THE PARI..O11 nAQAZIITE Cor XOTHING ! START NOT, gentle reader at this nnnouncement. nor set it down is the last bufbbug of the day. It is i fact, however nstonishing, th;it the publisher vi!l be happy to prove to those who ure skeptical on the subject. Any person wUhiug that magiiificent NATIONAL ENGRAVINQ of the sigQers nfthe DECLARATION of LNDEPENDENCE, engraved on steel by Ormsby, and considered fullv equal to tlie one formerly sold at twenty dollars, muy nlitaiii ii yearly subscriptio to the Parlor Magazine, free of charge, by remitting $3, tlie lowest price of the engraving, to the office', 135, Nassun street. To those unncquninted with the Magazine, we would say. it is a monthly devoted to moral literatura, and the best interesta of society, containing 32 pages of original matter, from the best writers, with two beautiful illustrations, second to none, in encli nurober, one a steel, and the othei expressly ttdaptrd to the Lndies, and colored in the best style of the art, with ottaer occasional illustrntiono nnd music. t-ii â â â $2 per vi ar. Ir is designad not simply to charm away mi idle hour. It is chaste and elegant in uil respecta, free from all injurious trash - pure and elevated in the highest dogree, and wortby i place on the tables of tlie most refined and virtuoos. The botter portion of the public and the prees, h-ive bealowed upon it the most unqualified commendation. The volume commences with May and ma!. es over 400 pages, with at least 24 illustralions. The Nos. may be exchanged nt the end of the year for bound volumes, at the office nnd elseviliere, and, with tlie engraving, will readily sell for nu advance upon tlio cost - the subscribe!' thus obtaitiiog the reading ot one of the best magazines for nothing. and leaving a protit besrdes. The engraving is taken from TRUMBULL'S great paintiag in the Rotunda at Washington, and contains the portraits of ill the distinguished signc rs. lts size is 21 by 31 inches ; is engraved in Ormsby's best style, and coosidered by good judges equál to any thing oà the kind in the country. - No American family should be deslitute of this work. Persons wishing to save TWO DOLLARS or obtain this splendid magazine for nothing, will picase Ãbrward three dollars post puid at once, and thus secure an early impression from the platoThe er.graving can be sent to anj' part of the U. States, at a postage of 16 cents. N. JÃ. Agent wanted to obtain subscribers for this Magazine, aud to sell the Parlor Boot. by J. T. Headley. Auy peper to which the above is sent inarked, on giving it three conspicuous insertions, and sending us the numbers containing the same will be entitled to n copy of this splehdid engraving. E. E. MILES, 135, Nassau street, 13-3w Clinton Hall. py Inthetown of l'alcrnu), in the state of New York, resides i eeatlenAoi by the name of Oardner, a well lüidwn aud biglily respected minister. Eliler Solomon Gardner'a daughter, in tlie raonth ofOotabet 1845, was takra with dropsy aad went throogb tlie succ.essive stages of that diiease and was at lasi sriven up by the Ãn-.-t medical men of ihe vicinity, at tfiil stttgo, writes Mr. Gardner, " we beard ofyonr Lithoutrioc - sent in great baste fnr m large 'inttie - slie took it in 9 days, win better, senl ïbr 4 mort;, and al ilii date, May lütb, 1840. inv i! lughter is uw at work aad free from th.ii dreadfuf dinease - to all human appoarauce. u well as ever, SOLOMON GABEWER. Tbe bo veis eorrect regard ng mycae. I am Ii tppy to add I am well. MABt AN. QARDNEE.;1 ;â look at our columna, see Qreat Amurican Kemedy, - Dr. (i. C. Vaugbni Lithontriptij, - cali upon Agent and get a pamphlet' " Ho d Vour Hemt THE 8UB8CEIBBH wonld inform uddleand and Haincss buviog public, that ' ' on band, X: is Oonstantly manufactormg,Saddle6, Harneas, Bridles, Halters, Tinnks, Tiunkaes, Valiece, Oarpel Bags, Whips, &â .. &,:., which willbehercatterS'ilil forOasb - aud Cashonly - at prioes clown, down, down so low yoa will i hink fio tole the .