
J. pi nu so w, jS Hap opcncd a shop. one iloir Kast of H Brooka' Hardware store, Rlain ut., ;;,:: " Cftek, for Uis manufacture aml sale ol' tho H ' gl3 various defcriptions of y BOOTS & SÃIOES, H "V"; Pailicular al irnlion vvül lie giventi) Ladie lR Moroct-o walking t'hoes, Gaiin-B, Slippei ÃQj aud Ties. Tlie (irst (juiility of atoch only -.'yc w t II be uecd and the beet ol' workmen - g ployed in its manufacture. Persons desir ou ola tirst rate fit and a durable articlo g J.ÃJ will piense give hitnacall. All of the above Sjg p . à kept conslaiitly on hund and made lo ordur. IjS x' Ilides wanted in exchange lor cash or %.syÃSà work. Recüllectlbe number. One door cosà Ssá ofBaooks. Hattle Creek, May 13, O I.IST OF I.i: I 1 1 (ix "DEMAINING in the Post Office at Bnttle Greek -LJ Calhoun county, Michigan, fol' the quarler en ding June 31, 1848 Anderson Basbsheba Jones Thomas Anderson Harry Jornian John Amsden Jored R 3 K Allen John Kirk Thomas Adams Mi's Betsy Kassicks Messrs Atwood Mrs Mnry Kirktnnd Samuel AUerly Auuias U IJ Loutzetibisor Josc])h Baldwin David R 2 Lovecrafi Wm Berger Miss Mary Lawlee Jamos Bailey James 2 Littlefield Damin Hailoy Caleb Lamorouiix Geo V I'rown Miss Mary Lowrco (eorge Brngg Hannab Tampson ()r)lia E 2 Bigaiow John Laraway Matildia C Batee Mrs Jane M Belmer Alexander Maynard Marvin Byington Rev Wm W Millepaagb Jacolj M Berdgell Caroline Marsh Henry C Mooie Rubén W Colc Peter D Moon B F Chase V S Masón James B Criger Miss Mary Aun Mott Horas Cooner Robert Mitchel Wm Cross Fayette McKinney Catlierinc or Carnpell Albert 11 Leonard Chadwich T A Malone Wm Jr Clifton Miss F lArowry Wm C Chase James McAlister John II Clapp Mrs Susan iVIagown Edward Crowther Mis Azelia Morris Amanda Curtis James â Munson Z G or R F Copelanda Mesrs Tracy D N Doane Artemnf 3 NewkirU C L Dodge Charles G 2 Newton Richard Demerjst Jacob Norria Abram Dawley Geo or John Norton miss Helen Brimmer O Dowe Marcus F Olney miss Nancy Dfnsmore Calvin P Draper E A Parsels Isaac Dennis Gorge Pettingill Cyrus Davis James Pratt Levi Davis William Prntt miss Betsy Ann Dickonson Mis Polly Powers Abner Dickenson Natlnui Punker James Darrah Wilson R 3 Pellham miss Susan E Proctor A H Edmonds Miss Mary E R F Riley Joseph Fuller Oliver N Root Erastus Feilding Miiry E S Fowler Jacob Sweet Orman S Koster Nathan Sweet rnrs Susan Freernan Ofis W Syms Charles F rey Josepli Stephens George I' Foot ïtoxey Sougal Alexander Fellows Mra Laura A Soder miss Rhoda Anrt G Smith Leonard Griswold Win 2 S.'üith Almon GriswoM Mrs Betsy Smith Ira Grodcvant John Smith Eliznbeth Gainby James M Simmoiis Samuel Gilbevt Charles Shower John Grover Joab Spencer miss Martha Greggory C Myron Stiles Chester Gilsoii Hugh Schutt Wm or Chester H Swetlund Charles Hathaway Jacob Stafford Eleanor Hughes Richard T Hoyt W C & H Tnllmadge Josiah 2 Hoyt Cephas V" Hoag Robert Yedder Levi Hoag Hiiain Van Wie Henry A Harned John L W Henderson Thomas Wntters David Higgins A D Worren Wm A Hodgis T D Weaver W D Hnwkins Smith Woodworth Downer Hall Sarah Ann Whittlo Thomas Harman iVm II Wilcox Watterman larrisoü Mr 2 Warriner Eliznbeth F I Wilson Sarah ngeisoll Orsen Y J Yates Benjamin ones T Z R Youmans John B t" Persons calling for auy of the above Letters vill please say they are ndvertised. ALÃNZO NOBLE, Postmaater. July }, 1848, ia-3w Foutief, ON THE 19tli, instHiit, ncar tlio Railrond Depot, three bank notes, cotnprising ten dollars. The owner can have tlio nbove amount by provipg property and paying charges. ' J. H. COOK. Kattle Creek, July 20, 1848. 