The Liberty League Convention

JÃuffalo, June 16, 1848. The Convention closecl its sessions yesterdny at 7 P. M.. having nominated for the Presidpncy, GERRIT SMITH, of Peterboto, in this State, by a vote of 99 out of 104 nt the first ballot. Mr. Smith. afler the vote was declarad, rose and very handsoiely Btatpd the reasons why ha coulj HOt accept the nomination, and bogged ihe convention to excnsi' him f'-om standing in the pnsitien of theirenndiclate. He had never been incivil office, and public life was so en tire ly contrnry to his tastes thnt he lil nnt deern himielf qualified forif. Buton heing questioned by the vevy slircwd and intelligent gentleman who presided with great dignity over the convention, whethfi' in cuse of being elected he would refuse to discharge the dufies of the office, he replied thftt he did not consider that a very fiir question, for he thought there was neitlior a man or woman in tho conrention, who, if offpred sucb power to aid the slnvo and proniote the cause of humankf ns the Pmsidi-ncy of tho United State9 wciulil eanfer, would refuse to wield it to the best a(Va or her nbility. This udniission was rnceived with ncclamations, and the convrntion unaniinonsly resolved to use Mr. Smith's name for the Presidency wlicther he oonsonted or not, and to uso theU' beet éndeavors to put him uuder theiiecessity of Rccepting tho office. TIn ennvention then procpeiled to ballot for a Vice President, and CHARLES C. FOOTE, a tiilented, unflinching Mld c.imprelionsivo political roformer, of Michiüiiti, wasilclnred the candidato. TJie voie was considenibly divided, and would probnbly bavB been moro so had the convention lieen a ware that the Industrial Congress at Philadelphia had noiuinati'd Mr. Wait of Illinois fur Vice President. As both bodics havo the saine Presid"ntial candidnte, it is man'festly desinible that tliey should ngree on the same candidato for the Vice Presidency. This vvill undoubted)y be done, and a strong vote cast fur tho ticket. Amonfftho mraority votes cast for tho Vice President were 12 for George Brudburn, 12 for Fn-ilerick Douglns, nm! 5 for Lucretia Mott. Had Donólas been a citizen of annther State, and thpreby constitutionallj' qual fied for the ofiicp, it is probable that the convention wo.uld have done moro to put to the test his resolution not to swear to s:pport the United Sta;s Constitution. His speeches, though diffaring from tlie vipws of the convention in regard tothe seuse of the Cónittt ition, were greatly adiuired for Iheif ubility. As tho ladies preseut who ngreed with tho principies of the convention wero invited to vote, the door was of eourso consideri'd open by sonw for tho nomination of a femalo yico President, and f the door of the Constitution luid bepn equally tipun, nul Mrs. Mntt not COEMidered adverse to nffinning to support it, verv like sho mighthave liad an nuaniraous vote, as there is i)'t the sliglitest doulit that she would honor the office quite as luuch as nny njfttl who ever filled it. The nomination as it. il mny be proudlv enntrast0,1 with any other. Who danbts the qiiiilifioations of Garrit Smith beside such animal as C.ts.-s nul Tuylor, orsuch a fraotionnl, unfinished man n H.ii' ? Wiio do;ibts that if Gerrit Sinith wure only sanctionod by the litt'o junto of politipinni who pull tiiH wiivs, nin--tenths of tho portöern pnople would vote for hira more gl.irity than oithor of the other men ? Mr. Foote is not widely kuown, but whero