Day1 Now and Forever an Adult “Yawn, Oh mah god! It’s the first day of Pixelcon Middle School. Time to get ready- wait where’s my dad? He always brings me a bagel with strawberry cream cheese?” I said to I myself. So I just got ready thinking of all the places dad could be and-- then it just came to me of course WORK! He is ALWAYS staying nights away when he is SUPER busy. Well at least mom’s probably not gone or else I would blow UP. As I went down the stairs and saw my mom and dad waiting for me. “Um so Katheren sweetheart we are err um.. Leaving.... you are an adult and you know how to make DELICIOUS food and we think it’s time for you to be alone. We are moving to the countryside where your grandpa lives because he has cancer and we want to say... Good bye and We love you” my mom said trying to hold in her tears. “Dad, is this REALLY TRUE because if it is... I’M SO EXCITED!!!!” I yelled. But before they answered they just left. Okay well I’m FINALLY alone yay. So I got ready for school and rode my bicycle to Pixelcon Middle School. I opened my backpack and got my school map, Classes to attend and headed for class 101 room 325-”Oof” I said falling over but then a pretty Hazel haired girl in a ponytail helped me up. “Hi I’m Alexzandrea you can call me Alex,” the smiling girl said. “Hi I’m Katheren you can call me Katey. I am a little lost can you tell me where room 325 is?” I asked Alex. “Oh I’m in room 325 too but I’m also lost...” Alex replied. The boy standing next to her smiled. “Hi I’m Saksonary--you can call me Sake. I am also In 325 and I know the way. Follow me Girls,” Sake said. He winked at me but didn’t at Alex. I learned this at my old school but I think since he only winked at ME He might like me? Well I DEFINITELY like him he is SO dreamy I thought to myself blushing. We followed Sake -- aka my crush -- to room 325 and took our assigned seats. Luckily I sit Right In the middle of Sake and Alex but I’m in the 2nd row and there are 4 rows so I’m behind some tall kids... I was going to think about being his girl but i think it would be better to be friends I thought to myself. “Hello class my name is Mr. Somfun and today we will be working on our day 1 essays, how we will do this is we will all choose a topic and give 7 different reasons that support your topic” the teacher said in a friendly voice. I talked to Alex and she agreed that I should write a topic about why I love my favorite drink and she writes about her favorite food. School yays and WAHHHS I was so happy to hear when Sake told us that the principal expelled the bullies to a boarding school all separated. But then the problem came along like a chariot in a great chariot race in Percy Jackson ( My personal favorite book #go check it out:). My next class was biology and I NEVER learned learned Biology in my whole LIFE and my mom thinks I’m like some kind of undetermined Biology Expert And I’m in...ADVANCED!!!????!?!??!?! WHAT THE HECK MOM SMART MOVE NOW I’M PROBABLY GOING BE IN THIS STUPID CLASS FOR LIKE 5 YEARS! “I have NO experience to this!!” Then I realized... I said that out loud! But thankfully I actually whispered it because my dad was SUPER shy when he was my age. Wow that was my school photo I am SO relieved because I thought I blinked heh Well a week ago was picture day and I finally got the yearbook as well as our self- portraits from art. Free blues I went outside at free period and looked at the clouds. This was how I got my OWN happy place I love Just staring-RING! - Ugh the bell rang oh also it REALLY passes time so use your time well “Hello students my name is Ms. Park you all are very ready to and attempt satisfaction or misery hopefully you all attempt to more than satisfactory but amazingly BEAUTIFUL like our souls:)” Ms. Park said she is our Heart-warming Art teacher who thinks that nobody is evil or bad just misunderstood... So whenever she says “Express your artistic-ness!” She means go and do your projects. Every time we go to art I draw something I’ve spotted among the clouds are some sort of thing like that... Anyway today I saw a seagull which was painted so it probably passed by the beach, at the beach some people try to catch the seagulls that come by and ain't different markings on them. So today I saw a seagull with dark blue feathers... But by the looks of my painting it just looks like a white bird with blue smudges. AT the end of class Me, Sake and Alex headed over to our classes unfortunately Alex goes to gym while we are at math so we said that we would all meet and the lab for science. During maybe a quarter of an hour into math Sake started gazing longingly for freedom and OMGOSH HE JUST