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The slivery men among tlie Democrats of Northern Illinois lately met with a most decided def'eat. A great meeting of the Democ rncy was called in Cliicago, on the evening of tho 23d February. The object eeemed to be to sustain the Administration, and blind the Slavery question, and intimate thal " Lorfg John" was scarcely in the line of his duty in standing up so slifily for freedom. Patiiotic resolutions wero passed ; but the friends of freedom and " Long John" determined also to show their opinions. Thomas Hoyne was called to the stand amidst grcat clamor, hisscs from the serviles, and shouts from the freemen. The Chicago Democrat gays : " He alluded to certain secret workings ot cl[ues, whoso objects were to give the go-by to measures on vvhich the Demoiracy, who love freedom, are united and deterniined, for tho purpose of getting into favor with the President. He denounced the course of General Cass, Mr. Buchanan, Mr. Woodbury, and other professed Democratie leaders, who have been pandering to the South for Southern votes, as contemptible, and unworlhy of Democrats - especially in the case of General Cass, who would writo a whole column in favor of flavery, and only a few Unes about harbo? atid river appropriations. He was rapturously cheered hy the Barnburners, and hissed by the Hunkers. The conquest of Mexico and the annexalion of Mexican territery he considered a 'fixed fact,' and tlie queslion of Freedom or Slavery could not be avoidod. And though the Administraron was opposed to limiting slavery and hurled its tliunders of disapprobation al all who were for the ' White Men's Provoso,' he ready to meet the issue asafreeman. Hu vvished to know if Democrats wanted to conquer Mexico, that thcy might extend tho área of sluvery 1 Did they mean to carry the llag of freedom in one hand, and the shackles of slavery in the other 1 Was it for this they pou:-ed out their ufe blood as free as water?" He concluded by making a series of resolutions, some of theni strongly Anti-Slavery. This move did not suit the getlfrs up of the tneuliiig, and molion was made to lay them on the table ; bat it was defeated. Then cominenced a prodigious struggle, anridst which a motion was made to adjourn. The Chicago Dcmocrat saya : 11 Whetlier it was carried or not, (ve ihought it was not,) the Chairman declared tlie meeting adjourned; wliereu)on, a. violent clamor was raised. But Mr. lloyne took the chair, called for order, and announced that a new Meeting would lic held, as the oíd one liad closed the gato against free discussion." A hot discussion ensued. Mr. [. N. Arnold at last got tlie finor, and delivered an argumont in favor of tho principie of the Proviso, and closed by oftering the following resolutions : " Resol red, Tliat ve recogmze in the letter of tlio lamented Wright truo principie wliich sliould control the Federal Government in approprialions for the improvement of rivera and harbors - a principio applying equally to the lake and sea coasts, and the great rivera wliose channcls and conimerce are beyond the jurisdiction of the State. ' Resolved, That whilc the Democracy of Chicago, as represerited in this. meeting, will adliere to the compromises of the Constitution and maintain all the reserved rights of the States, they declare their uncompromising liostility to, and tlieir determinatiqn to prevent, (by all constitulional means,) the extensión of slavery into territory now free, which mav bo acequirnd by any action of the Federal Government: The first resolution was passed without discussion, the Oíd Hunkera being silenl, " The fecond resolution" says tho Democrat, was fought inch by inch, by Messrs. Ballingall, Churchill, and others, and defended with equul pertinacity by Messrs. Hanierre and Bradley, Mr. Hanierre, especially, was eloquent m lus defonce of the ' White Man's Proviso,' ano doclared his opposilion, as a Democrat, to the'extension of slavery to .Mexican territory that is to be annoxed. The question was finally taken, but only carried by a smull majonly, amidst the most terrible coüe and confusión. This set the Barriburncrs, or Long John men, in ecstacies, and the meeting broka up after giving three chcers for Mr Hoyne. " 'Thus endeth the first lesson.' We hear that ihere M a prospect of having it repented n the dilTerent ward meetings that are to be lield, for the nominalion of aldermen and mayor. It is certainly capital fun for those n-ho are not oxpecting office, and 'dori't care which whips.' " Now, who dons notknow thut, wera it not for influcnct's emanating from Washington, uot thc slightest opposition would be offered, ni a single free State, to the doctrine of the ordinance of 1787?. The administration has long arms, but its grasp was not quta long