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Louis Blanc

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The first sight of Louis Blanc was at the Palace of Luxemburg. ' Voila la petite!' said a Frenchman near me, as he entered. He is, indeed, a Hule man, with a greal distingue - a pigmy of price - a dwarf in body, but a giant mind He stands hardly four feet in height. His air, too, is extremely youthful, with his 8mooth, fair haireless face, and his neat, slim, little figure. Although he approaches the manhood of forty, he might easilv be mistaken fur a boy of eighteen. Although he has a stern strength about him, l might be siipposed from his first appearance that he was weak and eflfeminate He entered, as one of the Provisional Government of the republic of France, to deliver addresses to assemblies of workingmen and masters, collected together by him in his function of President of the Commission for tho Government of the Workmen, to consult and decide on a plan for the organization of industry. He spoko, and the working-men were melted to tears, and even the masters were moved. His tones were soft and showery, or earnest and energetic. With his little figure buttoned up tight in a blue coat with gilt buttons, there he stood, mounted up evidently awakening, convincing, deciding, with modulated voice and expressive action. There he stood, though so small, not the least of the great men who now rule over the destinies of the French of the third Revolution. [Tait's Magazine.] ty The history of the later Kings of France shows a remarkable succession of misfortunes: Louis XVI guiilotined. Louis XVII died of want. Louis XVIII twice exiled. Napoleon exiled. His son died in a foreign land. Charles X dethroned. Henry V proscribed. Louis Phillippe put to flight. The Count of Paria rejected. A young Miss, having accopted the offer of a youth to escort her home, aftenvards fearing that jokes might be cracked at her expense if the fact should become public, dismissed liim when about half waj, enjoining seciesy, " Don't be afraid," said he, " of my saying anything about it, for I feel as mucli asharned of it as you do !" TriWE and Money. - Remember that time is money, but it does not follow tliat a man is a capitalist who has a greal quantity of it on his hands. A fastidious young lady vowed she would never have an Irishman, a Presbyterian or a Parson, and ended by marryingan Irish Piesbyterian Pareon. (