PASSED OUT “Sir Mr. Salman my friend Sake just PASSED OUT” I said panicking so Mr. salmon quickly called an ambulance and we finished the day without Sake. Turns out he actually has a bad disease that makes you pass out at completely random times. At the very end of the day Alex and I went to check on Sake at the hospital. Seeing your friend doesn’t sound like something you would cry about at first but when I saw Sake I just couldn’t stand it. Alex DEFINITELY couldn’t stand it and she exploded so she is sitting in a chair drinking some water now... I looked so hard at Sake trying to wake him up and he finally did! “Oh my gosh are you ok???? Are you dehydrated or what what’s WRONG????” I bursted. Then I realized I already knew the problem... “Heh you are cute-err FUNNY when you do that yeah I said that you were funny hehehe ahem anywho I’m ok you don’t need to worry about me “ Sake said smiling. Good old Sake I know he is ok it’s just that he is my friend and I don’t want to lose either of them. Waiting for Sake to be able to leave the hospital was literal TORTURE everyday Me and Alex would stop by at the hospital to check if he can go or not and the answer was always the same “No not yet just wait and see” The check in lady would say. Leaving...again Today was the last day of school and I was felt both happy and sad 2 times The happy things are 1 Sake and Alex are going to hang with me over the summer and 2 is that SAKE WAS AT SCHOOL FINALLY!!! But the 2 bad things are 1 Sake is on...crutches and 2 today is the last day before 7th grade where it gets HARDER... still I’m so happy I run up to Sake and hug him “HI you are finally back in school!!! We missed you so much right guys! -NO one answered- still welcome back” I said The school day ended right in front of us and then came the final assembly exiting Pixelcon Middle School but thankfully not forever heh! “Hey guys it’s so sad that the school year just ran by like THAT it doesn’t seem fair...” Alex said looking maybe the 2nd to last look that we will see until summers over... “AHH----------” Someone or something screamed. It was Sake. “Alex we need to find Sake he would only scream if ACK” I said Somebody pushed me. It was one of the bullies that was never involved in bad things until yesterday he tagged the WHOLE gym and even though he was caught he still has not admitted it. He grabbed my arm and ran Sake tried to catch up but he was on crutches mso he was barely even walking but thank god Alex was right on our tal I reached my other arm out to her and she used it to slam Caleb(the bully) Into the wall “GO! I’ll hold e’m back you and me meet at the school gym closet 4 okay?” Alex said With a falling tone but serious gleam in her eyes So I ran I grabbed sake and we ran for the closet in the gym./ “WHere are you taking me???” Sake said “Alex will meet us at the gym closet that was what she told me at least” I replied. Almost 5 minutes later in the closet Alex showed up. “Hey guys can I have both your phones and can you wait outside for minute?” Alex said z” Sure we can wait” Sake said fr both of us. “Ok Ready now you to stand where the spots are and I will say when you can move around” Alex said with suspicious eyes. So we did that and Alex-What the!?!?!???!!’ A cage dropped as Sake and I yelled at Alex “Hey Alexzandrea let us out!!!” I yelled “OH yeah forgot to tell you, you guys are not coming out ‘til Katey CONFESSES!!” Alex said I knew what she meant... she knows about my crush on Sake. “Sake what she means is that I need to tell you how I feel about you I love you...a lot...” I said looking down. Love at first leaving “I actually love you too” Sake said he was blushing but he still walked up to me and- “What do you-...........” I said but Sake cut me off with a..... Hand over my mouth and..... “That was the easiest way to get you to be quiet” Sake said “But why kiss me? Couldn’t you just tell me to shut up?” I asked “ WELL Another reason is that we seriously need to get to the couples good bye dance” Sake finished WE made JUST in time to get to the dance floor and start dancing. “WAIT!!! I do not know how to dance!” I blurted I was trying to avoid getting into that for the year and... “IT is okay I can teach you the waltz” Sake said “The what???” I said so confused on him talking about a flavor of bubble tea.. “Just do this...1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 Okay???” Sake said so after the dance, they went outside and sat in a bench and looked up at the stars. “I know the constellations... w- want me to a teach you them?” I stumbled great my brain stumbled as we went over the constellations. And they lived happily ever after.