14-3w Mortgage S:ile. DEFAULT having been made in tlio payment of ccrtain moniea aecured to be paid by an indenture of Mortgage hearing date the eleventh tlay of Octoher, in he year of pur Lord one tiiouêand ciglit hqudred and biiy-livc, executed ly Oonzdon Brown of Coiivia, Calïouu connty and State of Michigan, to Benjamin Fâ liiuiKiii mul .lolui 1' . Hinman, of Bellevuo, Eaton counly. and Sliite aforeaaid, whicli raid mortgage waa reiorded iu tln offioe of the Registor of Deeds in and tor said county of Calhoun. on the eighteentb day of Octojer, 1815, inbook I ofMortgages, on folios 177 and 178 -Mini on which there is due at ihe date hereof the sum ifthree liiiiidicil and eight dollars and twenty-five ets, br thiM-ocovoryof wliiclï no procecdings at (aw orequity have been instituted. Notice is bereby given, that uy virtue ol power of sale in said mortgage contained the premuea tnerein described as fbllews, viz : All that cei-tain tract or pareel of land.lying and beingin the townehip of Couvi aforéinid, viz: The Aast h il f (&) of the oumeat quorter ( ) of sertion six ((!,) the a uth lialf (J) of the west half [4] of the sonllieast quarter (j) ofseetion s'x [C,] together with the appartenances therctu belonging, wilfbe soll at public auotion in the bichert bidder, on the 18tli day of September next, at teu o'clock in the forenoon, at the Court House m the village of Marshal] ponuent to the statute in inch eau made and providéa. BENJAMIN F. HINMAN, ? MorlâeO!) JOHN F. HINMAN, MoUonoee8 Dated Jane 24, 1848. ll-13w STATE OF MICHIGAN, ? Couiity of Oalhoün, ss S QHERIFF'8 SA LB ON BXECUTLON.- By virtueo à one eiecutioc issued imi of the CountvCourt m and for the oonnty of Calhoun, to me direoted and debver. ed ia favor of Richard H. Hall, and against thegooda aod chattels, (and tor want thereof then of the and tenementa) of the defendant named in aid execut I have levicd opon the (bllowir.g decribed rsalestati, viz : The weet half of iotlwenty-Crarofrangeof blooka number one in the viïlage of Battle Creek. Also, all tliiit oertain piéce or paroal of land. knovra and desonbed ai folbw, to wit: Beginning at a take south Bfty on (51) degrees west eventeen and twénty-i hnndredths charas from the intei-section at Mam and Jefferson Btreets, in the villnge of Battle Crcck. thence louth fifty-one degrees wost alona the centre of the National Roñd, so ciilied, two and IH'tv-six handredth chaira - thence north thirty-n'nio deyreei west six chauM - thence north fifty-one degrees e;st two and (ilty-one bnndredtha ohaina- thence aoath thirty-nine degreea enst six chaina 10 the place of beginniiig. containingone and litïy une handredtha aerea, le theaamemore or iess - together with the fixtorea and Rppurtenancea belonginc; to each pleca ör parcel of land. whioh I shall exi for lale at public anction or vendue at the Cira llonso in the village of Marshall connty and State afor I said, on tha7th day of Aug. next between the hours I nino o'clock and the Betting pf the aun ofthat day. C. DIOKBY, 8heriff. By E. OLARK, Députy. '.,i, â â ; rnne 23th, ] I 'n-' UNRIVALLED ATTIaCTÃON ! f il BEAT! C. WAKE LEE & CO., Aro now receiving nt llicir Store, in the Brick Block, nearly opposito tho Ainericnn Hotel, nti rnlirely now and general assortment of MÃRCHANDIZE, consisting in part of the following articlea - â llrond Clotlis. Lawns, Dress Mulls, Ikits Caps, l'niicy (J;isi mures, Slmwls, Bonnets, Palmaud Lcgliorn