Professions And Practice

lt will be recnllected by rnany of tbe reatl ers of the Liberty Press, that the present ed itor of the Detroit Advertiser was, in 1844 and again in 1846, the Whig qat.didate for Congres in the tbird Congregional District. In 1844 he published an eloquent and spirit stirring ad dress to the electors of his district, in which he took strong ground against the annexalion o Texas, and the encroachments of the Slavu Power generally. He also traversed most o the district and addressed the people, earnest ly endeavoring to persuade them to renounce Locofocoism, aml to support ttiat party am those men who had declared " uncompromis ing hostility to the annexation of Texas." Hi speeches, as well as writings, were strongly tinctured with Anti-Slavery sentirnents, ant were evidently designed to draw support from the Liberty party. In 1846 lie agaiti published an address, ta king still stronger ground against Slavery thai before. From that address I make some ex tracts - extracts which will show (he tenor o all that part of the address devoted to Slavery " Had it (Slavery) pursued its legally pre scribed pathway, - reeking, as it is with np pression and injustice - violating, as it does every sentiment of moraiity and decency whiol belongs to civiüzed üfe, the obligntions whicl the constitutiou imposes upon us would have forbidden the Wliig party to raise its voice. - But not content in the enjoyment of' its lega privileges, the institution has crossed its boun daries, and endeavors to cast its dark shadow over all the land. Elated bv the success it ob tained in the annexation of Texas as slavehol ding territory, and emboldened by the aid it constantly receives in the more than negro ser vility of Northern Democracy, it. has gathered to ilself a giant's strength, and boldly threatens to bring beneath the yoke of its power every interest which makes hberty worth preserving Haughty and insulting in its ill gotten power, it has made invidious sectional distinctions, and filled all important offices in the government with slaveholding men. Against the further encroachments ofthis institution, the party will draw its sword. We may lawfully provide for an equa' and impartial distribution of governmental benefits among uil sections of tlie country. We may lawfully prohibit all further legislation for the benefit of the South at the expense of the Nnrih. We may liwfullv require the appointment of at least a fair proportion of public officers from the free States. We may lawfully expel slavery from the territoriea of the Republic, and drive its whips and chains from the District of Columbia. We may lawfully prohibit the trade in human flesh bel ween the respective States. Wc may lawfully oppose the niroduction ofany more slaveholding- States into the Federal Union. We may lawfully, and in a variety of ways, cripple its energies, afiridge its powers, destrov its influence, and circumscribe its limits. If' elected your Representative, I shall, to the best of my ability, enueavor to promnte the interests of the whole district, and advocate the measures and principies which I have suggesled in this address," huch beinsr the lar.guage of Mr. Wisner only two years since, wlien soücitiiig the suffrages of the electora in the third Congressional District, it must, indeed, excite surprise in the mirds of men who intend to have their professions and practices harmonize, to observe the course he Ã8 pursuing in relation to the Presidential election. In the Advertiser of June 13, he says : - " We this morning unfurl our banner for the ensuing campaign, inscribed with the name of 'hat old war-worn veteran, General Zachary Taylor ; and we send it to the mast-head with a shout." Now, when that name was sent to the " mast-head" - when that "shout" echoed through his sanctum, where were his Anti-Slavery sentiment ? Doubtless they were sent to the shades of forgetfulness to be remembered no more till - after election. Does he suppose that the election of Genera' Taylor will, in the least, tend to a just settlement of the " question of life and deatii to the North," which, to use his own languai;e, " is around us, and upon us, and before us in all its dreadfnl reality ?" Is the election of' Tayloi-, whoseonly recommendation is his military career - who is not known to possess, or rather who is known not to possess the qualificutions necessary in the chief executive officer of our country - and an advocate and defender of the institution, - who is opposed to the Wilmot Proviso, and who has nol had time to form an opinión on the most important political questions which divide the people of the country, - is the election of such a man the way the VVhig party takes to " draw ts sword against the further encroachments of slavey ! If so, the Whig sword might as well be snapped in twain, as was General Cass' at the time ofHuil's surrender; and if he is to be termed as the Advertiser styles him, " the hero of the broken sword," the party to which the Adverliser belongs should be called the party of the broken sword. But have we assurances that Taylor's election will !cad to an " impartÃa] distribjtion of governmental benefits among al) sections of the Union V' Or that it will " prohibit further Ie gislation for the benefit of the South at the expense of the North 1" That t will ensure, the " appointrnent of a fair proportion of the public officers from the free States V' That it will " expel slavery from tlie territories of the Republic, and drive its whips and chains from the District of Columbia V' That it will prohibit " the trade in human flesh between the respective States] or oppose the introduction of any more slaveholding States into the Federal Union 1" Will it any way tend to crip[le "the energies of slavery, abridge its powers, dostroy its influence, and circumscribe its limits V' No, no. We have 110 such assurances, while we have every reason to believe that Taylor's interest and feelings are wholly identifiod with the slaveocracy of the South, and that ho will, if elected, notwithstanding his supposed independence, be the obedient servant of Southern slaveholders and Northern 'Inusïli fucos. JVo man can mÃe for Tnylnr on Anti-Slavery gronnds. fïo, Bor for Casi. Did I believe that of two evils it is expeJient to cliuose the leasf, I could not determine between the two nominees. The spirir of Liberty snems to have deserted the hearcs of both. It is indeed much to be regretted, that men who have uttered, with earnestness and apparent sincerity , such Anti-Slavery truths as those quoted from Mr. Wisnei-'s address, sliould use thcir most strenuous exertiuns to elévate to tho P reside ncy a man who would look upon tliose sentiments as emanating from the brain of a reckless fanatic. It is using mild language to soy that such a courso is inconsistent. There must be something sou glit beside the triumph of principie. How much more honorable is the coursa of the repudiating Whigj in Ohio, New York, Massachusetts, and, to some extent, in our own State; and of the repudiating Democrats in New Vork ard other sections of the Union. - There, party bands " are severed, as the flax, That falls ut the touch of fire.'' With them principie is everything; the spoils are nothing ; and the threats of excommunicatin and of vengeance, emanating from par ty leaders and men in high places, are trampled indignantly in the dusÃ, With such men we can sympathize. We ask them nol to vote for our candidate, but to carry out their principies at the ballot box in their own way. Much as a unión i-f all opponents of Slavery is to be desired, we are not disposed to quarrel with any because snch a unión is not effected. Every one in his own way, but all in earnest, is our motto. Wilmot Proviso Whigs, - Barnburners, - League rg - Liberty men - we can cali them all hrethren, and bid them persevere, and there will yet be unión, and then there will be stuength, and
Liberty Party
D. W. C. L.
Old News
Michigan Liberty Press