
Washinutojt, April C5, 1848. Senate. - Varioua im-moriais wero presentÃ. Mr. Cass moved i]it tlie Sonate prceced fo consiileraiiiii) of' tlie California liill. Mr. Hale asked tlmt a vote tniglil be takpn in tiin molion irc ioiislv Ifitrojucé H l.ill prviMiiing riolu in tlic District of C llumliiil. Tlie mntiotj of .Mr. C'a-.s Wij W(ed in tli iffirtiiiitlvc - yens 25, miys 9. The liill in ra Intion tn tlie California claims was thi-n Ifdaled BI large, on tlie a'niindmetit to sulistituto f oionel Fremoiit and two otliej offirers for ilie Cormnissioners to oxaniine the duim &c. Mr. Masón -ns o)posed to tlie amendmenr, and Mr. Badger sutstained t. Mr. Bt-nlun followed in support of the amendmenf. Mr. Uinli'iwood obtained the floor, and tl: Señale acljnnrned. House. - Orà molion of Paleli Smirli, the liill for iidinisïiiin of Wisconsin as u Stalw imide llie special onler of tlie ny fnr TiieiJiiy next, and everj duyl hereafier till dispuaud of. Tlie quetion of privilego tlion came np. - - Mr. Wiek reaü i speecli fioni the Clerk's desk, rui tlie subject ot'bliiverv, tlie mol, nii-sluvcrv, ihe Wilmol Proviso, &cc... Mr. Gidding- i'o'llowed in au hour'a speech. Mr. Brnwn, ut AfÃMÃipfi,obtained tliofluor, and moved t(j Uy fhf wliole subject on tlie IklIe, nnd tbc resolutiou was cariied - yeas 130, DUVI 42. The Honse resolved itself inrn Committee ofrhe VVhole, and took tip the tiill rrUting to the Soidier'8 Bouuty LamU, or tie liill to se cure Ixxinty brath to soldier who have licen promolcd fir.m the riinks dniingrhe war uith Mexico. Afl"r sorne time spent in its con.sij. eraiion.the Curnuiiltee rose.iupüitfd progriiïj, und the Huusu adjonrned. Aprii. 26. Senate. - The Senare, nffer some cïiscusaion. paMed, by a vote of 26 to 15. u resol ut ion the liepoter of the Senate to supply each member ol the House of Representativo witb a copy of liii report of debates in th Senate dor the present Congres, ihe expeng to bs püiil out of the contingent fund. Mr. Cass moved to proaej fo the consideration of the California billa, hm Mr. Hale remaiked that. as the rnorning hnur had nol vet expired, he would like to have kit reqnestfor leave to introduce a bilà disposed of. He vü# ixit anxious to debare the subject, but if the int.-nlion ol the genlletiian frotn Michigan u t get ri.] of his bill, he must ask theeaa und rjny.i on tlie tnolion to preceed to the conaiüeraiiou ot the Culifornin bill. They were ordereil, and the n-sult slood - Yeas - Messrs. Allen, Atchison. Athernton, Badjer. Bagliy, Bell, Benlon, Bréese, Brigl.r. Cumeron, Va, Clayton, Criltendvn, Da v i's of Miss$ip;. Ãaytnn, Dix, Felch, Houston. Johnson of Marvland, Juhnson of Gi-orgiu, Lewis, Mdiigum, Manon, Moor, Pearce, Itiiák tÃpruance, Undervvood, and U'escoil - 29. N.4VS- Messrs. Calhoun' DnugUs, Hala, N'ilt's, Phulps, rnrtiey, an.l Uplmni 7. Mr. Douglas uotice of his intención to cail up the Tenitorial bilis the first moment aiier the Coliliirnia liill was disposed u{. Tlii bill was iheji debaied at ome ltngth.w hen th rieuate went iiito lixecutive session, and, itiCer sorne time spenl thereii:, adjourned. House. - Numerous report wero mad from the coiiiiniitees Mr. Bun, (rora tbe Cnmmittee on Military Affairs, reported i bill rorepeul llie proviso to the act of June 18, 1846, fur ruiling miliiary lorch. &c, The proviso enacls t'hat, on tlia ratitication of the treaty uf peace wiili .Mexico, the. two Major Generala shuJI ,ti n-dnceJ to onc, and the Cour Brigadier Geneiiila. i(l two. U was atUched to ilie act to secure, IwyouJ all coniuigeiLcy, the rediiction oï the nni' olarmy otficers. The bilà reponed ),y Mr. Buit to repeal this proviso gave rise lo con?id - eral. Ie deUue. ( )n ,â. sije , WHS ,ut tl e great services performed hy both Maj,,r li'-iieiüls Soo;t and Taylar v ,.re Uch that neilher conld l.e dismisscd wnliout injuslice. On the other. it was stiid that value o{ their services should nvail iiotliing igainst the poliy if reducing the arniy to a peuco estabiiahmeni. A moiion to lay upon :he tnhle was ]ot- yeas 75. nays 105. The Ml was then order ed to bc eirgrossed. Au atlempt was made to pui it upon its Knal passage, hut tho Speaker rcte.