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Liverpool, Míiy 20. The conspirncy discovered in Paris on Monday for the ovenhrow of the Republic nr.d the eetublishmBnt of Tsrrorism, has been siiiiilly defented. The grenter portion of the wretched promotors of this iiisniKí moveraent are now either i the hands of tlio authnrities or reduced to a condition which will not admit of their dolug felther haim. Louis Blnnc, liowcvcr, s still nt liberty, nlthbugh there are strong grounds for suspectitig t!mt he wns actually wit h the conspirat.ors duting the twu liours lie was absent from the National Assembly on Mondny. Tlm strongeet menns have been Rdoptru to prevent n recurrepce of phycl display by the memhers of the Secret Clubs. The nllegmne ef the Troops of thn Line and NatioDal Gnind is fully depended on, nnd M. Lumartine's populnrity hns been effectually restored. Still a feeling is prevalent thnt the (Jovernment is feeble, ni)d the ultraDeinocrntic party in the nscendiuit, but tho presnniption is scaroely warranted judging frotn the resulta of the determinad hearing exhibited by the majority of thfi interim Government. Advices froin Paris of Thuisdny evening stnto tliat the city hnd been perl'ectly tranquil duiing the cinv. Tho number of uiiminted to 200 up to that time. Blanqmi and Flotte, by Bomè mysteriaus influence had bren liberated. Gen'. Cavaignnc had been appointed Minister of War, nnd H. Frouve-Chauvel, Prefect of Pólice. After the mob haJ been drlven out of ti. o hall of the National Asseinblv, on the 15th they marched to the Hotel de Ville. to appoint a conimittre of Public Safety ; ar.d M. M. Barbes Albert, and the othor ministry of the would-be New Provisionnl Gciverntnent 'had ust commenced, in the idéntica! room in whicli Robesbeiere and his nssociates wore seizod, their functious as Directora, wht'ii the National guard entered the building froin tbo rear which had been rotally ungaarded, pounced upon tho psendo-government and after n strusgle, in which M. Barbes in particular ran some risk, cnriied them off prisoners. Citizen Sobrier. in the Ínterin, ïepaired to the minister of the interior with hiamonLagnarffn. He deinaudid admiitance, and ihe transfer of the ministry to him, aud of the military posts to liis faithful followers, ' He was ndmitted, but only to bo nirested; his hundred partixaM weru diiarmed, stripped even of thnir icarlet ewvota and tunvd ndrilt. After the Chamber nf Deputies and tho Hotel de Ville had been pargnd ot' their oew oceupants, nnd after the nrrost of several parties comiRctfd wiih tlio attempted revolution, who had in the fii'sf instance escaped, nll Paria presentad mas&es of Nntionnl Guarda morios; in columes of thousands to thp grrat points ot' the city. Tho citizens nnd the winnen, the best drpHAc ladies even, cheertng them en passant. Not a chair was anoecupied, nor was there scnrcely n (lossibilily of movHig in the Boulevards from the crowda of well-dressed people of both sexes, lüd ofworkmen mixed up with them, discussing in groups what had taken place, and in loud condeninatio.i of the dis'urbance. The feelinj; was ahnest unirarml. Here and tliero a frantic cried ' Vive Hni'br s ! but was iminndiately suri'uunded, seized and canied oli'to prison. Such wns tho eundnet of the ])ople tlironghout that. important eveniog. By miduigfat II was qüiet. In the coime of tho night ;i regitnflnt of Cnirassiera nnd the studunts of tlic Military School of St. Cyr nriived in París, and several regimenté of the line, from other quaitt rs, maiched to thc Capital. PeaitloB of ï.smia ïïlür.c. The part taken by Louis Blanc in the afi'ray of the 15th is yeí nvolved in some mystery. He camiot, U is supposed, clear hiinself ot' complicity in this matter. Diiiin the time that the mub had possession of the Assembly, he, us well as Barbes, Albert and Gen. Courtais, iniügled with the crowd in the ante-cbatnbera and lobbies, shook thein by ihe hand and expressed his conlidence in thein. - When Albert and