Hals, Sutineits. Slieetingfl. GrocerÃes, (iMul Assortment Of Summer Blue and DrownDrills, Tea,Cirffoe Soodii Bagging, Sagar, Moloasen, Prints of all Price, Kentucky Jeans, Tobacco Cigars, Ginghama, - Scotch, American, Cotton Ynnfand Worp, Crockory, Bod Bnglish, Hoots and 8hoes. Nails, Muil Giuffhams, Ladie' Slips & Tics, Glasa. &c., Sus., I'ruuella Boots, &r., Cotton Batting Wadding, &c, &c., Sic, HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, ÃYE-STUFFS. Tho stock is entirely new aml wel! selected, and bought nt sucb rntcs ns will enable tlio subcribew to ell very clioup, dcfyiiig coinpetiüon. Those who want any ailiclo in their line, will do well to cali, as ie indiicoments olfeied are unusual. Any quantity of Wool and Country Produce wantedfor Wfiich the Hlghcst Price Will Ie patd. Battle Creek, Calhoun county, Michigan, June, 1848. "-'" JAMES A. BA1LEY, SIIOE AND LEATHER DEALER, M BATTLE CRE1ÃK, M., ', Keeps constuntly on hand and for solean Dm J-i issortmeut of ailiclcs i Ilis line, conaisting oi v-,x '% BOOTS, NKOES, B,EATIIF.B. Ã] Trimmings, &c., &c, nnd for Bale cheap. gfts 3 'J'lie subscriber wonld rcspcctfiiTiy say to .;, i wJio desire a GOOD KIT. and a tasty ijj,= Ãj Fasliionablc Boot, or Shoe, 4 And at tlie same t iin" durable, tliat lic s pre. t: f ' pared to execute orders in such a mannera9 "v TO DEFI COMPETIT1OIY, gig ijs Having the lict of material and every . . tj esaary to gratify the particular taste of : JiS every individnal - in short to snit the most y fastidions. Shop, Main st., opposite Brick ït,J,i ! Block. Hides wauted, and the nighest priee b paid. Hf WISTAR'S 5ALSA51 F WÃL CIIERRY. The Grcal Remcdy for Lung uamplainti and all Affcctions of the Rcspiralort Organs. T7"E WISII tobedistiiiotlv understood tliat every cerVI titieatc and statement of cures performed by Wign-'s Bateara ofWild Cliery, wliich we pubü strictâ truc. We give names nnd dates, and invite the clocst scratiny, and challenge the most rigid inquirv aslo ie aulhenticity of statements- knowing full well iat a knowledge of facts, as to the great snperionty of ie medicine, is alone neeeásary to insure ite use, in pi'elenoe to any otlierremedy, or any physician' presorip011. Tliis is strong language. Kor a prooi' of its tnith xamine what ftllovs: Mr. Josepb I. SfoungloTe:- Sir- Ai a duty I owe to ie coiiiinnnity, and parlicnlarly tlie afflicted, I wonld ale tliat I have been for a number of yean laboring mier disease and weakness of the lungs, wliich caused ne to cough B greal deal, and produced a consequent ebility ol my system generally to such a degree tliat was with difficnlty I could vvalk, to do which, even 6r a short distance, I experienced great fatigue. I lad various medicines recoinmended to me, which I sed without any lieneficial effects whntever, until I rooured a bottle of Wiitar'a Balsam of Wild Chen-y. hcnscofone botlle affisdsd wlà twA eEvg ne of cough, and restoring my ltuigs to healthy action. he use oÃ' it for a short time iucreased my general ealth and strenslli to such an extent tliat I was strongr and more healthy taan I had been for man y years ueóre. Krom the ti-ial I have made of the medicine I an confideutly recommend it as a powerful tonic, and ná a certain cure for afiections of the langa mil-ws lt lav be in cases of consumption, obstinate ;nd of long tanding. JAMES A. LBWIS. March7, 18-16. Bowling Green, Ivy. CONSÃMPTIVB PATIENTS ! Vill picase read the following statement i'rom the ison Ga.ettc. The incredulous are