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Tlie market is inactivo - ihere beuig uo transactjona whatever to quote in staple articles. Thé tfewa by tlie [liliernia nnnounccd a decline; Iut it is uncertam, aa yet, how miich, tuid dealers are waiting. iï. fï w.o. April 11. SomeSro l)lls. good brand s Michigan flonr cbanged hands yewtsrday aftenioon at ,?"'■ Holders of gooil brand, however, are uot desirous of solliiifflto-day, un Her Jjó 00, and at. tbis qiiotation gome 200 bbls. ií' two rather choice brunds Oaio have been taken. TheRnilroed isdoing nothingin llir way of relieving owners or buyera offlour,and operatioB are mueh retarded in consequeiice. Wheat is without inovement, ehange in ratos. Cora is duíl ai Í2a 44o. ; Pork Uaccumulaling rapidly, and prices havs declined. No. 1, mess. caanct v qunted al $9 50. and prime at íjii 50. We notice the sale ofsome -JO bbls. nirss al. iiiis qiiotation. [n grain tbere is un cbanse. Hams and pickles are solling at $9 50. Lard !n bbls. a Ll , brins 6i a 6 Je. Nkw Yohk, April 11 - 3 í. JVI. I'ltmr js diill at yesterday.' cates - $6 25 lo sil 50 is the wliele range, and it isnot easy to eet over Jü 37. for C. ■ lesee. (' ira i; al in moderate demand, at 33n34c ood lots of yellow. Pork is lield more tinnly , Mc-sb ;-.! ■:;.! ; l'rime'$S :ir. aaked. Sales 3Ü0 bbls. Sales 1100 bQsh,GeuLsee Wheat afluat at som'ething off ?1 1:1.