Michigan Argus, July 13, 1860
Digitized Articles:
- The Michigan Argus
- Classified_ad
- The Sunset Land
- The Two Last Candles Of A Goldmining Prospector
- An Army Reviewed By A Lion
- General Jackson's Wife
- How Poor Young Men May Succeed
- The Beard
- Marriage
- "I Don't Love You Now, Mother."
- One Of The Uses Of Sunday
- Garibaldi And His Heroes
- Youth And Age
- A Speech For Douglas
- Mr. Lane's Letter Of Acceptance
- Death Of Jerome Bonaparte
- Washington News
- Michigan Argus
- National Democratic Ticket
- The Party Of The Union
- "Under Which King."
- Their Mouths Are Closed
- No Union With The Seceders
- A Change Of Tune
- The Douglas Movement In Virginia
- Douglas' Champions
- The Democratic Press
- The Cattle Disease
- Arrival Of The Arabia
- Political Demonstration At Washington
- Fearful Disaster
- Another Horrible Murder In New York
- Arrest Of A Supposed Burglar
- Behind The Age
- New Advertisements. To Rent.
- Michigan Argus
- Classified_ad
- Will You Permit Me To Say That In The Remarks
- Teachers' Institutes
- Correction
- The County Fair
- Back Again
- Chronic Disease
- The Battle Creek Tournament
- Fiendish Outrage--Mysterious Affair
- The Markets
- Classified_ad
- Hildreth's Patent Gang Plow
- Interesting To Farmers' Wives
- The Use Of Plaster
- Attenuated Coal Tar, Remedy For Cut Worm
- Manners
- A Hint To Girls
- Classified_ad
- Classified_ad
- Classified_ad
Volume/Issue: Vol. XV, No. 756
Editor: Elihu B. Pond, Editor and Publisher
Old News
Michigan Argus