Barbes went to the Hotel de Ville, M. Louis Blatic also qnitted the Assembly, bilt ibrtunately tor himself. he did not BCCOinpauy thein to the Hotel de Ville, and he has not giveii miy explanation ol' where he was in the interval. - Bat eerteinly, at'ter tlio failure of the atlempt to establish a Provisional Government, ho reappeared and declared soleinnly that he was peifectly innocent of all participation in tno events of the day. - A declaration which was received with shouts of derision and contempt. It appears that the Government nscertained thnt tile invasión of the Assembly was a regula rly organized conspiracy, and that the insui-rection was iatendsd to bivak outat tli3 same instant Rt Lyons, fcita probiibly at ofher places. A Telcgraphic Dispateh was sent off to the anthoritiesat Lyons toinforra them of their danger, and to nnnounca the suppres8Íoa of the insurrection in Paris. The grent point of solicitude and attention on Tuesday niglit was the Prefecture of Pólice. The neighborhood wiis coinpletely blocked up with troops ; the Point Neuf was covered with i-egini'-nts of infnnliy oftlio line and of the Grado Mobile so as to leave barely room fór a cnrriajjre to i)ass. All circulation wa.s stopped on the Quay d'Orfevres leadng [O the Prefecture, that road being also entirely filled with troops, as also the Court Prefectura] atid all the avenues of the Palais. Irclnntl Smilh O'Ili ien's Trial. i The jury re tin-d shortly after six o'clock. A. little befo re Beven they retumed into court, when the foreman infimated that tlu-y had not Rgreed to a verdict, when he Chief Justice sent them !ack, mul aureed to mei-t them at ten u'clock tlint night. At tlnit hour they were ngain callad into cuurt. - The foreman stated that thero was not the lenst probiiiiility of tln-ir agreeing to n verdict. They were then locked up tbr the night. On tlie following morning ut ten o'cloclt precisely, the Cliief Justice carne uto coiirt, and addressing the AttoraeyGeneral said : I think, Mr. Attorney, I had letter sead tor llie juiy, to see if they ngree ; and to the event of their not agreeing, whut do you propose to do ? The Altorney-General snid. thnthe thought that if, nftr having bopri so long confincd, the jury co'd not agroe, h'i9 lordehip might, in the exercise of his diacrction, discharge thnrn. f:hief Juslice - I in quito prepwed to say, Mr. Attorney, that if thry do not agreo, I will myself discharge them. It' is quito satisfar.tory to me to think the same view is taken by you of the ciröuraotnnces. The Jury havinelepn called into court, tho Chicf Jusiice inqnired if tiiy had agreed on a verdict? - Poremnn : No, iny lord. Cliief Justice : Then, Gentlemen, you are dischnrged. Tho trial of Mkasiikr was nttendetl with the saniB ïvsult. ISiilllf brlwrfn Ilir RoinnnH mul A iilií:s:t'i. 13 y advices nreived nt Milan we leai'n thnta battle had been fuught beiween tho Austr'mns and Pontifical troops aod Italinn volnnteeito, between Cornudanod Millennetto. The A.utriao lost. four hundred mpn kitled and flvebundred prisooera, and mitny wounded. The oftroops, tn tlin number of fi.000 nvn, wera sti rroumlt!. Without 1 1 ; i v - ins; any iinilloiy, ut. Cornuda and Milim-tto. and are placed" between two fii-es by Generáis Durando and Eerrari. Another account says that the butilo Usted five honrs, and tliat, tho Ruinan U'oops ïecoived a check. The Gnzetto de Venice of the 9t!i inêt. stntes thüt tho Crusaders of Bnssnno baving laken bysurprisp n body of Cioiits, on tho 9lh, iti the village ot Jastro, noiir Arsin, made a great nuinbor of tliem priioasri; that Gen. Durando defeated two columns of the saine body, and k -ied them to retraftt fiom Corundn, after sustaining severe losses. The nrmed p ipulation of Brenta are ardonlly de oled tu ihe holy cause, and are well decided to Lea; the enetny. iy Gen. Worth's división, it is stateoí on good autliority, is to be ordered to California. Tho Union publishes a coniïrmatton of the ratifittstion of peace w'uh fiexioo.