-.tuck, or that their is soinp mistakeabout it. Cali and see. Dont forget your Poi:ket Booifcfiliop on M tin St, oppositethe " 1!. Creek House" - Sin of the namrnoth Colli1. Bal . iCreot, Ipril, L843. B. B. OSGOOD. Woo!. YOOL GROWEÃÃS, MERC1IANTS, and otlieis are informed that tbe subscribe have wade arrangeiii" us to aire special atteirti in to the ;iliJ of all descripii.. ,. of WDOL on commission, with a thorongh practi ral kaowledge of the article, and the inirkets at hume an-1 ubruail. CIIOUTEAU, ME1ÃÃ.E & SANFOBD. GEO. OAKLEY, New York. Csirpeiiler's Tools. A GOOD assorl ment will be fmind at the hardwari e ui Bftttle Creek, oousistiagof broad axes, adz'i c. s. and oommon augure, long and snort iointers, jack planes, Stnootta ditt,), hollows and ro'unds, skew and rabbit planes, brads, match pknes, base ditto, greoiBD 01 alos, aash planea, ploughs, aw sets, (a new ar'icle) braoe and bits, aiijur bits. siee! iqaares, markedto ISths, sticks new magog, scotch gray aud hlndostan oil stones, all oà wliich will be sold cheap. SllH ijÃhic, constantlv on band for salo at J A raà öbi S Oo'i csrriage ihoj, Dattle Cre.' What does 1'. Jacobs of Onte.rville; stito ni' Michigan gay regarding the medicine wealluded 10 taal wjuk. tn a letter dated Nov. l'J, li)4l, lio lioUU tbe folfowing languago. ''Wo hull certainly be out lefore ;iii moro gota liere, even it' you furward immedKtely. Sriui plenty of pamphlets. 1 must, say tlieir isnomedcüir w e li:i ve ever deah iii whidi obtained so great snd deoÃdod a reputatiou ;is v.mws. The most siigular and nnaccountable part4f Ule matter ia. the uiitbrm snd onexcapionable testémouy of iti curative prtiperties ni ever} ca â â â We bava good medioines l"t maay single eomploiuta - bul yuuraseema to obvÃate tbe ase of all ojther pauaceas - il goea over the whole around' Yon will be aorprised to learn tbut in even cnaoaFever umi Agüe I nave u'n-d ir luÃ-, t hat nevor t'ailedt) cure And not "ïily in iio Unul, I)ut all kinds of bUnoa dieases its effect iaalike." Thuswritea Mr. JaooVa concernlnsGreal Amerioau Rnm-liy. G. O. Vangbna Vegetable Lithoutriptic Mixture. Bee our coluroos for hia advertisemoQt - cali apon Agent lora pampblet; Wiimr'N Bnlanin of WtUà Clin ry. Grkat IÃkmkuv. - A very important diseases over which tliis lialsam exerts avery powcrful inHuci.ce, i9 tliat of a Diseased Lirer. lu tliis complaint it hta undonbtdjy proved inore eflicacioua toan any mneilv hitherto employed, and in namerooa instunces wlien palicuts liad ciiiluro'''. long and severo suffering from tho_ disease, without receiving il' least benefit from various remedieBi and when Herciiry has bren reaorted to in vain, the use of thia Balaain has restored ihe liver to a bealthy oction, and in ma ly instances eftectcd pemanpnt cures, ifter every known remedy had failed to produco the deired effect. 3ec adviiiscmcnt. 'J Pili For Michigan. A MEDICINE FOR THE SEASON.