-red the House to tl, e rule which prohili. its the third reading of a biti on :,e same day t is reported, unless l.y unaniraous consent; besides, ihe bil! cnulil nnt nnw receive a thirj reading, becausu it was not engrosscd. April 27. Sente.- Amonor tliu petitinn piv-spntrd, were, onc l.y Mr. Hale in raluin Io Invery in iiöw territory, an.J anotlu-r in relalion tu the lio of a mother nd her duughter to sutisfy o. jti.lgin.-iit of the United States. Mr, ü.ivis rqmjtcl, i-h Hinendments, tlio H -se l)ill lor the ventilation uf iutMninf ve. si;ls. Mr. Cliiyton suhmittpd cnos of reioJutioin sktu inC.rtiwtiou from the Secivimv of VVr cuiioriing the aiMnorif Uuiivti Siaroi. A resoliiiion siilxnitied hy Mr HndgLT. ut'. Blriirting the Comrmiteo on the LiiHrv to piIrc'iHM) Ute full I.-Mjrth porlrait oFGen tavlor, painled l.y Ci. Brown, of Ri.-lunond On a m.-tion hy Mr. Hale to l,,y r.'solution on the talle, the vote Rtooil - ye,s H, â,IVS jg Adel.1, U.ngth to,,k olce. Ãn whwb Messrs. Hannejran, Undei-wood, Ha! Bninr, Dayton, and others, purticipated ; aft er wlu.h' a motionto lay n-solntioii on the tubl.; pre' vaile. I - v-as 21. navs 15. The Senate then debatfd the California bill till the liour of idjourrinienr. Hc.USK.- The Speaker Siii.l the first luisinpg, n order was ihe in,.t..ii t( j,riât 10,000 extra copies âf ihe Scolt, Taylor, and TrUt correnpondence. (la thw rnotinn, i l'nar. discursivo, nnd mmt iiniiiiorostiiüT w ut], vu cloitsd ly ailoptiiiii of ilie reaolttñoo. FtM House then adjourned, April 86. Sewte.- The l.ill n nscpi-tain and ettle tlie Califoniiu ch.ims Wüs (lcl)iillied. TIn a ni.'ndmcnt en e ved l.y Mr. Manon, if Virginia, was i'pji-pted, nd the l)i)l was MRsed. A Fier sniiip time bjmmh in evecutive busineis, the; Si'nale adjourti'-d Hoüsk. - The Hoiisp. rp&olved itsolf into Committee of tlie Wliole on th; Private Calendar. Sume thirty hÃlfs wpre ct.-d np-.n, nnd rpjiorted to ihe Rouge, whun they wet read â tliird timp, nnd passcd. Reports from ommittees were mado, and tlie House aüjuurncd. April 20. Sex.vte - A mpssnge was rpeoived Trom th Pre. ident in relation to aid to Yucaton. The messugo having been read, Mr. CalH}un gXpress''?d " -grot ibat th Prpdtv.i fUcitiM Imve l,ikn (itlu-r lliatl llu: high troon I 0t liii-mitiiry. Ho pi-citcsitd jg iint the diictrnt- o Inoadlv HSerteil n renprcl to llie muii-i:irliri'ioe ol Eiirop.Hn nHti'niis willi this Qotrtiueirt. He ali exprvad tlie opinión that t!ie had luien partial'v ins'.rurnvntil in lnngiiiii ihinit the i'vilg llitv were suiti'riiiir ni],,.r, in tn-iiting as eqniils the 'u'nitrunl hnntea wlm wen; mow iiiming upnn ihftii. S. it wuiild iKviiy be in similar casi-s. Mesara. lljiinpgHii aiul Fiwite wcre surpri cl ai llu' it'tximenu if Mr. Citlhoiin, luit dvv ini i . tin' Fael tlüit ii of'the SenHte wis dving ut liiü linlinjis, (Mr. Aslilcv, of Arican san,] no uel)iile tuok j)lacf, unj lliu Senute adjililllU'tl. H)isi:.A innlnr menimge was r'ncl in tin.' U'iuse, mui, iificrd'imi Jiitciiüsioit, was rei-if.J r tlu' ('oiiimiiit-e un Forcign itulatiuns, uu llie IIoum iiiljoiirncil. Miv 1 mul 2. Til noni'qui'nce nf the (iealli of Senntor Al) ]i;v wlinsi1 iitiermfnt tonk pkiec last Teii]ity ut la n'clock. no liii.iiifss waacliine in Curigress, except tlu' uniioiinceiiiiMii ot'hii decpiist mid usual I'OsmIiiIiiiiis ; and also tilt' piKsat' in tlif Huns! ut two resoliiliniis, unÃ1 clmngiiig tlu' linur nt'mi'ttiiu{ 'verv d.iv, t'roiii ' u'clnek, I ti II; tlit' nthiT, niaking the iippropriatinn liiltn the Hpt'ciai order l'ir "dm-'sday, ttnd evry div theieatior until itispofeed of. Mvv 5. The Bill fur tlifucriipntiiin nf Yucatán liciiifj bef Te .Sfiiaii'.üf'icT Mr. Ãlaniipgan had c-otic'iili''l H pi-pch in favor nftlie iiit-sM-e, Mr. CiWll sp ikf' hri' fly ai; linst it. Hi' rcardi'd it as -i violitni!) nl'ihc tn-atv with Mexico. Hill violatfd the artn'oficH. Mr. ,ISèrmin Divis pmitiwetl ii tuhctitiitp, niitli'irizin r thi1 Prt'-iiileiil t (MfriJ a purtion of mr troups duw in Meicc to Yucatán, and tipJily tln-ir places with tu-w vciluntcers. Mr. Ciiiti-iulun opposed ImjiIi the büls an! anii'iidmi-ni. Mr. Fnof defended 'lie measiire and tln bJminÃ3tratir)ii, and uithoiit laking the, queslion tliu Sonate ailjuurned.