Glorious Announcement

The following mngnftniraOHS announcement cntitlos Franco, not thooretically, but practicnlly, totbé mima of tlio bomo of tho brave but tho land of tho freo. Let tho United States stond rebuked for oourishing tho unrigViteona system of ogpression. "The Provisional Government has received a doputation of colonial negroes and nmlattoes, commissioneil to expres the gratitude of thoir fellowcit.i.ons to tho Republic. M. Crémieux, ns one of tlio nembors of Government, replied to their address in tlio following tonus : " ' Dear fellow-citizens, friends, brothers : lam happy to hail you in the nnmo of the Provisional Government of the Republic, overy part of which lias entertained the grent thouglit of emancipttting sucli of yonr fellow-countrymen aa Ftill reinnin in siiivi-ry. SJavery, aJaveiy, in the midst of liborty ! Why, tliis is tho most odious, the most afiBioting inconsistoncy. Dislinctions betvreen mon ! Tliis is a violation of thp law of both God and man. [Lond npphinse.] We havo only proclaimed the principies which dweil in the hearts of ïll nmnliind. Yes, the National Convention ihat. grand, that iniinortal assembly, had rostorod you nll to froedom, bat tho error of a graat man again placed you ununder tho yoke which yim had beliuved wasbi'okon furevei'. You, who, (inving been slaves, had bocome freerhan, rondered to the lih'erty which had beon restored such gient and important services you youraolves were cast back into aorvitude ! Tho new Republic will accomplisli whiit the Republic of 17!)'.! proclaimed. You shall agaiu bocome freo. There shall no longer bo a sluve on tho soilofliberty. In our colonies, as well ns in Continental France, overy man who inhabits tho land shall be freo. You will provo yourselves worthyqfit, for you ever havo boen so. And when slavery shall havo disappeared, our descondnnts will exclnim with pride-it was to the Revolution of 1848 thnttho final aljolition of slnvery was dus. Vive Ia Republiquo !' " Thifl was re-echded, fiy repented crios of ' Vivo la Kctijubliqui: ! Vivo lo Governineiitprovisoiru 1' ''
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Michigan Liberty Press