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Btcmuval. THE Tailorin Establishment of Willinm Roe is removed to McCainly' Block, the corner store, wliere he will boglaJ to waitou liisoid customers and all new rmns who may favnr him ■wñt.h il! 3 VBITBRR fVICW VOIIK COLLEGE OF HEALTH, 207, Main 3trcet, FJuJfalo Neto York DR. G, C. VAUGHN'S Vegetable Litliontriplic Mixlure. rpiITS celebrated remedy is constantly raoreañng ït J_ fimo ly the many cures it is making uil the wnrld. It lias now hecomi: the only medicine fok family use, and is particularly recnmmenl'd for DBOP8Y: alt atagea nf tbif compmiat mmed'mtely relieved, 110 matter of llow long standing. See Pampldet for testimony. GRAVEL, nnd all disenees oftlie urinary organai fo these distressing oomplaini it stands alone; no other article eau relieve yon ; and llie cnrei testified to will nmivince the most ceptical ; Livr C;imp!aint, BiUiona diseases, Kever and Ague. To the Great West especialy, and vvherever these cnmplaints prevail tliis IBfidiciiin is ofleie.l. No material azent. nu deleterimis conip mud is a part of' tliis mixture, it cures llwse diseases with certainty and celeri'v, and does not leave the sysie:n torpid. iee I'innplilet. l'ILES, a cnmplaiut oí' ■ moet pninful character, is innnt'diaiely relieved, and a cure follows by a few dav nstï of tliis article : it is far Ix'fore nny olher pri'paratKm l'nr Ihis diseasf, nr for any other diaeaso originaüiii; (rom impnre hlonil. - S-c ftnfnnhltt, PEIÏILITY 01' THE SYSTEM, weait lmck, weakness ol'tlii; ,1'dnivs. &c, or infl imntint) nftntta, is im m-dia'ely lelieveii .'."v :1 f;vv ';l)'s ■ "f lll's ni-dicine. md a cure is alwaVit the re..'.'11 ';f".its II st;111la !ls i certain remeily for wioh comiiin.'"'9-.11".1'. a's" ''"' ('e" ntagement of th tem. de frame. iiT(-gnla"'tu-' supincssi ons, painfnl meiistruations. No Brticl' has "W heen offüivd except ihis wliicli would toucfa thia ki"d 01 .!"-.■ ransements. It miy b relied upou ik n inrr aid ?' t'uciive remedy, and lul we foei pwmilted to do o, conld ïive a tlioiisand llames as proofnf cures ihis ilutreaffiux class of cnjaplnints. AM hrokeu down. dcliilitated from tho ctFct of mwèwy. vvid iind ihtt hracin? power of the article to net immer diately, and the paisonons mineral emdioatetl from th system. ERUI'TIVE DISEASES will find the alternative properlies of thia arricie to purify the lilood. and drive snch iliseases from the syslem. Sre n mvihlet fur te-timony of cures in all diseases, whichthe lhn'ts of nn ndTortuement will uot permit to be nam ;i hem, Aientsfpve tliein away ; thev contain 32 païes of certificates of hili character, and a sTroiiírer array of tlii pro-jfof the virtues of a medicine, uever apoared. It is otio of the peciiüar features of this article that it never lails to !■ nefit in auy cas' and if htne and m"Mt:'e are Ifft To Imilil nprin let the emiciated and linaei'ing invaüd Hül'E ON, and koep talcing llie medicine as loug as there is an impravement. The propriotor wonld caution the puhlic aíainst a number of articles which cnme om nnder the hen I o!' Sarsaparillas, Syrups. fee, as cures for Dropsy, Qmvel, Sic: They are goud for nothing. and cnucockted '.o gllll imwary; touch thora uot. Tlieir invento'-snt'ver thotight of ciiriliff tiioh ilisentoa till this ailicle had done it. A particular stndy of thepamphlet is eiruestly soHcited. Afei te ftud ill wlm fv ihf nrtitlfi w Blad to circuirá et-ntuilously. Pur lip in :10 oz. b .tllcs, atS'2; 13 OZ. iln al $1 ■ itli- Ihil.irti(r tiolttiny II oz. tlinu twoamall botttfw. Lonk ovt and ntiigft impnaed vion. Kv;ry boute hu " V.tiik'lin's Vrtetubla Lit;M.ntri)i c .Mivtuie," btowu iioii thr ;lass. Ihfl writti'u rig il uiirrot'" G C.'m" nti tlin .1 ir.'cl iülls, au I '".. C. Vuiigllil. liiifTito." atamped on thr rork. Nu otlicr irp fffnuiQO. Prfpnrcil by D,-. G. C3. V iu(hs umi soid ui t!ifi princip tl "iïic", 2117. M liu sireitt, Bu.Ttlo. at vboiesla .nul rniml No stuntion (íívpb tolpttors UBfPH piwt pitld - oHflra from muulurly coiiscitnlpcl Agnuls excplfld: post paiil letters solicitiug aJvice, prompily attou'lcü to. rali. Olficní devoted exclllkivrly to the nlr ofthi