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For The Michigan Liberty Press

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Letter to the Editor
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Dktroit, June 26, 1848. FriEND Husset : - I niu well aware, thnt fo great has been my romissness n tlie discharge nf duty .-is ona of your or.casional correspoudents, tliat I sliouM long are this have been stricken from your list, and I . egret to say a press of other duties iorbiil tho hop of rauch nmendmetit n the future - hut considering the present pffstnro of fiffuirs in the Politica! World, and their manifest benring uporc the Atiti Slavery canse, I feel constmined to nddress you a fow thoushts at the present timp. Sliould we judge of the prospecta for success in this coming Presidential campaign of either of tlie grent lending partías by n cnreful and constant reading of their organs,(siich for instnnce asour Democratie Frpe Press, or Adv., ) or from the noisy riainonstrntions and nocturnal displays of tho busy party leiidfi"?, and posta of Boya and rowdies, aided by tar-barrels, gun-powder, torch-ligfs kc, we sliould indeed bc lod to think that the land was in a perfect blaze of enthnsiasm for " Old Zac" and Cass, and tlmt not a discordant sound was to be heard among all the ranks of Whigsor Democrats, touching the action of their Snge lrnders at Baltimore nnd Philadelphia. But ifnny of your readers havo not ypt dicovi'r("'i tho secret : let us assure them thnt the petty editorial squibs nnd brags of interestod partisan Editors, and hII this hnrrnh with drum nnd trumpet, are but tomannfnclurc enthusinsin for their ;andidates for fuiure, and nnt trutufnl horalds of facii as they now exist. On the coütraiy,in the minds of multilndes inboth parties.whose politica! action is based at all on principio, there ia adeep nnd growingconviction, that base treaehery to the true interests of freeinen, characterised tlie action of both those Natioaal bodlei, nnd so for as they are concerned, that truckling to Slaveholding doniination has absolví d them from al! party obügiition to sustnin the noniinees. Hopfless as the nominations are to humnnity, so far as tho success of ciflier is concernod, and humiliating as they must be to evrry free American citizen, considi'ring the mnnner in which they wero obtnined, and iho deginding principio thuy represent ; yet there is some cpnsolation iiithefact, that this last net of their party leaders, has been so deeply servile as to arrouse the püant spirit of many of their adlierents and lead them to break, nnd cast awny tlie chains which have so long bound them to these Pro-Slavoiy cnrs. Thnt this is so, th" loud voiee of Biirnburniug Democnicy from tlio Empire State, fnlly nttests and must lend the Bult i more nominee nnd his pnrtisans, ore this, to see thnt in crouching so low to obtain s!;iveholding support, he hns nrroused n spirit of opposition ainong the free sons of the North and West, which slavery propagandista, in their Presidential aspirations will find it difficult to curb or control. And if we Biwtaka not, the Mme deep-toned note of remonstrnnce, will soon be litinrd rolling up from tho jallies of New England, (from the opposing pnrly,t calürig her free sons to break the spell which has so long bound tliem to a party from whieh, (in it's national capaeity,) thoy have for yenrs received nought put disgrnce and defeat. And froraone, at Irnxt. nf the frno Statee of the rcnt West, will mulliíudos lie fouml rrady, to swell tlio noto of rejellion nt. pncli hi:h handed Pro-Slaverj domiiíation, iis thnt which fuisled upon the ni %e leudar in the coming campnign, o slavcholder whose populnrity hns all beon socured f rom tho suceess with which ho lias been nlilo to proscenio that Abominable war, which thcy, ns a party, havo so loudly denounced. We hnd hopod nfter this nprincipled noinination, that we should be reliefèd f rom further annoyanoe by our Wbig frionds, as tu which was the "true Liberty Party," and yet, so ehamelesa und mpudeut are some of tlu'ir teoding papers, (pnrticnlnrly that pro-sliivcry Hunker orgno, tho New York Express.) that they havo aheady began to read Anti Sluvery loctures to Abulitionists, upon tho sin and danger of supporting any other candidato tlmn " Rough nnil Ready," leát thc cause ol" A.nti-Slkvkry or Pkack should suffer in the failuro of lus election ! ! Innnaculate counsel truly ! Oh, sliamp, on such heartlessness. To whot deeper depths of ip;norance or servilitv, would it be possible for some of these paiti.ttii editors to sink ? Ifamidnll the elements of ibis political earthquake which is beginninj; to rack ourNalion, tliero is a class of men, who niay look rnlmly on, and survey tho scene, with llio full consciousness that Ihfir nciiou ig based upon the immutahle principies of Truth and Humanity, t is the memlx-rs of this despised "Liberty Party," íor they vvell know it is the "little leaven" of their principies, deatined, as they bi lieve soon to "leaven tho whole lump," which s tlius agitating tlie corrupt political waters, and shaking to thelrverj foundations these Slavory ridden parttes, and thnt whatever be the result touching the present strnggle, whether a trimming Pro-SIavery Democrat or a SInyebolding Whig, secures the prize for thia onco, the days of Slavery and its party supporters aro numbered. While with reference tothem, wo may say "let the dead bury their dead ;" it is a question of deep iinportance for us to ponder - what course of action should we ndopt, individunlly or collectively as Anti-Slavery men, to roll on the glorious principies for which we strive, and to improve to the groatest possiblo extent thU most favorable period, for the advancement of ihe Liberty cause ; to this I propose to oder a few thoug'its in your next.