Potatoe Disease
Among the mass of conflicting evidenca the following seem to be established as facts ; lst. ïhat potatoes planted early in the season are more healthy than those planted later. 2d. That the erop has suftered Iess n dry elevated sandy districts than in moist, rich sous. 3d. That the late varieties are more diseased than the early ones. 4th. ïhat sound seed be used, and that fresh land be chosen, or where a diseased erop has not been raised. ff?" The Eulogy on the life and character of John Quincy Adams, by Hon. Edward Everett, was delivered on Saturday at Boston, before an immense concourse of people. (L?" Place woolen clothes in rushes or trees infested with cuterpillars ; in the morning great numbers ofthe leaf-devouring insects will be found on them. tt?" The Canal Commissioners of New York have given notice that the water will be let into all the canals of the State on Monday May lst. [Journal of Commcrce, April 2-r.]