nrticl''- IS Vsau st. Vcw York ci(y; 29j Fscx st. S.ilem M:iss.; finl liy the principal Drttffiatl tttrouliout llie United fflttM nnd Cauuda ;is Annta. For die by 7to,dcl A. T. HAVENS, Battle Creek. STATE Ob' MICHIGAN, ? Cmiuty ol' B.irry, J Ss' AT ii court of Probate, holden at. the office ofthe jiidfre thereuf, in II latinas em tlie 26(1] dity of M.iyvAi D. 18 18. Presaot, Isiac'A. Hilbrook, Circuit Court CommitMooer, actiog Jadíe of Probate. I tlie matter f the estáte of .Tosepli S. Bluadell, praying for ratone therein set Cbrth, t lint letters oí' udmiuistratiou ol' said eslate nmv bj pranted unto hei', widow of said dfcpased aud Heiry Paisons. Tliereiipou it is ordered tliat tlie consideraron of said petition be postponed UJltíl the Üêth day of June next. at oneo'clock iu [he after-noon, at wliich timi and place, all persons inte ested m ly appesTf and show canse why tlie pi'ayer shfuld mt be gratlted. And it is further Ordered tht said petitioner canse a copy of tliis order to be pulilislied iu tlie Mic.higftn Liberty Press, a uewa pnper ]ublished aud circulatiug at Battle Creek, in tlie conuty of Calhoun, foc ' hree weeks successively, once in euch week prior to the time oí' hearing in the premises. ISAAC A. HOLBR00K, Circuit Court Com. acting Judge of Probate. [A trae Copy.] . 3w7 STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Barry, AT a court of i'rob'ite, holden at the office of the jnde ihereof, iu Hutlufl "n the 23J day of Muy A. D. 1848. Present, Isnac A. Holbrook, Circuit Court Commissioner, acting Jtulge of Probate : In the matter uf the estáte of Eilvvard New, deceased. Upnn reading and filing the petition of Clurlott New, p-ayin for reasoni therein set forti), that letters of admiiiistration of naid estate muy be sraiited unto her; w'utiwof said decisie. 1, and George Brown. Therenpou, it is ordered tlmt the consideration of said petition be postpouetl iiutil the 19 th day of June next at one o'clocK in tliealter-iioon. al the Probate office in Haétíngt, aforesaid,at wbioh timo and piace.a'l persons iu tereeted mayappeai'&shovvcausi; why the prayer of said petition should not be grantoil. And it is f'nrther ordsred tfastnid petitionsr canse acoiy of this order to be puMished in the Michigim Liberty Press, a news paper printed and oircillatiug at Battle Creek. in the cotinty oí Oalhoan, tliree weeks successivelv, once iu each week, prior to tho fimn of hearing in tile premise. ISAAC A. HOLBBoOK, Circuit Court Com., actiug Judge of Probate. [A true Cipy.] 3w7 Mi-avSTUAYED (ir stolen, fnnn tlie Town of IVittle Oreek, onu K encli H irse, one tivo year nid Colt, bnivvii color. Tlie Hurse is n s nrcl, nine y ent nlil, with il peine luwiil. liücivy mine and tuil, lie.ivy limiis aud 1 14 ntokei% Any im(t yiviug inforrn iticiii cbi'otish tht I'nst Office whi;re s:iid Btindl nüiy be i'uuirí. sli il[ rC6ÍVfl íi Bhornl rewar.1, DANIEL DEAÍ,. Papiü'. rpHE unilersisned wül le supplied from tlie km ArI. l)r l'aper Mili, witli tl)e voriou ilesciiptinns oftho ibnve named articlo. ïnainifuctured ut tbat place, ciihsisiinfi of L'i-iiitiiig, Wrapping unl Writing, tpgettier witli l'i.iiik Bonkfii The above artii:Ies will besi)ldfi)r casli ur exchaiigfid for rajs, The above muy be fnuiifl nt tlie slioo Store of .T. Pid-8in, onc dour east of tlie Hardware Store of Williimi Brooki. E. D.IRIIANCE, Agent.. BittleCrerk, Nnvember 2(1, 1B47. ' 11 Slow.-ll 'l'rmjn HouseTUIS Bltilblithment. tütuatcd ueiirly npprsite tin1 C.uirt H Mats in tlin vilirtgH of llnvell, hts airuin cume uto tfae himls f its farmer profrÍBtor naü ocuu niDt, whi is iidw prup.u'eil l ncoom n .l ite a portion uf the tr.ivBlliuj; public in juietanJ oomfurtabte mmnor. This Houie will bpkcpt ns (ormeriy upnn strict Teinpenmcf principios withontau e.xelushv rei'orauce to tlie pnifits f üifc business ppnratínM. The iiibforiber faeUiiHnred from flie very liberal siipiftrt this hoasehas tonn ;ly reoèivedt ttMt liis e!Trts m the oanieof Teraperauco Will lo fully rownrilod, lus motto is still ■' Liberty nul Teinperauce" E. F. GAY. H wll L;v!n '8 nng Co. M iv liih 1318. Family líibles SO ARRANGED that tli b iUs, chantar, fec,. iniy lie read as o:ie conneeted