The Robotic Arm Freddy was any normal teenager. Until the operation. He didn’t tell anyone, because he was scared. He was crossing the road when he was hit by a floating car. Hard. He had to get a robotic arm. It was designed to be like a normal arm. It was the first time anyone had been given a robotic limb. No one else knew about it except for his parents and the doctors that performed the experiment. It helped him with a lot of things. For example, before he got the arm, he always missed the ball when he was at bat during baseball. Now he hit the ball every time, no matter what, and he always scored a homerun. His teammates asked him what had gotten into him. He just shrugged. He was happy with his arm––until it starting acting of its own accord. When he was typing something for his class, the hand typed in a rude note about his teacher and Freddy got sent to the principal’s office. He got scared of his arm and didn’t tell anyone. But one night, the arm started taking control of the rest of his body. When he woke up, he was no longer Freddy. The arm now controlled part of him. He still had some control over what he did now, but was losing control every day. But he still didn’t tell anyone. The arm did all the things that Freddy used to do, but when it got home from school it would spend the rest of the day locked up in Freddy’s bedroom, building something. Since the arm was part of Freddy, he could ‘read’ the arm’s ‘thoughts’. So he knew that it was building a humanoid machine, one that could destroy the world. Unfortunately, by then Freddy was completely under the arm’s control. The only thing that he controlled were his own thoughts. One day, a friend asked Freddy to go swimming in the pond at 3:00. The arm knew that Freddy liked to swim, so it nodded Freddy’s head so his friend wouldn’t suspect that anything was wrong. At the pond, the arm sat Freddy on the side because it knew it would short-circuit if it touched the water. Suddenly, the school bully ran up to his friend, who was standing on the edge of the pool, and pushed him in the water. Then, before Freddy had time to react, the bully grabbed him and threw him into the water, too! The arm realized what was going to happen, but it was too late. When it touched the water, it short-circuited! Freddy was now back in control of his whole body, but he couldn’t control his arm, because it had stopped working. He managed to one-hand swim back to shore with his friend helping. On shore, his friend asked him if he was okay, and he told his friend the truth about his robotic arm. His friend was shocked that Freddy had never told him before. Freddy was relieved that his friend wasn’t mad at him. He said that he needed to get a replacement arm and raced back to his house. He asked his mom if he could get a new robotic arm, because the old one had short-circuited in the pond. His mom examined his arm. She said that it wasn’t supposed to short-circuit, but she took Freddy back to the hospital. He got a new robotic arm. If it starts taking control like the first one, then he will tell his parents right away. As for the half-completed humanoid in his room? He melted it in the fireplace.