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A Lay Of The Rouse

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Sweet stromnof the woodland, ilion windesl nlong, TThrougli the glade and tlie tliicket, the green vales iiinoag, While thy song is n chorus so soft tbnt tlie ear Scarcely lista the solt niiirmur, though striving to hem-. Let me struü by thy bnnks at ilie cluso of the day, When thf sim in his glory is sinking awiiy, And view the fair landscape that Nature around. Has so lavishly spread through tliis wilderness gi'ound, Trees hanging over tliy beoutiful tule, Shelter the wavelets its bosom that lide, Whose trunks high extended in air seem like props To support the blue sky resting far o'er their tops. Ifow level these groves which thy mistgently laves ! Where the birds build their houses, the tbxea their caves ! Ijovely solitude dells .' where the brcezes alone To the ld voico of Nature their air-strings atone! It is beaul'i pervades thee, and beauty alono, Holds tlie spell of eiichantnipnt that round thee is thrown ! What neml of n treasrire from GolconóVs mino, To garnWIi i proapecl o perfect as thine ! Sny, streani of tho foresf, wlicisc waters roll'd Iiore, On whose banks roaincd tho BRViige pursutog the deer, Kro appeared in these regions n civilized race, With their labora the gloum of the forest to chase. What date dust tliou beur on tho racorda of Time ? Coeval art thou with Crention'B young prime .' ])id the tnorning suns shout o'er tliy labors begon, When froin darkness ascended tlie first rising sim? Or didst thou more recent, the impulse obey, Ofsomc miglity convulsión, that, rushingwith sivav, Tore a bed in this thicket, and biddiug thee toil, F lew on like a conqueror seeking his spoil .' What change wilt thou mark as the years onward roll .' Whatshall Prophecy dicíate her wise to enscroll? The present is ours, but the past fiea concoaled, And tbe futuro stands yct to us all uiireveuled ! Now adieu ! for the shades ofihe eve have come on ; And the stars deck the curtain of Night, one by one, And wliip-poor-will's lay breaks the stillness profouiid, And the cool breezes send their lovv whispere around Flow on gentío Ilouge, to thy homo in tho sea ! Glido on peacrful river, unfettared and free ! Tül the ihvs of the mom on tliy meadows awake, And the green bonghs abovo thee their dewy gema sluike. O, would that the cnrrent of nan's mortal Wit-, Liko thy ijuiot gliding, devoid were of strife! Would that the passiuns that ruffle his breast, Were hush'd like thy ripples to stillness and rest! j FKANCES. S, Nanki.n, Wftyne Co., Micb., May, 1847.