history. Also, commercial and f.mcy ejivelcpes, tissue, perfurated anti billet paper, Napoleon and üis Mursbalí, and Washington and his Geueral, &c, &„ jt recoived at the drug ore of April 12, 1843. A, T. HAVENS. Carpeuler's Tools. AGOOD nssnrtmeiit will be fimnd at tho hardware atore íu B.ittle Creek, oouwtiugofbroad axe, aüz'a ,s tui coinmon augura, lmig and short joihter. jack ','lm'iés sniootli iUtta,hollowand roooib. rtew and rab, it planes, ln.ds, mktoh planea, base ditto. grecmn ovo, ss panes, ptoughs, saw sets, (a nevv ar-.cle) brace andwS S ngurbU ?eel sqnares .nnked to 12tl1S, sl.cks Ut mt, scotch ay and hmdostau oil stones, all of which will" be gold choap. -rS"j BWELEÏ andfaucy goods ut thecheap TORI VALLED ATTRACTMü AND fiREAT BARGAIXS l C. WAKEL.EE & Co., Aro no w receiving ut their Store, in the Brick Black, nenily opposite fhe Aineiirnn Hotel, nn nntiiely now iind general assortment of MKRCHAND1ZE, consisting in part of the following articles Bioail Clotbs, Lawns, Dress Miills, Hats Caps, Fuucy Cassimeres. Shawls, Bounets, Palm and Legliorn Hats, Satinetts. Slieotins. Gruceries, Gooil Assortmeut Of Slimmer Blue and Brown Drills, Tea. Cof'fee, Qoodi, Hii'giiig, Bogar, Mlasse.. Prints of uil Prices, Kentucky .lenns, Topwco Cigais, Ginglüims. - Scotch, American, Cotton Yarnatid Warp, Crockery, iind Englisli. Bonte sni] Shoei. Nalla, Muil fiiiisliiinis, LHilie' Slips & Ties, GIhm. &c, &c, I'runella Bools, &c, Cotton Iialting Waüdiug, &c., &c, &c, HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, DYE-STÜFFS. Tlie stock 8 entii'ely new and wrll seluctnl, nnd houglit ut Inch rnts fis will enahle the suljcriliprs to Sf II vpry clieiip, defyiiig compi-tition. Thuse wlio wnut any mticle m their line, will do well lo culi, lis tliR iiiiliici-inriiis oft't"id are unusunl. Au i qua nt't 1 1 of Viol and Country Produce wavtcdfor which tlte Hlgliest Pricc will be pnxl Biiltle Créele, Cillhoun county, Michigun, June, 1848. 7-6.n STATE nf MICHIGAN- Tha Circuit Ci.iirt fot Ú uOOIlty flf Calhmi i - Tu Cliiiieery. At a e3wwl OÍ snicl cmirt, liolil nt Martball un ihe 'ióili dav of Aprli. A. D., 13-18. Present Hou. Geo. Miles, Circuit Jndge. CLAEUSSA A. McCOttRTIE, Coniplahiuut, versus OLIVErt R. McCOURTIE, DeftMtdimt. ,';alÍ9factorily appearmg to tiiis flonrt thnt tlie defendaut, Olivo;' McCourtie, is a non-resident of tnii State, tuid tlnit lie resilles in the Stnte (if Iuiünua- Oíi ui'ition of Williiiui C. R-fwley, Sulícítor l'ur llic CunDl.tiiiauT, ii is ordered that tlie s.iitl (leiVndaut, Olivei' R. iVlcCíiurtie, cause liis Qppeurinice lo be eutereü wltliu tliree moBtha fniin the date of ihis oracr, nud tliai iu rase of liis a[eai-.uico lie causu Ir ansvver ti) tile complaiiiaut's lill of complaiut lo be iiled und a cnpy l.liereof to be servoil on the couiplainaiit's So lic i tor witlijn twenty tLiys nfter service of n copy of saij i)iH and iioiice ofthis Order; and indefault thereof tliut tira luid liill le taken as confessed ly the said defèudaut, Oliver R. Cimrtie. And it is furtherordcred that wiiliin twenty diiys the ■iaid conijilainaiil, caue n cojtv of tb'ta order to Ue [íublisbetl in the Michigan Liberty ï'ress, a uewspaper [ult1 isl jeil at Uattle Creuk, in the county of Calhoun, and that the said publieation lie coutiuned in said pnjier at least once in eaih week tbr six weeks in successi in, ir ihat s!ie cause a copy of tliis Order to lersonallv flerved ou the said di'leiidant, Oliver R. MiCourtie. at lei -; tweuty days bef ro thetiinQ aliovo preacrihed fn1 his ap pearauce. ( A true co]y) JOMN MEA( HE.'. Begiit'r. Wíl. C. SoWLKT, Solicitor ftir C nnplaitiaiit. 