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16th Annual LEGO Contest

Category/Grade Name displayed with project Title Project Picture Project Video
PRESCHOOL Maya C-L Animal train D124FDA0-646A-470B-8E14-6175BE9BE8C4.png
PRESCHOOL Millieville Pool and Snack Shop Milleville Pool and Snack Shop Amelia Lego Build 2021.jpg Amelia Lego Build 2021.mp4
PRESCHOOL Ruby House with Lake IMG_2136.png IMG_0028.MOV
PRESCHOOL Samuel Harvey Sam's "Food Jumbo Jet" IMG_0802.jpg
PRESCHOOL Shaun the Pilot Jet Fighter of 2021 B4B755A4-5E95-42DA-AEAB-E77DFBAC79EC.png
PRESCHOOL The E Flyer The E Flyer IMG_0320.png
PRESCHOOL The Woofie Ship The Woofie Ship 20210805-131543-1073.jpg
PRESCHOOL Warren K. Superhero Team LegoContest2021.jpg