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16th Annual LEGO Contest

Category/Grade Name displayed with project Title Project Picture Project Video
Grades K-2 Star Wars Battle Scene 20210803_132935.jpg
Grades K-2 Big Robot Battle PXL_20210803_204630811.jpg
Grades K-2 Underwater world Chang_2021_Lego.jpg
Grades K-2 Abby Willis Kung Fu Training Palace image.jpg
Grades K-2 Airplane at the Airport Airplane at the Airport image.jpg
Grades K-2 Alfred Feeding time for the zookeeper IMG_1207.jpg IMG_1212.MOV
Grades K-2 Anton H Epic Castle Battle! Anton H AADL Lego Submission_2.png Anton H LEGO Submission 1.mp4
Grades K-2 Arthur H. IMG_7173.jpg
Grades K-2 Atticus Trav’s Evil Train AttiTrain.jpg
Grades K-2 Audrey Hotelling The Water Park AudreyHotellingLegoContest.JPG AudreyHotellingLegoContest.MOV
Grades K-2 Avery Marcus The Coral Reef AveryMarcusLegoCoralReef2021.png trim.E2B1E9E8-4A73-4B79-AE2B-4ABF28F19B0F.MOV
Grades K-2 Barrett Mercier Hagrid’s Snowy House image.jpg 65014905635__85345297-16FF-436B-8CBA-F6BA9718C2B8.MOV
Grades K-2 Bruno W. The Detroit Zoo bruno zoo.jpg trim.F8315B24-1E4D-416D-9BF3-32E9712D60A0.MOV
Grades K-2 Cameron Greuling the Tree House cam lego.jpg
Grades K-2 Cecilia Judge Ann Arbor school Cecilia Judge Lego Project.jpg
Grades K-2 Charlie Erickson IMG_2245.jpg
Grades K-2 Connor M Giant Battle Mech Connor Mech.jpg
Grades K-2 Double hot rod car Double mod hot rod car Car 1.jpg
Grades K-2 Elliot T X Wing IMG_20210806_190406.jpg VID_20210806_185026~3.mp4
Grades K-2 Emerson Superhero castle image.jpg