- Most all the prevailiu : :omp)ai{Ua of' i i: time of the year are oatóly cured it atleuded to in tirne, Uy the use of the proper medicine, and it is admitted by Physioiana well Known here, ihat Dr. G. Benjamin Smitns ludÃan Vegetable Sugar Coated 1'ilU ure not only safe and nlrasant, hut really the most efiteacioiu fauiily medicine in asé. - â Cliildreucau take these pilla with entireeafety.for Colda Dysentery, Nfeaslen, Bruptions and other diaorders ; and :lic aged liud them admirable adapted to theif use for a gooü general medioine. They wiU purif) Uu? bloodi and induce a healthy actipn if the Liver and all thi ital raiiotions. Aron V. Brown, Governor of Teaneasee, baya thoae pilla by the dozen boxesaudia the besl customer in Nashville. He says, " they are the best pilla hia fainily ever used,' which i-s also the opinión of all who ma .e nial of them. A.T. JIA'ENS In vaiiiublc Compaiiion. SIX Lectureson Causes, 1'ivvrmnm and CnreofConaamption, Astluna. Diaeases oftbe Sleurt, mul all Female Dueaees. -S1 pages, 28 engraviugs. I'aper 50 ets; bound 75 ets. Mail toany part - postara 9 1-2 ots. Shoulder Bracea and O best Expanders. $2. Mail i any part. 50 et, p istage. Inualing Tubes. Silver, $3. by mail. lett.v postage. Abdominal Supporters, parfect, $3 to $10, torall Rupture, Falling i.fllic Bow els and Womb, and Weak Back, and Cliest;ent by Express every wliere. Por Rraces or Supporters, oi Ruptars Soppoi beigbt front licud tofout,and circuatferêoce of penan ner the sarlaos, just a'jove the liijis. ]f Elupture, mendoo which side. Agoata wanted for tile sale of the above goods. Addreee Dr. S. S. KITCH. 707 Brondway, New Yurk, post paid, Fe!). 21, 18-18. eady .Vlade Clothieig:, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! HALLOOK & RAYMOND have now on luid a very largo stock of Faahiohable Ready made ulotbing, recently manafactured, and ia the besl maiuier, and which they are prepaved to geil, al wholesaleor retail, at tüe lovvest casli prices. A-toong tbeir liavy stock may I)e f mud a general assortmeat oÃa!] descriptiona oÃ" : iruicnta, suitaUlf tur Spring and Summer waar, such as 6ne Cashmerette. Tweed, Drap de Ta, Slimmer Cloth, Linen, and other Back and l'weed C .)â . ii i, Tweed, Plain and Fancy Linea, ud variooa other etylea of Pantalooits. Super Satin, Sillc, Bombaziae, Fancy Merino, Marseilles. &c. &c., Vests. Together witli a very large assortmeni of cheap, durable clothiug, oiCo iis, Paatabons, Jackets, Vcsts, Overalls, to., &.C., for Spring and Samntsr wear. All in want jf ready in ule clothiag, of any description. are respecifnlly nfvited to cali and ex imine tlicir stock it lbe well kiiown 'ClothingBü3Liwritïm" cunit r of .ictïcrson and VVoodward Ave ..!) t 11 Cheap Store. fTUlE SUBSCRIBER hms been enlarging bis store, JL ;i:k! receiving Large addiiions to tiis stick oi' goodfl, nul tanowprepared towaitupon all his old coatoniers, md ai in mv ïirw one as please to give him a cali. Vuii will Bod every article usually kepi i:i a Drog iclading Paials, Oils, Dye Woods, Patent M:dciiics. auda great variely of arricies in ihis denartment, ogether willi :t largestock et' School lïooks. booKs i'or own librarie, Ãlanksaud Blank Booes-, Letter, Foolaâ ;iji iincl VVrapping Paper, tancy Stationery, Jewelry' Vlueical Instrumenta &c-, &c. This ia the agebey oi'tlie Cantón Tea Company and auiilics eau aupplied witli a choice ari iele, and at a ow price. All kinds of Oroceries eau be foasd here, md ilie prices are just rigfat lo snit tliose who wish to ay he'[. Physicians, Merchante, Pediera, Farmen, and in short dl eau make móney b) catliog,aa 1 am determiued not o lic DNDERSOLD, either al wholesale or retail, by diiy similar establishmeul this side of New York, A. T. HAVENS â Battle Creek, April. 