Michigan Argus, October 11, 1861
- The Michigan Argus
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- Gone To The War
- The Coffin
- How To Increase The Value Of A Cow
- Russell's Letters
- The Armstrong Gun
- Prince Napoleon On The Generals
- Effect Of Russell's Letters
- The Advance Of Our Army
- Superstition Of Great Men
- A Theological Discussion
- A Prince Sold By A Novice
- Baked Tomatoes
- Gov. Morton's Proclamation
- How To Choose A Horse
- Gunpowder
- How To Break Bad Habits
- Colonel Blair's Letter To Postmaster Blair
- Kentucky State Was Loan
- Another Victory At Hatteras Inlet
- Letter Of Ex-president Buchanan
- Important Fight Near Cheat Mountain
- The Envelope Letter
- Michigan Argus
- The Detroit Conference And The War
- Death Of Senator Bingham
- Another Regiment
- Lynch Law In Michigan
- For The Lancers
- Rev. Mr. George D. Gillespie Accepts Rectorship At St. Andrew's Episcopal Church In Ann Arbor
- Our Crisis Paragraphs
- Gen. Wool And The Mutineers
- Front Stockton's Regiment
- A People's Ticket In Chicago
- Gen. Crittenden
- The Rebels At Columbus, Ky.
- Died
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- Forever Flout That Standard Sheet !
- Michigan Argus
- Union School Exhibition
- Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Company
- The Circuit Court
- Arrival Of Dr. Hayes' Polar Expedition
- From The South
- Posit On Of The Michigan Regiments
- Where The Laugh Comes In
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- The Markets
- Drilling
- Plant Small Trees
- Weeds In Walks
- The Fifth Commandment
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Volume/Issue: Vol. XVI, No. 821
Editor: Elihu B. Pond, Editor and Publisher
Michigan Argus
Old News