4-iivv L848. íglgllllllll 1848. II U N T A; UOBYi STORAGE, FORWARDIXG & C0.1DIISSI03 MEIICIIANTS, Warvhaam, Pool o I" Batea Slri-cl, Drlroif. Ageiits for Troy miel Western Line. No transliipmsut at M)ny or Tro) PitopaiKToK';. - Rico. Ciapp & Cn.. No. 31, Coentieí Slip. New York; P. S. Stembery & Oo., corner Frunt aod Duck slreets, Buffalo. .1. .1. Nawoorab. L. Wliurt', Boston, R. Bubiaaou, I'icr, Albuny. A'euts. Also, Ageiits for the Wmhiugton Line. pitopiiiKTors. - James Grilley & Co, 4!) Qiay st., Alhany, [sane Jerome, 125 Bronil st., New Yon;, Cuats & I Fiilger, No. II) Central Wii.uf, Bnffalo, Agenta. Liberal Cashailvances m-iile at all times upan I ty cifrtiiieii t'or Emttivii Market, or for ale here. 2-tl' Apothccarües Hall. TH1S vvoll kiiüwn cheup rsiahlishmciil is slilliu blast at the old stand in Engle Block - now kiiow all men , Ijy these presnnts, tuat here is tho place where a gOwl suortraeat of pare, anadulteratad, genniiie medicines may be found at Iow prices. Here ïnny be fbnnd alsi) teas, green nnd black, of snpenoi" quality, spit'cs, ringer, cloves. mace, cilron, &c. &c.} toethei' witli pamts niU, dye-stnff-, perfamery, pen k ui ves, tiinkeis, loys, steel beads, etc., etc., ail of whicfa are sold cheap, cheap uhenp. At the Hall mnv be fomid a general assnrtment of the most approved nul efficiënt patent medicines, tor the cure ot leven, agües cougtli ;, colils, consnmptir)n, i'es, woumls. bfuises and piitrifving Boreiu In a word, for . tliecnre or relief o ill the illa wliijh llesh is liuir to. Slmnld any be faithless, let tliem cali ; tliey sIimII have the i'RÜOKS. N. B. Don't miktnke tbe place - 'lis in Eagle Block next to Buckley's corners. 3 A lililí iiíkI t-nloi-ii Siilr, NOTICE s hereby ffiveu by virtne of nn crder of j Salo !:raiteii by tlio Jndge oí Probate of the ty of Calhoun to the undersignctl, adiníuistrator cf the estáte of Thomas Willson, deceased, late of tliu Towush'tp of Le Roy iu said Comity - I shall sel] it public j vemlue to the hiühest biddtT, at the I?utle Oreek hoiige in the villaje of Buttle Ci'eek in the Cuuuty aforsaiil on the lt, day of .luly next hetvveen the honra oí' oue aml I two o'cloct iu the aftenioon ofthat day, the I ï u jjr ileseribed real estáte to vvit: Six Lots ou Bloctt Six I ín Kast Ii ittle Ci'eeU iu said Cuuuty lieiiis lite fotir E ist Lot a:ul tiiötwo lying south o lots lately ownod by oue Edimmd Altley. 6 E. PACKER Adtninistratoi. Dale.l May 17, , TOVCSÜ STOVES! !! NEW ESTABLISHMENT. rpi-IE UNDER81GNED haring openstl n store one L diinr E:iat of W. H. Culeinau's, reipeotfhlly inviie ilie atleutiini ol the Btiivn Ijuyiuir coimxuiiitv to au ex aiDÍnntiüM of tlieir St:cl; Itefura parehtaiug euewhere. Stiives. Stove piw and :i genera] ;iss'r!meiit uf Tiu mei Jappuueü wavu kept coiiatnutly iu h md. A, & D. D. BLNNELL. Hitile Orerfc, Muy IB. 1848. Tub Factory. THE SUBSCRIIïEtt taktts pleuaan in tafiinning ïiip pulilic lint In. lias resiimed Lhe business of Tub nwklllg mul í i'e.uly ti siiply lije public witli nrticli.-.ii' liis in'iuiifiljtiii'e ott :is rei-oHfiU!e tenns ms aiiy ohiei estüldisliineut iu thö Siate. He pniposes po niiiinitacturc initliiiiii luit VVah-Tub, and lie will gqiuiintefl tliüt i! work sli ill le uf tlie best qiiulity, Tlie patrouaga of Ui I mi i liir is solicited. E. DAILEV'. B.oiliCreok May, 1!) I84S. THR CANTÓN TEA CoMl'ANY I,,, been popolsr ly kiiown f ir m.iiiy ye;irs, Tliis is tlie lnrgot nm iljcs Te.i Bitiilvlinhinaut in Ainericn. Tlio pnhli llave h:nl l'ull prtof of their iu'iirity rod rsépoaaiuilit) Tbeir ícmptUo regard to uil Liriiiciplei teud i elévate the diameter of a Inri liouee, is well uude Btnml, mul li is mIit.hIv BecnriHJ theniH con neet ion, pro' .ilily, liirger tbao all otilar Toa EituMislitnents nuiteil mul they cmsetueinly are iletermiiieil to sell r er, mire fragrwit aad ierfot lor prioe, !u tbc a gregnte, tli:m any linise in tlie worUi Every paekaife, (in tuldition to it onntaiuiog TUÍ WEIGHT, iuUepeudaut of tlie wrnpper.) Le;u-s lli ■tmn') of ni'ïit-iics.s mul elenncc, aml the 'IVas therei ure so tliornuglily Mciirrd froni lightand iir, thitdie qnality oud power wil! remuin HnimpaUred iu auy c! matd A. T. ÍIAVENS, Agent, Battle Cicek. Firl A gul II. TUST RECEIVBD frotn New Vork, a splcndid na vori ment ot' U. liet and ihldren Siriw Honiei. liOMJsling in pari ol Tuscati, Pedal Braid L;icf, Fjiicj Bruid a:id Split Siraw. AI.SO - A Int ot' bcuntiful new tyle Rtbbom, nol rorfatMnit ■ cliice utorUnonl "I printerl Lnwns, Oiaamly Mulin and S.Uloll G 'tig'inni o'tlie ual iiv- Tl,.-. p ll.r.nsli 5 BltOWN ,t BREWSTRR. IMmoImIIub. THE PARTNERSHIP beratnfort existiiii betweon tlip uiidrrsiiic.l subacribeni is lilis day dissolved by miitiüil content. Alt persons imlebted to the bnve lirm will conl'cr a favor by calliug auil settliuz immmliately. S. B, TIIAYER. 