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The Columbian Magazine For 1848

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A Reposhory of the Choicest American Literature, Eiitirely Original, :md of the most Costly National Embellishmeuts. The Colmnbian Magazine enters upon a new ye-M witli prospeU increasingly bright and promising. It haa attained a proud posilion in tho publiG estimation. lts success, in spite of formidable rivalry and opposition, and without tlie aid of large promises nnd specious apjeals, haa demonstrated that the American people rightly appreciated tlie principie adopted at the comnuucement of the enterprise and continued to the present time - that of performik rather tfaao promising. The pres universally, and with a generous kiudnuss, which the l'roprictor gratefully acknowledges, lias borne tevtimony to the superiority of its literatura and the profusión and elegance of itS embellisliinents ; while its immense and constantly increaing circulation shows tlint the press bas but uttered the general sentiment, nud affonl sueh aareable evidence that it lias inet the oxpectation of all that it seems to the Publisher alinost unnecessary to speak of tho future. Still the (Hendí of the Culumbian Magazine have a righl to know iiow fur their liberal patronage haa stiinulatL'd the Publisher to yet furthcr exertious. The best infurmation on this subject wffl be obtained for the buccessive uumber of the present and future volumes. - Still the Publisher would say, - deliberately, and with a tul', consciouaness of the extent of the promise - The Columbi;ui shall henccforth ba tlie best Magazine of its class in the United States. To effect this, arrangements ar already made such a3 only an adequate ácquaiuttuucc witli autliors and artists, uularged experience in the conduct of iho the euterpiise and ampie capital could secure. Subscribers may expcct, in the new volume, a series of engravings superior to auy thing vet provided by any magazine pubiislied in America. This is no empty asourance. The thing shall be done. At whatever cost, the Columbiau shall distauce every coinpetitor in this respect. It cannot be necessary to say much of the literary department of the Columbian. The gentlemen who h.ive si) long and satiafactorily discharged that duty continue their efficiënt services, "and the Publisher is happy to announce that thev h:ve made arrangements with aeverul of the most dikingnished writers in this country, whose regular conüibutionj will eiiricb tlie Magazine; while. us heretofore, the merit of an article, quite as much as the fame ol its wriler, will be the passport to ita pages Elevated pentimeut and pure morality will distinguished all literature of the Columbian Ma;azi;.'e. - I'ublislier enumérate, with houest and grateful prille the followingcontributors: Mrs. L. H Sigourney, Mre. Sarah P. Jenkins, Mrs. C. W. KÍrkland, Mrs. Susan C. B. Thomson, Mrs. Ann S. Steven.-, Miss Ann SloiTum, Mrs. L. M. Child, Miss Kate Sutherland, Mis. F. S. Osgood, Miss Mary M. Chaee, Mrs E. C. Embury, Miss A. I). Woodbridge, Mn. Mary E. Hewett, Miss (ïrace Greenwood, Mrs. E. R. Steele, Miss F. D. Edgeworlh, Mrs. E. O. Smith, Miss Martba Russell, Mra. A. C. Movvatt. Miss Fauny Forestar, Mrs. E. K. Eilet, Miss C. M. Sedgwick, Mrs. M. St. León Load, Miss Hannah F. Gould, Mrs. Jaines Hall, Miss Mary L. Lawsou, Mrs. C. 11. Butler, Miss M. 6. Quincy, Mrs. Anna Saltus, Miss Isabel Jocelyu, Mrs. C. Louisa M. Mills, Miss Augusta Brown, Mrs. Lydia Jane Pienon, Miss Mary t'. NolJle, Mrs. M. G. Sleeper, ' Anthor ofSuinmer Krolick'g Mis. Joseyh C. Nial, Miss Emily Ames, Miss Elizn C. Ilnrley, Williain Cox, Miss A. Blackwell, Jsmes F. Otis, Miss Annie Middloton, Samuel 1). Patterson, Miss Fanny Freeland, Roliert Ij. Wade, Miss Sarah II. Jcnckes, Bdward 8. Guuld, Mr. J. K. Pauldin;, Seba Smith, Wm-C. BrjKiit, C. Dnnald McLeod. Fitz Greene Halleck, Rev. F. C. Woodvvorlh, Edgar A. Poe, Joseph Boagbton, John Neal, Rev. .1 N. Daniorth, Henry W. Uerbert, Williain Wallace. H. Haslings Weid, Rev. Thomas C. Umi, I'ark Benjamin, SaeilOrraood, T. S. Ailimr, C. C. Co, H. T. Tuckerman, Charles Mol.augliliu, C. Fenno Hnñ'man, .7. H. Ranea, Theo. S. Kay, Alfred B. Street, (Jeo. Wilkins Kendall, Henry B. Hirst, H. P. Grattan, T. B. Read, Henry S. Schoolcraft, Richard (. White. There is yet nootherdepartinent, for theimprovement if wliicli the I'ublisher haanuida new arrangements on a liberal scale. The paper on vvhich the Columbiau vvill kereafter bc priuted, is mamifactured expressly for the pr.rpose, liy one of' the largest and most highly esteemed makers in the Union, and the lypography wilt be ol pmportionate neutuess aml elegance. The Publiaber respectfally solicits frnm authors, artists, pubscribers and ageuta, a contituiauce of the confiilence liitherto s generally awarded the Magazine. - As an earnest of the liberality with whicli he iutends to conduct thut department oi the work, he has prepared, nt a large ontlay, a mafiuificent full length portniit ol' VASHI'GTOT, price two dollars, in 6tipple and mezzotint, whicli will be preented: gratis, fren of postale, to every yearly snbsciiber to the Cohimbian Magazine, who will sent to the PnblüEer three dollars in advance - postage paid. U i an engraving of such superior merit, and the subject is of such profound and abidin," interest, that he caunot doubt tlmt the gift will higln ' gratify the receiver, und largoly swell the list of liis sul Bcribera. He annexes, also, llie following unusnally liber teHna of pabrication ; t benig understood that thesib ncriptions are in cash : Kor the Maguzine and Engraving of Washington, $3,00 For two copies of the Magazine and the Engraviug wilh each, - .... 5,00 For five copies do do do 10,00 For eight copies do do do 15.00 For twelve copies do do do 00,00 Persons desiring specimens, will be supplied on application to the Fubüsher. f& Editora who miy copy this prospectus eutire, in tlieir papers, and send a copy marked with ink, addresed to the pnblisher, sliall be f'urnished with the Magazine for one year, Address JOHN S. TAYLOR, 151, Nassua et. N. Y.