invited lo read the illowing note from Rev. Mr. Coldron, whose character 'or tnith and vorarily stands abovo suspieimi, and have leirdoubta dispelled as to the superiority of Wistar's lalaam of Wild Cherry, over all otlicr remedies nowbebre the puhlicof the same character: Coryhos, Ind.. Jan 23, 1848. It ia no less a duty than a pleasure to state, for the enefit of the afflicted, that I consider Wistar's Balsam f Wild Cherry, a great blessing to the human race - iaviii" tried it in a case of severo afHiction of the langs, unhesitatiagly recommend it to those similar ly affliced. as the best reinedy I have ever tried, and one which cured me wben PhyHciana soid I must die, and vhen t honeht ruvaelf that my time to depart was near .it hand. " WILLIAM COLDRON. There isa difFerence between "Wistar'a Balsam of Wild Cherry" and all othcr preporationa of Wild Cherry. The triie and gaouine Balsam, as sold by us, contains, besides tlie extract of wild cherry bark, other medical agenta of great chracter and efficacy in the care of coughs, coldfl, and general diseases of the chest and lungs. But the all important difference between this medicine and all others of the kind is tint Wistars Balsam cares, while other remedies givo only temporary relief to the sufferer. SoldbyJ. D'. PARK, (sucoeseor to SANDFORD & I'ARK.) Kourth and streets, Cinciunati, Ohio. General A"ent for the South and West. to vvhom all le must be adressed. A. T 11 VTBNSi Battle; Oomstock, & HaUey Marhall ; D. A. McNair, Kalamazoo ; II. A. Goodyear Husngs J. Owen a Ci. Detroit. u 1848. JSSEBKSà 1848. HU1VT êc KOBY, STORAGE, FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WankmHi Fooi of Bm Streel, Dfiroii. Agonts for Troy snd Wertern Lino. No tranÃhipment il Albany "r ïi-uy ruorrÃKTORs.- Birc Ciapp & Co., No. SI, Coenties Slii. New Y,ik; P, 8. Sterubery & Co., ooraer Fïonl nul Doek streete, Baffido. J. J. Nowcomb. U. Wharf, Hnsioii , IÃ. Bobiusoa, Pier, Albany. Agenta. AU... Vsents for the Wathington Line. rnopRiKTors.- Jamea Griltey & Co, 4!) Quny si.. A - ,;,uy Ls::ic .leromo, 12" Broad st., New 'i orK, Ooata à Folger No. 10 Central Wharf, Buffiilo, Ageuts. Liberal Cashadvances made at all times upon property (lestmec) for Eastem Markets, tor sale Uere. 2-tf First Again. TÃST RBCEIVBD from New York, a plendid as. J sorlinent of laitics and childrens Siraw Bon'iels, consislin;: n part ol'Tuscaii, Pedal Craid Lace, Braid and Split Straw. ALSU- A lot ol' bcantiful new style Ribbons, not l'orn-etling a choice asanrtmeut of printed Lawn, Or gandir MuÃlin and Si:olcli Oingham of tlie finest üualny-olicap lor euh, 5 BROVVN & BREVVSTER. ff__ TAKEN UI' by ihe iutucriber on the 7th day of JcC one sorrel bore, with hind feet white, white stripe in the fufohead, Alo one ltght bay mure, inane aud tailUaok, starin tlieforehend,with a Ãpavin onone bind leg, .upposed lo be ünm eRhtto tony 24, I8tó. 1'-!Kv TNDIANCURE FOETOOTH-ACHE- warranted freo L from all poiwin, and to le a sure and laitina curn wr tooth-ache, and for tlio preservation ol' deoivc,! t.-rili.