0. E. 3ARTLETT. Batilo Crcek, Apvil 20, 1848. 2-4 Sil olí Lime, constmitly on hnud for salo nt J. A. .Taootxi A CVb., carriage ülinp. Ba] Crek. 50 200,000 a h Capital, Wiíh a Pirptiual Charttr. Tin? JEiiui F7'''' Iniirnnc C'o.joí llnrlfWtl, Cl. THIS Compauy lias boen in successful opera..'11 ' more tliiin a qnarter it' a centnry, nud f'nnn its prompt and bonoiabU mode cl' adjvistiug losses, ha.uever licen ilitihinwed nt linme or noroHfl. It lina (liiid, wíthill I lio last two years, $4,560 for losses iilftaiueil bv íire in tliis connty. Pniick's í.-ísiicJ, insuriiig against the loss or damage by Kire, nn DWKWMISa HOUSE, M A M'F ACTOUItS, ITORKS, ir.I.S, rnKNITDRI, WARK HOUSSS, PR1IDLCK IV BTORI, CHUKCHKS, nul niu all kinds of Insnrable l'nmerty, at L0W KAÏES. Auy los wliich thi cnnipany muy "irstüin on vísIíf tak. n ni llidageucy, will he lilicrally ndjiutcil liy lile Bgeiit hfre. ftccorifiti to ihe umgcf of tlie be9t F'iiv compoiiies in ilie couniry, and ui'h prompliirs. ii inniiL-y rurrent in the city df Nuw Vork. Tilíft compauy Ins never coutested a loss in the ciiy of New York, hi case ilifierencea slimild arifie toochhig miy Ióm m dumage, tlie compauy is pledgal, ly j resoluuou ofthf Hoard of Directora, to BilUmit thc same to arbitrators. índülcreully chosen, orat the opinión ot'the Tutmred. ÏHOS. K. RACE, l'reaident R. L. Loomis. Seoretiiry. Í3F Application for Insn ranee, or therenewal of pol. ices, and all Imsiiiess connected with ihe office. ma be ni ule to tile subscriben duly appciinted ngent, with rail power to reeoive propasáis and cue polices on turma us favorable as noy "tfire in tlie staie. JOSEI'H C. KKIXK, Ayent, Ollice, No. 2 Court House. Marshall, Dec. 7, 1847 STATE of MICHIGAN- The Circuit Court for the coi"ty of Cnlli uu - In Chavcery. At a scniou ut 8fti.l Uourt, lielil at Marttbnll ftu the 2-ïth day 'if April, in the yetr one thotiaaijd eiu'lit huudretl nul toiTy-eihi Present Hon. Geo. Miles, Circuit Jndge. JÜSEl'H W. BU(_ KI.EY, Compïainant, ve:vus SALINA R. BUCKLEY, Dercmlmit It siiüsfWturilv appeHiiug to this Conrt thnt the defeudunt. Salina R. Buckley, is i non-resident of tlii Slatr. Miul that slie resides in the Stalo ii' Illinois- On motion ol" William C. llowley, Solicitor tor iho Coin]lainant. it is oi'dered ili:it the saitl defeudanl. Sauna liucklev. c mse lier aiipejranci' to le euteral witliin tlifee m'nilhs flota 1 Ik ■ wata of ibis Urdor, and in case of her Dupeárunce alie canse heranswer to theenmulqiuant'a billtii be Kled, and a cnpy tliereolto lie served on thö complainant's Solicitor withiu twenty dtiys after service ot' a copy of s:iid bil!, and noties of iliis order, and in (lefautl ttierëaf iliat tlie said bilí be taken Ra ooiifesBed bv the said ilefeudaut. Sauna R. Btickley. And it is furtb'er ordercd, that within twenty days the said Ctimplatimut cause a oopy of this Order "to be publisbed in the Michigan Liberty Press, nnewspaperpob Habed at Battle Creek in the connty of Calbonn, and that tbii sai J publicatiou be coutinui d in said paper al least once in cacb week lor six weeks in succesiion, or that lie canse a copy nf this order to 1 e po 's mally served ou ihe saitl deleudant, Salina R. Bujkley, al leiut twetity days befiirc the time above prescribed Ter her appearance. (A true copy) JOHN MEACHEM, Register. W. C. Rowr.KY. Solicitorfor Ciiinplainaiit. 4-fiw 8TAB OF MICHIGAN, ? Cuinity uf Oulbouu 83. J AT ii Coiirt of rYoVmta held at the office f the Judge thoreof in Marshall, on the 5 tb day of May. A 6., 1848. Present Hornee A. Noyes, Judge of l'roliate. In the muiter of the estáte of Eleazer McCamly deeeued. L'pon rending and filing thepetition of Sands M'Cinily, executorof the Inst will and testament of 8tti] drueased, duly verifid, pmyiag fir re:is'iiis thereiu set forlb, for license and autbonty to sellcettaiu realestato in s:ud petitiou describptl. Tiiereupon it is ordered thdttbe considerniion of s:ïid petition be postpmied uu til the 17ih dayof.lnne uext, ;it, one o'elock in the altenioim, at ilie Probate OflS.'C u M iish.ill uforedatJ - at v hicli time and [ilace a!i persoun iiitiMv.tcil in the etHte ra bureby directetl tn sppeur Ijel'ore tlio Judge of ['róbate afoiasaid, to show cause why a license slümld not lo granteJ to said execator, to sell so mach of the real estáte of aaid decvised at shaH be aeoeuary to pay the delta, leicies andexvieiises of settletnenl of the estáte of said decfaaed. Aud it is tnrlhei" ordei'ed that said executoi cause a copy ut'tllil order tobe pnblUbed in ihe .Michigan Lil)eriy Pitsu, a aewapaper urbited and circiilating n said connty, for tonr suceessive weektpriorto the time of beuriug in the p remises. 