
Washington, June 14, 1R48. Sf.natk. - Mr. Atherton, iYom tbe Finnnce Committec. reported back, wilh an nmondmeiif, Hnuse bilà making npproprintions for the Post Office Department. Also without nmendmrnt, the npproprÃntion bilà f rom tht House for revolutionary and other pensiona. On motionof Mr. Rusk. the joint resoh;tion from the House, providing for the payment of the Texas troops ciilled inÃo service under Colonol CurtÃs, wa taken up and passed. A motion to tnko up the Oregon Territorial bilà whs uegRtivfid 14 to 19. IIouse. - A bilà wns rpported. making nppropriatioaa lor eert i a rivera nnd hnrhors, and tiiesurvey nf certmn others; which was twice reiid nnd rommitted. Mr. Botts, frnin the Military Com'nittee, reponed njoilit resoiutioii in Ãvlntiou to thc transportntion and discharge of the military forcea at the close of the Mexicaii war; which was rend the third timo nnd passed. Mr. J. H Inerrsiill, from the Jiidiciavy Commtttee, reporte! a bilà to alter nnd amrnd the act for the piinishment of counterfeitinf; the curre nt coin of the United States. Also, n bilà to próvido for tuking the seveath census of the ihabitants of the United Stutes. Both of whieh wera read twice nnd ordered to be printed. Sknvtk, June 15. - Mr. Brrese moved to talie up tho Oiegon Territorial bilÃ. Lost. On inotion of Mr. Atherton, the considenition of the ludÃan uppropriatioo bill was resumed, nnd Mr. Sebastian olfered nn nmondment. It relates to a proposed reduction in the bill of tho tuirnber of Indian agentson the Western nnd Southern frontil rs, to which reduGtion he was oppose.l. After some debate, the anii-ndment was ndopted. House. - The House ootK.-urrfd m the Senate's am 'ndinpnts to the bill providing for payment of the regiment of Texas monnted troops cailed mto service under Colonel Curtis. On motion of Mr. Vintion, the Houso tlion, in Committee of the Vho!o, resumed the considcralion of the naval approprintion bill, and the bill was fiiinily repoi-tod to the House with tundry nmondments. Junk 10. - Tn tlio House, the d.ny was occupir-d in Cominittop of tho Wliole on the state of the Union, (Mr. Tallmadge in the chair,) wih tho special order, it bfting the consideraron ot'tlir bill tiaking nppropriatiohs for certHin fortificatione in the United States for the year onding June 30, 1849. After consideraiioii and debuto in Committee, the bill was reportcd wilh amendments, which weie concurred in bythe Flouse; when the bill was ordered to be engrossp.d, ivad a third time, and pngsed. SenAte, Judo 17. - Mr. Dayton, nccompnnied by a few explanatnry remnrku, mbiöitted a resotution, which IIiïs (ivor, aprupi'i:iting a sum nol exceedins; $700, for the eniployinent of a suitablo person to direct and prepare, nnder the direction of the Secrotavy of Slnte, the best plan for takiag the nBJtt census of the United States, to be ])resonted to Congress at its ne.vt session. The Senatp then resumed the considoration of billa on the private calendar. Iliius. - [mmediafely after tho roaiüna; of the Journal, the House, on motion óf Mr. Rockwell, resolved itself into Coinmitti-e of the Whole, (Mr. Wiek in the chair,) for tho consideration of bilis on the private calendar. SkhatKi June 19. - Air. Webster presentad the memorial of the late Convention held Ut Chicago, on tho subject of Interna! Impnwement, &c. ; which was, on his motion, referred to n select commit.tHO of tivp. Mr DickinsoH, pursuart to provious notiee, called up his bill aninndatory of the nnturalizution laws. th)USK. - Mi'. Wetitwurth presentcd the niGinorinl of tho Chicago Convention on the subjact of the improvement of rivera and harbors. It was referred to the Cotnmittee on Commere. Mr. Vr. moved to print the memorial, and. after Mr. Hunt. had made a few remarks in favor of tho ohjects of the Convention, the qaoatioB wus decided in thn amrmiitive - yus 122, nays 56. Mr. Crowell, of Ohio, introduced a bill. which wa referred to the Cominittee for the Piatrict of Cohimbia, to re)e:il the fir;t section of the act of 1831, which coutinues over that ))ortion of territory ceded to tho General Government by Mnrylnnd, the slave lnwa then in Sonta in that. State. Also waá passcd, tho bill to regúlate the postage on uewspapers, and for olher purposca. [_-&' Postacript of a letter from S. Felch, datcd - Anx Annon, June 19, 1848. Niuv is iVi tiino for vigorous action, nnitd efibrt, Tho signs are that man y will not bow down to the further sharneful dictation of the South. Put on tlie sleiun, let us hold mail meetings, and if can lie, havo a unión of all tho Anti-.SI-ivei-y hosU in this andevery No'tliern Stuto, and do up Northern tioughfaeos and s!avery-proj)agandiim brown. SF The attvioes by tlio America, state tliat letters from V iunna, ropört tlio arrival of tlie Cholera in iho nrovinces of the Daiuibe.
United States Congress
American Slavery
Old News
Michigan Liberty Press
Charles G. Atherton
Joseph R. Ingersoll
Sidney Breese
Samuel F. Vinton
Frederick A. Tallmadge
William L. Dayton
William W. Wick
John Wentworth
Rodolphus Dickinson
Washington Hunt
John Crowell
S. Felch
Thomas J. Rusk