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Worth Thinking About

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It 3 probable that of the causes which hav injured the health of womentlie principal say the Phil. Casket, have been llie prodigious multiplicado!) of romances d uring the last century. From the eradle to the most advanced age they read them wilh that eagernsu which veeps them almost without motion and without sleep. A young girl instead of running abouv. and playing - reads, perpetually reads, and at tvventy becomesfull of vapora, insiead of being qtialitied for thedutiesof a good wife ornurset These causes, which influence the physical quaiity , influence the moral man. 1 have known persons of both sexes, whose constitution wo'd nave been robust, wero they not weakened by the too strong impression of impassionate writings. The most tender romances hinder marriages, instead of promoting them. Woinan while her heart is wartned by tlie lano-uor of love, does not seek a husband ; a hero must lay his laurels at her feet. The fire of love docs'nt warm her heart, it only inflames her imagination. J We are odebted to theMacon Journal and Messengrr for the following telegraph coinmuuication, rocoived at a late lust eveiiins; : Mcaon, April 13, 1848. Lieut. McAllister, U. S. Artillery, has just arrived tVom Moxico. Frotn hiin vo loarn tlmt Santa Anna had gono to Antigua uiuler a Mexican escort, nd eu)lnrked for Janiiiica frorn ihiit ])ort. Before he lefl Mexico, a messeoger with dispatchei fiom the Pacific en me with Lieut. McAllister; ho paMod tlirough Qnorelnro nnd says ihe Treaty will be ratified. [N. Y. Tribune.] Dr. Coolidge, under sentenancc ofdeath in the Maine State prison.hai been eet to learn the trade of a shocmakcr.