4 II A. NOYES, Jndge of Probate. STATE of MICIIIGW- The Circuit Courl Cor Ihe iruuniy olCaHt-mn - I ti Chnncrry. At ase-fiion ol Hald courl. heil al ,M i rsh.ili on i íih 27i h i'av of' April, ui ilir y i r une titan ml eifhl hundivd and Ibrty-eig i [Xiét;nt li'ii. Gflorge Mio. irt-iM Judge. OKLANDO PATEE, Cotnplvmart. ve min GÏDEOX F. SMITII. BE PSö OUTCIIER and SOLÜAION DUTCHElt, Delen iante. It saii+Ciutorilv Rppearing io ll)UC"iirt ihat Botsev Ouioliur mul tfolimwn Dn'clier .. ■ ihe iificnd tnl n i li is i-ause ure iidn-roMtlt-tiis und ihit v rmidc n lliü 8al,u Qf Qllio - On m t ion oí A (nier E. Camp ■eil, Sul c t ii r lor llie (-uinln nunl. it íh otiU mí that lie ntd d tèixlnnts. Üelsv D-ncher ntid 8ulriinrn .)ini;lier cu.ii.sp llietf :i))'í:i r;i nes 'o b enler' il wiihin hr e m 'ii'hs Ir-'in ihr (iaie ot' llii oi'der. n ml iliit in Miü; of'tltpir Hpi'arllí! Ikey tiHi.-e i Wc ir hh-ívit l i In -oiDplaiil&iit'ii lul! lo bu fíled au I a copy ilien ol'iu le i rved'ii'lie coinpl linuiit's Sal luí lar wlhiu iwentv ttivi adir service ut n copy uí' unid oill and ■ otioe l ii)t order ; and in dt'fanlt tl ere í tli il 1 iie s i'' till b ik-n as conleM.-ed ly tlip md tiei'cnduuls Beieey ) iiclier and Sto.non DdO'her, And it is luriher Brtlrred that within fvcnly dus is a&id cOUlpl&io iqI cui-iL1 a cipy oí" tilia ord' r lo Uk iullilied ju ilu: ' Mrabitfnn L hertv Pre-s" a newsipcr pultltfih' d al BrfUl Creek, in thtuonnt.v oJ'Callonn, and ili n üie-uid pn'tim u ion Iv: Ooniiouud in naid i.iper ui asi on e in each wak tor s,i. in uc"Nion. or ihai lie caue i c py t i lii order i o l per f)inHv serveil mi ilie said delenduiils Bult-fy Ou'clier ind Sol o I non Uu oh rat feattiwn'y diys belure ihe nu ..b vu n CHCiibed f r Iheir app ani'.m1 (A irue iiy) JOHN MEAOIIEM, RngwU'r. AaKtt E. Camphkll, S ln:tlor l'ur CompUf aut. ;'-( lui ;iJu;iSlc ,'mp;uiion. S" IX Leclureson Caii.vs, l'rcveiiii'pn nud (J tire of Cnnmimptiou, Asthma. Disenses of the H?art, and all Kemi!e DitetlW. '.'34 pa.'_'es, '23 eOgraviugg. Paper .10 ets; boiiiid 75cts. Mail tnaoypurl - tMWtnae 9 1-2 ds. Slumldei Uraces and Cliest Ezpaiideri, $J. Miil ti anv pari. 50 ets. pustage. IliutiHitg Tubes, Silver, $3. by mail. letter postado. Abdominal Supporters, [nrfoet, $1 to $I0.fnrall Bnptui'e, Kalling of ibe Bow els aud Woinl), and Weik Hack, and Cliesl -, sent by Express evurywlieii'. ForBraCM er Supporter, or Rn[iture Sunporters. give beiglit trom liead to toot, anti circumfurence of porsou next tbs surfiue, jnst above th( hips. II" lïiipiure. montiou wbich side. Agent wanted fop llin of the above gi)ods. Address Dr. S. S. FI'I'CH. 7(17 Brotulwny, New York, pust puid. Feb. 2), 1848. Mundial HIIM, hy L. KINGSBURY. Marshal "II, Michigan. 8taceleavethÍ8 bone(br the Norlj snd Bonth The Piles. ACORE FOR I-IFE SECÜRED !- Dr. ÜPHAM'3 Infernal Remedy fnr the cure of Piles. The t&ble Tile Electuary, invcnted by Dr. A. Upbam, lingui.slied l'hysician of New-Yoi k city, i.-, the mlly i enlly flucci-ssfíil remody for tilia .dangeroiu nnd ú na fcimpliiiiit tlie Tiles, ever oflercd to iho Am litun public Electtinry contmns nn Mineral Mdíctne. no A1ot-s, Cnlocvniü, (I lufbfTgr, nroiher powerfn' iiud íitííhtiiiL' pargatire. Ha fetr of bricing cold whilí antier iis luflueace ; no clmiiffe in diet is ueseuary. If tnkeu ficcoraing tn directioni ít cnrc fitv lile i.