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X ÏOV13:! ITOVGf! ! ! N E V ESTAliUS H M ENT. rlü". UNDERSIGNBD haviug opened a store one dsor Swl .1' W. H Coleraftu'a, respectfully invite ie attaation A the 8tove bñying comiMauity to an ex i üo i oj their Stock before purcbaaiug elsewhere. :.!■(■-. Store pipe aud a general assiul inent of Tin 1 Japneni ! rare kopt conitantlv on hnud. A, & D. D. BU.N'.NELL. ■ Or ■ .. M'.y 16, 18-13. Family Bi bics lHRASGB!) that tli: b iks, chapters, &c„ may -e.'ii is ,, ,- aan leoted hirtory. AUn, commercia n y oiiïe'.cueo, perbratad and billet paper io iii.l his Mi-nIi.iIs, and Washington and Ui 's ifec., &., iint roooived at the drug store of n. U. 11143. A, T. HAVENS. y?.V or iinli.Mi, fnim tln Tovvn of Battle Creek, Brriiota Hrnc, one twoyear oíd Colt, brown '.' he ü'nae is a lorrtl, nine yeiirs old, witli a mi, Mary in ine and tail, heavy litnbs and a fust . A.iy ouc giviug nformatiou throngh the Post re s:iid ijorios may be fbnnd. hall receive a , ward. DANIEL DEAL. To Physicians. Y:.N' fnid at tlie Ajiotliecaries Hall qninine, Io, fiulj)l). Tri ïi'piiiue, indine iron, Acétate morph iiyii. .asa, piperiiiu, oil vuleriuu, strychnine, sesmioxide ir i. salicine, ferrocynote ron, and all other variet aodieis,oheaper ihan at auy otlicr itorai n westornMuigan. ■ .1. TAYLOR. Kcmoval, THE T liloring Establisliinent of Williara Roe is removed t McCamly'g Block, the corner store.-vvhore hO v;i'l - fi glad to walton hisold custonjeröundall nevv ones w I may favor hiin with a all. 3 School Books. aUILLS, Stoel Pens. l'en-Holders, Black, Blue and Red luk, Wafera Sealing-Wax, Letter Stainps. &c. tor sale cheap at tl ie VPOTHËCAIUES HLL, Ba-Ie Block Ohclï . .ÍU1C, ooqatautly on hand for salo at J. A. - Isfvibs Ji 0' eanfeUK nhn, Bnttlo Crek, 50