Michigan Argus, September 26, 1879
Digitized Articles:
- The Michigan Argus
- Classified_ad
- Knitting
- An Invisible Wound
- The State Fair
- The Wrong Answer
- A Polite Hint
- Thf Farm
- Longevity Of Millers
- Keeping Fruit
- Ritual Formality In The Orange
- Co-operative Effort
- Gleanings
- The Michigan Argus
- It Must Be A Disagreeable Task That
- Vicinity
- Classified_ad
- Personal
- Classified_ad
- Mr. Tilden's Intellect Apparently Unshaken
- Classified_ad
- Classified_ad
- Classified_ad
- Cash Clothing House!
- Wines & Worden
- J. C. Watts
- Mack & Schmid
- City
- Sport
- Real Estate Transfers
- The University
- Personalities
- Classified_ad
- The County
- State Fair Premiums
- York
- Bridgewater
- Salem
- Classified_ad
- Who Got The Sword
- Married
- Died
- Ann Arbor City Markets
- Classified_ad
- Large And Elegant
- Ann Arbor, Mich.
- News Of The Week
- Detroit In Brief
- Miscellaneous
- Personal
- Political
- Detroit Markets
- Classified_ad
- Black And Colored Cashmeres!
- Star Clothing House
- Mack & Schmid
- Classified_ad
Volume/Issue: Vol. XXXIV, No. 39
Editor: John N. Bailey, Editor and Publisher
Michigan Argus
Old News