- guai-antied. I iiftair.inntoi y Dtst-asis. Altbongb the Electiiary wa iirlziiially prepnrcd for tlie cure of Piles, yet it íms proved iisolt lu be ■ nietliüirre f;ir superior to all ntliers, i nll dse:ises of atl inHammutorv chui'acter, with a detcnnhntim of hlruid to my particular pnrt or oronu. ín iiiflmuiiiutiun untl cmgeation of the liver and spleen ; intlanininlion. nuil soro ness nnd u]ceratiíu of the stoinach, lovve!s. kiihipy nud lladder; in inllriminatory and niercnrial rheumatitu, it is the best medicino evei' dincovered. Impurlllcs of thc Mlond For all impurihea ol the blood, aiising finn tlie imprndent use of inercniv. or other ( -iiuscsi for ::'! üiseiiüCBtil' Iheskiji nid scrofnlons ntfection; in all sea wlltretíjo Irfimd pnwHrfullydi'tentiineil lo th' pr.iduciu-; ■ilizziiu-sa nnd distrc.-s, U.-. Upbam' Electuiiry id eutirely iiuriTiilled. TO MARHU.D I,AT}ri. Mnrried ladii-s ;m almost iavHriably subject tn tli.-it paiuful nnd i ijuiious disease, the Pilo-, with iiiciit iiiflammuttuu of tlie sbimacb, U:wela ni spim-, weakness ol'lmck. flovv of lilood to the be:id.&c. Tlie E'ectuarv is peifrctly safe fur. presmint Iml' s. ai: 1 til most usei'iil L-athartic that enn poseibly bo nBed as it vvill not only remove the Piles Bud nll inflammatory iliseases, wilhont pain or imtaiion, but will etrnurc rti enay time, a safe delivery, aud a sumid cpuatilaliou i-' the nffjpriuií. P.cullnrí-.ies nJlfl rffectalll ,-v l.,..-). Clirouic 1'iles.- A workmnu intha gBíhnnseal'i'idí'cjmn. who bad the piles fifteen year, very wvervij, nnd as constnntly erposed to ilie inléaae bent nf i furiiMce aii'I ertmlly reilueed by liie diaenie, "- ceived (rent reliefand ;i filial cura by the use "f Dr. Upnmn'i reim-dy. The c;ise waa a very obstiunle ftne, nvviug tn tlie niitnre ot' tliu occupotioxi mul the dersiiged condition ot'the pfttkut. KleeilinR Pilos. - A gentleman in Bedford, f:is?who Imd the bleedingpiVes &v miiny year, prently exlinistlnghis svstem, was entírely reheved of ttó dw-tressiiiï aijd diuigemua íyioptoiD, by tnhing a lia'l Ui8 nt'tlir; Eloctiviry nuc# nr twice n tnHitli. FnHiiif{of tlie Bowels.- A perno fflicted willi piles, mil (a!Mii{r nt'tliB bowels, to sui-ha depreetliat no evaonatio-i craiij be hail witb'int Iving flHtuponthe flocir, vthí entírely relítíved aiul enred bytliis medicine. Tiic cote w:is a very oïtwnlinnry oe. Extreme CostivRuesi.- .Nnmertn peranps, nnd es )HCÍlly (ni ii.-s. nfflictfd witli extreme eiwtivrní ,lrs. wi!h all thfwe dutresaiug yptonwntfeTiiiWifnpoii -neli ii sfüte of the armera; lve been nWu (u curt an .■mire chmge in this cmulitiou by Ule Hge of lili iíne. It a a very inild catlrirtc, nnd til) Hilni raiile lemoiív cnativeiieM, enpèciiilly fir nnrried wmnen. KtiilK'i, Ulcere, &c, - tu tlie wrt case if piles, wliere fintrilns, ulcer, nnd caveomtis hijeii pxist, tho Electiiary tt líwavs military in it alfecls, mul il perseTerhmly uaeti, vríü proiluce a cure Twii or ilivee cases, wlicre f mlsicul npenitiim was thonglit to béiiecery by tlie doctora, li ivn been cured by tliis medicine. It is a perfect renxdy fui" mercurial iliswises in the iuteütiues. l'rice, $1 per bsx, of twelve (loses witli full ilirrc'ions aml oihor informntiun renpectiug tUo treaiment ;nl.'l cure nf tlie i!Ui Sold wholesile and retiil bv Wïatt & Kktcham. 121 Fnltou street, oud by A. T. Koven, Hattle Creek. ' . - ' ' 'i, UK. M. K. 1'hKK ) 'S VERV-tFUGE OR "OEAD SHOT." fOR W03MS A Highïy Valuahie. Capablr, fmm the Pron.ptitude oits Actiofi vfC!ranstn the Ststcnt til a ftw kourt ofccayironn 'PIIE cxciicrliiip bui ti tl qii.ini.iy iliii Medicine rqi;ii ■"! ■, -i tert the exií-eiicfi of wornis. or to retpOV) rv'i v uur Iroi i ' ; ■ Vítom. its okt.iUhLí in t few hours, lofpther - Ith ts znut Ceriuint) of ffeut,cciictitutfl ir une of tl' ino;l brjlllaal (li.-.coverin of the uge. Il selcloin ' bc repta led jimI nrvr 10 lx' lij iiiy uilicr pu r p. TiuTüforu in iirjreitt Cai , r ■ tlior.M)l'Firs, or com'Ci.siovs, Httnifil liy worm, uoriv.ilcd Mli)OrioriK' i m.uiiit'-l. Few liicdiciii 'I Dre li.