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The Cinciniiati Gazotte has these other pnrticulars in relution to tlio trugedy. of Covington, üt' which we publish a telegrapbic report two or three days since : 'SLAVERY. A groat excitement was created in our community yestenlay, hy reporta of a suicido and munlers committod over the ïivcr in the. course of the mornina. The fiicts, so fur a3 we cuuld learn thm after u good deal of 'mquiry, w re : - A man named RimI Br Rush, had been soine miles up the Lickiug River, nnd purchíiged a negro man, his tí i fe, Bild tlieir child. On reachiog Covington, fer safety hu lodéed thain in jil till he could multe arrangeinents for som'! steumbont to pass over for them, and tak e thoin South. The mun nnd his wife hiid buth oppuscil being aold ; nnd after having been puichusad objectod to going to New Ürlcans, or any othor place in tho South. And it would eeem that while in jail at Covington, these objections increasiug, they determined on self destruction. At the wife's request, the husband cut her fhroat, and thcn kiHad their child. Both died. - This done lie cut his own throat, but not so as iinmediately to put au end to his lifo. About noon it ivas thought he might survive, but au hour before dark, his recovnry was rogardeil a3 impossible. The uct is a horrible one, and its recital makes the blood run cold. But had a slave in Rome, in he days of Roman grandeur, ánder like circumstances committed h liko deod, tho fact would have cortil down to ns einbalined in classic history. and transferrol tlienr.o to our sch)ol-booUs, to excite in them thi; tiJuiiratiou of our chilJreii." Will iiny ono deny ihat the iibove is the legitiinate fruit of tlie slnve systin of tbis country - the murdersr being the man nd the lwro, and lus oppio.ssur Ihe culprlt nnd villain .' And now, vvliu umoiig U3 will agttlo vote t.o imío sucli in opprussor - suclj i " culprit inJ villain," to Iho Prosidency of the United Srutos ? Will yon Mr. A oi' vou Air. B ? orC! any of you, lu tlio end of the alphabet ? Is not the upliolding, and especiiilly tha pnictisin, sunh a syst"in of opprossiun - i systein producmj; such fruits - a n-fficient reason lor withholding onr votes fronTti.e perpetrator. Tho Cincinnati HernIJ saye, at the close of a sewo'j9 srtk!? on thii rab'ict: 11 A Inwsuit has nlrendy risen as to tho man on wbom tlie loss should íiill - they hnviag been sok) by Mr. Rust and iliiced in jail whili; t is contond by ilie purchnsor tiint the baffain wns not complet ed. How mean nuil miserable does such quaireling over tho dend and bleeding bodies nppear .'"