- sale al the Drug Store of A, 1. HAVENb, srovi;s : stovesü: N E W BSTABLIà II M E N T . TUF ÃNDBE8IGNBD having opened a store one door itósi of W. II Cotoman', rApectfully invite the attentioii l the Stove bnying commanitv toan ex , ni 2 . of their Stock before pureliasing eÃsewhero. s!,,','V Stove pipe nd a general Mortmaut of rin mlll japped wai-ekogl "3"l'1'jN15Uâ BattleCreek, May 16, 1848. and South. CliICKIVOHJS Si;CAIÃ-COATED Purgativo Pilis. Cured within the last ycarover 200,000 persons who had been lahoring undcr the most acgravalcd complaints, and givcn vp as hopetcsx cases hy the most eminent physicians. fflfw L I si fc. 1 lïtv JniLGARCOATLD jjjfflk ARE tlie first and only medicine everdïseovered tliat will PoBÃtively Cure Headaohe, Giddiness. Rheumntisin, riles. Dispepsia Bcnrvy, Smallpox, .Taundice, Pains in tlie backjfnwsrd Weakness, Pafpitatioo f tbe Heart, Bising in the throat, Dropsy, Arthma, Fevers of all kinds,] Female oomplaints, Measlea, Salt Bbeura, lleartburn, Worms, Cholera Morbus, Coagh, Conmunption, Fils, Liver Complaint, Eryaipelas, Deafness. Itcningfl of the Skin, Cülds, Nervous Coinplaints, and a ;iriety of other diseaws arising t'rom impnritiea of tlio Blood and obstnictiona in tlie organs of digestión. It has been clearly ]roved that neurly every discoSe to which the baman trame ia subject, origÃnate frujn Impurities of the blood or derangeniciils OI the üi tive Organs ; and to secure health, we must remove ihe obstractions or restore the Blood to its natural state. - This fact is aaiversally kuown; Ijitt people ha e siich an aversión to medicine tliat, uuless the case is urgent, they preier the disease to the cure, au impaired Cnnstitution, or a lii of siukness rebnkes them for tli folly of their conduct. Still they liad sume excuse ; for Ijeretofore, medicine in alrnost all ils form was nearly as disgusting as it Tas benelicial. Now. liowcver. th' evil is most effectually removed ; for Clickner's Vegetable Purgative Filis, being completely enveloped with a cnating of pure white silgar (which is asdistiuct frotn tl. e internal ingrediënt as w nut shell trom the kern el.) llave no tute of Medicine. - Bat ore as easily swallowed os bits of candy. Moreover they neitber uauaeate or gripe in the slightest degree, which is Ofcassiotl- ed by tile fact that, they are compounded un BCÃODti6o principies aud opérate equally ou all the diseased part of the system, instead ofconiining tlieinselves to, and racking any particular región, (wliich is tlie great and admitted evil of every other fcnown purgative.) Henee, tliey strike at the root of disease. remove all impnre humors from the body, open the ports extenially and intemally, promote the Insensible Perspiration, obvÃate Flntuloncy, Headache, Sec. - teparate all foreigri aiul obuoxious particles lrom the cliyle', so that the blood,. of which it is the origin, inust be tlioroughly pure - secure a free and healthy action to the Heart, Lungs and Liver, and thereby Restore Health, Even when all other means have failed. The entire tnith of the abovr can be ascerÃained by the trial of a single box ; amt their virtues are so positive and certain in restoring Health, that the proprietor biuds himself to return tlic moncy paid for them in all cases where they do not give universal satisfaction. EP" All letters of inquiry or for advice must be addressed (post paid) to Dr. C. V. CLICKENER. No. 66 Vesey st. New York, or his authorized agents tliroughout the country. N. B. Remember Dr. C. V. Clickneneria tlie inventor of Sugar Coated Pilis, and that notliing of the sort was ever heard of nntil he introduced them in .linie. 