Tb Senstü Tras not in sossio.i oa Snturcïiiy, ïayG, The House of Representativos was engaged on private cle.ims. Wasihngtoïc. Mnnday, May 8. Skxate. - Mr. üiü ot'N. Y. preson'tod tiie ros olutione ot'tlmt State in furor of the payiucnt of French claims forspoliations prior to the year 1800. Mr. D. sniil tho subject was one of vast importance, and fro-n tho juslice oi the claims, so long deferred, now endorsed by the Legislatura of the Stato of Naw-York, entitled them to the respectful consid eration of the Senate. Tlicy wero on motion duly received and ordered to be priated. Mr. Upham of Vt. presented reiolutioos adopted by the Legislature of that Stato in favor of Whitnoy's Ruiiroad extending from Lake Michigan to the Pacitic, which vrere on motion duly received and ordered to be printed. After the transaction of sorne other uniinportant business, on motion, the bill previocsly reported, adopted as the special order of the dny, for the aid end relief of Yucatán, was taken up. Mr, Houstou then rose and mnde an able speech in support of the bill. Hedeiended the War with Moxico, and charged that Annexation cnused the war, and not the march of troops to the Ie ft bank of the Rio Grande, which no more produced the war than the march of Gen. Tuylor'sforces to Corpus Christi. Mr. Cass moved a resolution eaUing npon the President for all correepondence refarting to Yucatán, which was adopted. Senate ndjourned. Mr. To'nnson of M ai y lund, moved to takp up the reeolutioii which he had previouslv oftered, asking the President to inform the Senate whether there were officers employed in tho military service of the United States whose nominations had not boen sent nKt the Senate, and if so, his reasons for withholding them. __ Mr Johnson, making the motion, addressed the Senate in favor of the resolution. He strenuously contended that tho Senate had a right to know why the President had not sent in the nominations Gen. Gideon J. Pillow and Gen. Caleb Cushing, with the namesof other officers. He said it was the first time in tho history of our Government that nominations had buen thus unreasonnblv delayed. Mr. Niles of Ct. contended that the President, as an individua!, was not subject to the Senate, or its mandates ; but that lie, as the Execuüve, was a coordinate branch of tlie Government, and that, as such, was bevond the power or control of the Senate, and that the SerÃate had no power toinquire into, or lo cali in qnestion riglits granted to him by the ConstitutioD. : iose, and was about procceding to reply, but Mi'. Hannegan, of Ind. moved to tarke up the bül relating to the relief proj)osed to be supplied to Yucatán, in the way of. military occupation, &;. Mr. Lewis of Ala. moved to lay the resolulion on the table, which was lust. Mr. Jefferson Davis of Miss. said thr.t the Bill should be so framed as not to viólate an important principie, and considered the ground of the proposed intervention was wrong. He aid we could not base our action upon the score of humanity. If we were to proceed on such a pretext, there was no knowing how far that ground miglit carry us in interlering with other nations undor the same plea. He prefered to put it upon the ground that Mexico owes protection to Yucatán, and that as we have put down theabiuty of Mexico to aftbrd protection, we owe it to tho people of Yucatán to substitute ourselves for Mexico as tlitir protectors, unli! Mexico shall bp aW â lo perform a daty fhe has liithnrto -"ercised. Mr. Davis acceptedof the araendment Mr. Mil lor, of New Jersey, spoke in strong terms in opposition tu the origina! Bil!, which he ch iracterisod u lïits most extraonünury . and concjuest. es ridiculed the idea of alarm bein;? manifesUid at the jjrowth ot' British power on tlus continent. He contended that we had nothing to fear from any power on earth, and we had no more reason to fear England than we had Vo fear Mexico. He concluded by saying ttat whatever could possibly be c!o7ie for Yucatán, he was ready on hi part to do oheerfuüy. On motion, the Senate then adjourned. WAStÃttÃoToi, May 10, 1848. Senate. - On motion of Mr. Wescott, the bill for the relief of suttlers in Florida, under the armed occupation act, was taken up, and j after some debate, passed. Without concluding the morning business was laid aside and the Yucntan bill called up Mr. Cass addressed the Senate at support of the bill, in reply to Mr. Nües. Washington, May 12, 1848. Senatk. - Mr. Johnson's Resolutiun in relation to deferred appointments, was called up and postponed until to-morrow. The Yuc-atan bill was then taken up and debated by Mr. Davis, who was succeeded by Mr. Calhoun, w'ho has the floor to morrow. Adjourned. Hoitse. - The Wisconsin bill, after sorao debate, was taken up. Mr. Bocock af Virginia, addressed the House upon the motion to reconsider tho bill, regulating the compensation of postmasters, and opposed the amendments made in the Senate. He tho'jght the postmasters should have an increase rather than be curtailed. The motion to reconsider was lost, and tho bill referred to the committee on Post Offices and Roads. Wasiiin-gton. May 12th, 1848. Senate. - A message was received from the House forwrdvng the Wisconsin bill, which was read twicej and roferred to the committee on territorios. Mr. !))"â i to notice, brought in a bill graniing public lands in Iowa, for the parpóse of cdiwtrucURg a raüroad conn'jctmg the Missoun and era. Mr. Davi-i pallad up the bill relating to milâ â bounty lands, reversing tae decisión of .the commissioners of pansions. The bül was unended and pissod, Tho Sonate then resumerl the discussion of the resolution asking the President for informalion in relation to the appointments withheld. After Mr. Johnson (who had the floor) had concluded his remarks, he was followed by Mr. Allen, who made a speech upon constitutional points involved in the resolution. The subject was laid aside informally, and the Senate spent the rest of the day in executive session. House. - The bill relating to the compensation of Post Masters, was called up and passeil, and sent to the Senate for concurrenoe.