-Ucr Cilleiltated to ]iiprivi! i lio healtn of ciiildreu, bvou whure ito wornis ■■sisti ai li ' cm vm ilin.R nwft 'l" cmdiriM iht line end clo-rly :i'liior' lo i o su.iimcIi :ukI bowtil. gívtng rie to ymptouis t!iü( cuuiltt'l'lVit ovirrv vui i'iy ofworiu-il immsi-, ï pMnuj't uiid crrniii in in opflratltMit Mod net utitlaHiii u tbe t.isi". ii poHi'cik lafr, Hiluptfd to tho teudere.srBffe. Thü foltowfaiï ïh u 'xir;tct I'i tu -i lelteraddrsai d loA. lï. Z, 0. tíítniJs fioin tho Ajfüiii ut tltf Doi bv Ltua. Dkhby Link Vi.. M -, 7lh, If4, QtcNTtKHRK: - I receivrd the l'. of"Di-;nl Hbot' V rinifupe ihi-ul fii'lfpii d;ivs bince, a lid Imve no.v only i fow dny,"n IrA uu lia inl vvliirh wili be femé in l's tli.m tu lay. tl teeniii tu rio liip work totlie pfilfci patisftciiou of all who iis; il w:r sume frftiit accoaouof il. whent tl bm proilitcpd ibe expulitífl ufrom 15 ur iiO to I !5 wbruti om o perion, mul umi lv iho sjiinu ituiiiher fruin sikiip cliililn-n Ofcourse yoii w ili uk wormi 'Mie itfthfl prPTailing disi'aaea in CuiihiIh mid Virmont - P(fi;iso sfiiid mc anotlier Mippl us soun ut cun vnirni. RttWt;tiully, T. r. IfüTl.KtL. Thtfullaicingi f rom an eminent P!,hiriuu. Jo.xRSBORtiUGit. T nu . !)."■.:} I. ISU. Db. H. F. Pkkkt - 1 grtml pU; in rfi-mi i!i public iir vilIhhIiIc ■■nniln?", (pmperh . 1. ; l ■ il Shot.) I h:iv' lx-cn il iir iwn ji'arw Nothiuv 'I lli6 kind hura i BVrold Ui ii kus eiveii Mich miiviial tnlHHfii ii. Thern wk ono casn in iny immadintn nttf lilim I onil i! ui I p-nw i-i-collr-ft tifin wliich o Ino eumtd e.xpiiltdon of]90 tvorin f rom n mu ill tliilt is ïniriüii iniotin-H m BO'-rn ■'-.!.-. Vpry rrpL'tñilly. JOHN VAM l'. . H I). Prifi '25 i'oi-K per v':il. Prípnnd li lr II. F. I' i ] v. ;;n! rptMiluyA. R. & D.8ANDS, D.i.Tf int. lOOFiiltnn m mmirof Williaiü, N.nv-Yrk. Sul.l hIm U A-T. HAVKN5. J. OW EN & Ct, Dei ruit, uii'l by Drug fiu geuer)ly tiirougliout tho I'Ililrd SlttPS. I Chesip Drug Store. THE SUHSCIilBEll In l)L-i-u enlargiug lcis sim-i, aiiil receiviug 1 irge tidilb10110 to brestocK of goodp, nul is huw prepureil tu vviiit nptiu all Ilis olil custoiner, aml as rrwny new unes as piense tci pve liiüi :i oall. Yon will finJ every nrticle iisunlly Itqn i:i n DïTlg Store, ncludinir Painl, )il. Dyè Wooils. INiteni MeUcines. Ruda grentvaWuty ot'ortiples iu ihi ileparttoent, togelher writb n lnrje stook of 8rho] Bouks, uoum fiw town MbmrieB, BlnuksauJ Binuk Hmih s., I.ctte'-. Konlacap mul WruppHig Paper, fmioy Stationcry, Jewelry' Musical jMtrnmeuta &c-, &c. Tliia is the ajfun y ni the Cintoii Ten Cnmpnny ainl fsiinilies eau be snpplicd witli a cboice artic-lr. Bid Bt a ow nrice. All [iuds nf Grocerie cim be fonud hrre, nul tile iiriye uve just riglit to suil tliose who wisli to ii.iv ebsHi' 1'byt.ician, Merchnfit. Pedir, Farmers, anJ in üliort ill culi in ike iminev 1 ciilliiig.a I nunletoriniuecl iiiit t.) bc UNDKRSOT.D, citlier at ur vctiiil, liv auy similar establishment ihis siile nf New Ywh. A. ï. UWENS Bottie Crék. April. 13, 1 R 1 Ft . " Hoirt Viir Hort!) TUE SrnSCltlUER wmilil iutinii-J iiilillcnfl iiud Hurueu Imving pulilio, tli ii i ' ■ on li;mil. Ais C-)UStanllv lll:lll!lt'ictnrill, Su.l.ilcs, 11;. i iii'l - . ü 'i. HnltHre, TÍnnk.s Trnukea. Vnlicee, Gnrnet B Wliipe, &c.. Sar., whicli wi1l le liei e ïltorSuhl fort - and Cnshoiilv - at prinos ilinvii, t]:vn. ttown so kïv yon will iliiuk lio stolc llie stock, or thilt llu-ir is sumr iiitnkeb(mt it. C;ill nul .!■. Dimt fiirgrt yrnir II nise" - Siuni "t tlio muiriintli Culior. BatlleCroci . inl, 1813. B. R. OSGOOD. %, TÜBLACK&MFPHS - AnHs,Vieé1Sletlpêi il S '' m 'l:lI11Iïlhit'' MrijW piai''s, mul ;t ((ocd r inutofiron mij" teel. tbr suleby Wiliiair. : lintile Creefe. April [:ï. 184S. f-jil Itooks. rpiIEY nO SAY lint Hnvctis hns llio lcs!. foolrap. í leil.M' hiiil billet )ii]ior. iincl lic sclls luniks iver thtlt] at :mv othur eát;ibliUuiout in toAYU. i' se t'nr yours-l '. I rruiosE IKDEBTED m tbe súbscriber, will J_ not watp fne tlie l)t:ll to riO , betbie c:ilüng lo ihc Captiiiim OH'ioe toSettle, BMttie Creek. Ain-il. 184. I?. R. OSfiOOD. To tilo Public. "pEIFfi oliliged ly ill-hi-ahh U) dincuiitiune llie aWve L bolineas, a 1 aupettlej neconuta ui'i.-t bp nvi willinut ili.'lay. I will le fiimicl nt tliu slmp of f'niFnn' Durree, vvlioicall my furaier coiitrnclB fiir wnk ■ fulfiUod. 1 JOHN CaLDWELL. School Hooi'. aUIT-LS, Steel Pen r. J'en-IInMcrs, ffick. Blufsml Red luk, Waft-rs Sealwg-Wux, Letter Stan tor alê r.hcap at llie apotut.c r,m? hall. -- -.,