1343. Purchasers shonld, therefore, always aak for Clickner's Coated Vegetable Pilis, and tase no others, or they will be made the victima of a fratid. - A. T. HAVENS, Agent, Rattle Creek. Apotliccaries Hall. DOCTOR M GILL having recently parohued th;s well knowu Dnig and Medicine Store would ro Bpectfully notify the citizena of Battle. Creek and rián â ity that he i now filling np his store with a good assortment of Dnigs Medicines, Paints, 08, Dje Stntis. Groceries &c &c. fresh Irom the East. Doet. G. designs to despose ofhústock al the Iowwl poMÃble ratea, nd is determined iiot to be andenoM. No article of Medicine either Minera], Botanie, ó Patent will be sold except those which can be wammteit pare and genuine. All the usual Patent Medicines are kopt ronatantiy on hand, amongit which are tbefullowing & formosl of which Dr. G. itt an agent. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Clicny Townsend's Conip. Ext. Sarsaparilla, Currie's. '1 Bristols. do Ãsgoods Chologogue Sherman's or Folsera Olosaoniao Vaughn'a Vegetable Lithontnptiu. Vanghn's Vermifuge. Barclay's Balsam ofWahoo and Wild Cherry. llasting's syriip of Napbtha. .layne's Bnchan's Hangarian Balsam ofLife. Haya Liniment f'or Piles. Upham's Pile Electuary, logether with an endltssvarietyof Liniment, Plaate'rs, Pili, Cordial &â . &c- A few of the Pilla are Clickners's G B. Sm:ilis and Wm, M. Smitli's Su?ar epated; Moffafs Phinuey'à Brandieth's, Gregory's, Persian. Oriental and Hooper's finÃale pills. N. B. Doct. (. Ktill continúes to attenu to the dutiea of his profesion as hit primary basiness, all calis iherefore, with whioh he may bc favourod by the afBicteil, will as usual receive his itrictest attention. Batile Creek, .luly 6, 1848. Rlillincry. MRS. PIEBSON has recently oponed a MillincBB ry Establishment on Main streel, il the clwflliug V& house formerly occupied liy E. L. Stillson, Esn. Hor present stock was carefuUy Belected tliis prina in the eity of New York, and CODists of Cliiaese Wl, Rice Straw, Freach Gymp, Petal Straw, NeopoitanmJ Florence Braid; avsriety of silksfocjwnnota nnbroidered rillnis, siniw fringe, Drtificial border, ace trimming, band-boxe, &c., all ot' ihe vi-ry laleèt tylo. Dri â â miiking in nll ita vavions braucucs, aud accordng to the lates! fashioÃ'. Platffsof Fnsbioua ill lic reisived regularly fraai New York. Bonnet nltored or Irened over oeatly nnd speedily, '- moderate rates. Battle Creak, June ;:. 1848. ' R New Tallorlng Estnhlïslineiii. milB BDB8CEIBEB having opeued n slion for bui1 nen in the vjllsge of Bnttle Creek JefTenno si., aertrly opposite the Battle Creoh House, woulil n fally announce to the oitizens of the-place and surronnding country, iliai is now preparad for operations m ihe Tailoring Buones. Having the experience ol mnnv yearsin thi trade, and by ibe substaalial manaer and elegance ol' Btyle in wbich he may do hú work, hi traste he Aall be able to Ratisfy and plon8 tho wbn maybe ilisposed to test lia ikill lor themsolve- aod, therefore, solicita a gbai-e of public patronage. Particular attention will be paid to the falfiltnenl ol ensÃiemenU Bnearthotimea possible. Pnces ndapteil tothetimei,andthereceiptaforpayaioui iu theTOinââ,â currency of the country. Cutting dmie ló order. .1 . o. M i'j At. J i A.M . Battle Crtek, Jan 10. IS is. l'-il" -TTAltNISH.- Huvrns lias JB8t reoeivèd o targe lm ..t oopal, coach aml nlowing ?amih. japaa, Sec. rVhcïTlLiiMC, constan i I fórÃal ut ' A i Jgcoba v Oo'i oarriag hop, nttl I rsk. SI
Boots & Shoes
Post Offices
Mortgage Sale
C. Wakelee & Co.
Clickener's Sugar Coated Vegetable Pills
Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry
Hunt & Roby
Brown & Brewster
Marshal House
Classified Advertisements
Old News
Michigan Liberty Press
J. Pierson
J. H. Cook
Charles Dickey