. “Do you want to stay with me?” “Sure!” the rabbits said. “Where’s your house?” “Over there,” said Goldy pointing in the direction of the abandoned home. “Come on, let’s go!” They hopped and waddled to Goldy’s house. It was kind of warm inside. “Goldy, can we stay here for a long time?” Bouncy asked. “Yes!”said Goldy. “You can stay here as long as you want.” Goldy wanted some company because he was kind of lonely. Unfortunately, someone wanted to catch them all and sell them back to the pet store. Chapter 5 When the rabbits and Goldy woke up, they found a net over them! Goldy chewed through the netting so fast that net was ripped to shreds. “Quick!” yelled Goldy. He showed the rabbits a tunnel they could stay in to keep safe. They scrambled in and crouched near the entrance. “We need a plan!” said Hoppy. “Wait!” said Bouncy. “Is that a water gun over there?” “Yes,” said Goldy. “It used to belong to the boy who lived here.” “See that water over there?” said Bouncy. “We could fill the water gun up with that water and squirt it at the man.” “Good idea!” said Goldy and Hoppy. They quickly filled the water gun up and dragged it out. “On the count of three,” said Hoppy. “Let’s pull the trigger and the water will squirt the man so he’ll never come back!” “One, two, THREE!” They pulled the trigger and there was a whoosh of water. It squirted the man in the face. The man was startled. He yelled and ran away. “Yikes!” said Bouncy. “That was close!” “Yes, it was,” said Goldy. “What if you stayed with me forever? I could sure use some help scaring bad people.”