Public Meeting

At a meeting of the cilizens of Batüe Creek, convened at the Baptist Church on the evening of the Cth, instant, for the purpose of taking into consideration the subject matter of a certain suit at law now pending in the city of Detroit, CHARLES COOLY was called to the Chair, and R. B. Meritï cliosen Secretary - whereupon the followirig preamble and resolulions were adopted :- Whereas, a prosecution has been commen eed, and is now pending in the United States Court against certain persons, viz : Charles T. Gorham and others, on a charge of preventing certain persons of colo frorn being taken by certain .slavehulders, from the village of Marshall, and consign them to perpetual slavery : Be it, thertifore, 1. Resolved, That in the seiise of this meeting the action ofsaid defendants in protecting the oppressed was in the most perfect harinony with the principies of the Christian Religión and an enlightcned philanthiopy, and that thev are entitled not only to the approbation and support of tho bonevolent, but to receive tho hearty congratulations of every lover and promoter of the rights of man. 2. Resolved, a.o, That in the sense of this meeting, the toloration and practica of slaveholders proceeding on to our freo soil, and seizing and consigning to hopeless bondage, in that land of moral durknesa, oppression, and crime, those trodden down and unoffendingcitizens, that have, through such arduous toil and signal dangers, taken shelter undor our free inStltutions, are not only unchristian in character, but barbarous and inhuman in the extreme, and almost without a parallel in the catalogue of crimes. And bc it, therefore, Resolved, That we not only reprehend with the utmost severity such a cotirso as revolting to every humane and moral feeling of' our nature, but hold ourselves morallij bound, from the relations of' hurnan:ty, to make every lau dable eÃfort for the suppression of so horrid a vice. And bc it further Resolved, That as we highly apprnve the fuarless course of the aforesaitl defendants in preventing the seizure oÃ' the so called fugitive slaves, we most cordially recommend tliat the friends cf human liberty contribute Ãif need be) to the aidof said defendants in sustaining their defence. And be it furtliermore Rccolved, That as wc understand tlial threats have been made by one of the counsel for tlie slaveholders in the aforesaid suit, to muzzle the press, in rcferonce to reporting the proceedings of said trial, is only a fair sample of what slaveholder3 will do when they casi obtain the power ; and that we, as citizens of a free and sovereign State, will peaceably, but firmly, oppose any and all encroachments by the detestable advocates of the slave power, upon the rightsofany and every citizen ofour State, without regard to color. Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in the two Marshall papers, the hiberty Press and the Bulletin at Detroit.
Old News
Michigan Liberty Press
Charles Cooley
R.B. Meritt
Charles T. Gorham