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Great Fire In Detroit

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The city of Uittrok was yestenhiy visited with a tnojt disastrons oohflti'gralimi, It is ea maled ilie loss cannot full ihort of $200.000, ind at. least 300 families are liouseless. The firo originaled in the large storelionne etween Ipiles and ({mulolph slreels itnoccnlicil, l)y sparks fi-om tlie propeller Si. Joscph, which was Hrülg n attliu time, it iibout lid II' ist 10 o'clnck in llie fo-emmn. The ate lonse occupied y De Wolf, ihe old Herthlft Marlet, tlie Steamloat Ho, el. WhIps' Ho el &:. are all ín aslies. Nol a Iniililing left tanding below Jefferson Avenue, lietwceti irnsli st, nnd in alley hetueen Bates and iandolpli strei'ts, cxcept llie ware lionse of irev. ster & Dugeon, and Tliompson's Hutel, ixl inativ are liurtied iljnvo IJrusli s'rcef. On JefTerson A vpime.every Imildini; on the onth siile, is ilestmieii f rom the iihvv Campau ilock, which was panially deslroved, to the econd building Uelow the Cnngrogational linrch. All Ijetweeii that and the river, is in shes. It is impossilile to give tho names of tlie ufFerers, astill id excitement at the timeofpreanng this accoilltt. The builJing n whic'n was the Achertiser, vüs grciitly clareaged, lut the muttiriala wero mncipilUy saveij. hut of coursu ili. re will tag Ins-i bv clüiTüige iinil lfl;iy in pohlicHtifirt. The citizens Uil ftfuwintl Jt-serve gre;it croilfor tlieir iclivity II en levyrin til urrest tin itmes. Ai onc time it v thoiigbt íkijxisl)l i a-rost tl. e prnorri'ss of Ihf firft, nntil il iai liiinifd eveiy tliiiigun the south siile if ctTfroon Avenue, ilxive Batt's strei-t, l)iit tlie ind shifteil, which eiiüliled the tiremen to ft hIiiuiI of' ts nrogrest. Sevenil Kaïttlfng ere lilmvn iip oitorn lvn, ifi the hopivs of xippioK i's jTogress, btit without accoaiilisliiny t li nliiecf Jtíffcrmm Avori'ie i almost pntirely blocked ui with furiiítúre and tre srnod. Mr Wales, of Wales' Hotel, saved a great part of his costly, furnrtur, bnt bis lc9s s (iiite heavy, hs is the losa -if Major, Biddln, who üwnod the building - probn'bly $20,000 aboye insnrance. Tliis building waí the first lirick edih'ce built n Michigan, and was occupitld by Gun. Huil dui ing tlie last war witli Englaní) Mr. Entrn's Ioíí, who was in the same lmililmr, is, argc, But wecannot gi ve tlie ñames of all tlie suffeirrs, as thv are rnariv. ( We are iiuable ti say h"v rnuch ofthe )rcii,-rly di'stniyed, was írisured, bul we presume very little, írom the fart lliat insnrance conipanii'S (eclineiJ takn; itisnrance in llial netgliliorliDod. The Sieamliuat Hotel, we undeistand. was iiinnsiired, and the large blnrk nf VVhIcs' Holel, was nsuied for only S500C I he sinall wnoden buililinM occupird as grcicenes ind bntcher shups below .IcfTeraon av enue Ture prob.dily all .isired - The cal, inet, wagon, blackstnilh, uid Imk liopg, &c; , were nearly til iininsured. iind llieir iss is nrgr. One cabinct shop coniainod abont $2000 Ütllihed work which was all destroved t5P I' would !e jnst, and an act of charitv, for these ut'our citizens'who escapeil the di-sIruetion Mcident to rile H'e vesterdiy. tu leu, I .1 lii'lpinp han, I to the p.x.r "who hnve met wiih inch sevrre loss. We hope ineasures will be taken to turinsh shelter to those who are houseess. Mnny of them are sick. and were rernoVt!(J nn luiers. ld The Draymen are deserving of greaf iraise f ir the free tender pL their time and drays yesterday in removí ng fnrnitnre anl the sic'. We saw a great nnmber of draymen carrinor (urnitnre frce of charle. t l'he whole city was in dangfif iJimrig the progress of the fire yesterday. fiom th" sparkes, which were in every direction, to be seen in the air. E] ven wonden buildings as Congiess st, were several titnes on fjre. bnt pnt ont. - 11 was necessary to keep semináis on the house tops in all paris nf the city east of U'oodard avenue. Free Press] GF John Wintor, wlio miirdcreil hia wife on 25tli of April, has hud his trial, und been fmiiid uMiilty. Ou Tnesday morning. the prisoner wns lrongh'. into conrl lo nc-ive. his sentennu, and on liéing askrd if hn'liad anv thing t say, whv llin Sfiiianee of the Ihvv slmiild not lie 'passed on. hun cniil'essi'd tlir Coinmïseion of the oftVrice, and said lip was ín a state of deiaiit'inent, and vs vvilling to suffer the penalty of ihe luw. J.idge Millr proimoncecj the seinene oF ilie hnv upón him as fixi'il Iw I.'ie Statute of oiir iat-, viz : " That prisonur h rninini.lcd to Mie .State J.ickson, insülitary ConHiioini'ni rirhanl lahor, duritig lifé;" (Le Judcre rernHrking tliat the Statu te Ie ft no direciinn witli the coupl in lixing tht st'iitence, mul tliat fit did sn in the leasr. Jeg'ee, he sliould nol be disioeil t.o varv it. The p i-i-iOMT is in elderly man, somn 55 yt'iiis oíd n)arenlly, with locks as white as snow. Ilis co intiMMiict! does nof appear tn exhiUit the fémures, eillier of i inaiiiao. or a rnunleriT. Hls uva is mail and ruther restless, and during the trial he tnanfitsttd no. envitimi nr feelin?, hut k'jt hi t'm-c parlially covorad H with his hundkerchief. Thus bn heijiiii and ended another soont, the result of jiiiloiiNa ; has ternnnatt'd the resuli of' those siisui(iis, whicli apimwntly Imd no foundation ; lliushas olosed the career, u fiel, of one, whci luis deslrnyed hunian lile ii inelanclmly exhibilion of dupruvity - a folon, nul a fooi.