13, 1843. Groeci'ics at Wholcsalc. The subscriber offers a very large and well selccteil S'oek of lieavy At lowest pouible price.-., and on the most accommodating terras. Alno, a large and full nevv stock uf' DVEWÃODS and OYE BTUFFS, and Woolen Mainilacturcr's Mashinery, ÃVilh a heavy and carefnlly selected assortnient of Paiiits, Oils and Oiaii) AN-, the following genuiue DRUGS & MEDICINES- 200 ouuces Quinino 200 Iba. Gum üpiun, (new 30 do Moiphine erop.) 25 do Indine 50 do Ciilomel, (Eng.) 40 do Hyd. de I'ot 2 bbls. Caniphir 10 do Strychnine 5 do Bulpnur 2 Cases Rhubarb 5 do Bpsora Salta 1 do Jallup 5 do GWober do 2 do Magnesia 2 do Oream Tartai [J do Borax 2 do Castor Cà 2 do Liquorice 10 do Alcohol 2 do Sup'i. Cari). 1 bsle Seana Soda 2 oancsSal Suda 2 do Tartaric Acid. 1 case Sal BocheUe. THEO. H. EATON, 80, Jeflèraon Avenue, Detroit, adv'ining r". & M. Bank. Br REMOVED SINCE THE KIRE. 8 300,000 Cah npital, Witk n Ptrpetual Charter, The i;iiih Flra Itwrtuiea :o., of ilnrilord, Cl. TUIS Cornpau) bas been n successful operation for morethan a quarter of a century, and from its prompt and Ãonorabta mode ei' sdiasting lussen, has uever heen dishnnored al home or abroad. lt has paid, witliin tbc lust two years, $4,560 for losaea BUStained hy Bre in tliis connty. Poliuies i.ssued, insuring agniiiBt the loss or damage by l'ire, on DWKWLLISG HOUSE, M ANK F CT01tlKS STORES, MII.LS, F0BMTDRC, WAlti: HOU.-ss. PItoDUCK IX STORE. CH0ECBB8] and opon all kinds of Insurable Propeity, at L0W RA.TB8. Any Lom wliich thi compnny may sustaiu on riaka taken at hi agsfley, wil] bc liberally adjiuted by tin; agent here, aoeordiiig to the utage of the l-st Fire BOtnponies in the country, and witli promptness, in mom-v ourreat in the city of New VorU . Tliis compaiiv Iris never contestad a loss in the c'n.v o{ New York. In case diöerencea should srise touohing iny losser damage, the corapany is pledged, by a resolutien ofthe Bonrd of Director, to lubmit the same to arbitrutors, indiöerently dbösen, oral the opinión ofthe tumired. TIIOS. K. BKAUE, President S. L. Loomis . Secrel ary. [ Application for Iiisuvanco, or therenewalof pol. ices, and all business Munected with the office, may be naatle to the suhsi i-iber, duly appoiated agent, wiih f'ull power to reccive propoaali and iacue polloea on terms as favorable as any officfl in the state. JOSEI'll C. KltlNK, ApiMit, Otlice, No. 1 Court House. Marshall, Dec. 7, 13-17 Family Bibles SO ARRANGEO tliat tho booka, ohapters, &c,. m;iy ba ruiiil as me oonueoted hSstory. Als .. oomraercia mi d faucy envelcpcs, tissue, perforated and billet. paper( Napoleon and liis Marshals, and Washington and his Q eoeralt, &c .&., imt recoived t tho drug sicre of April IÃ, 1849. A, T. HAVBNS. J . P I E R S O IV , Ãi.'jt ïïas oponed a .--li'j, one (Jour JEast ol W. j, â'â ' Brooka' JFIiudware sloie, Maio t., Baltic Sj JRfl Creek, Tur tiit? manufacture and sale ol' the glg "j. various descriplions ot' i_. :V: KÃBOTS fe SMOES, ptó $; Parlicular aUention will be given lo Ladies h tá Morocco Wllkiog Hioes, Giiilcra, Slippers S ", ;ni(l Ties. The iirst quality of stoeh only sY, Sffl will be ueed and the beat of woikmen ev Af] ii -$3 ploycd in its manufacture. PersoiiB gy j; ous ol'a Hrsl rate fit and u durable articlü jS KiH w il please give hiinacall. A!l of llieabove tyj X 3 kept consiantly on hand und EDade to Wj& st'% Uitlos wanted in excliange ior cash or â ?? work. llecolleclthc number. One door rast sSêb, ïj of'BaooivB. Battle Creek, May 13, pS WESTKRÃV REV VOIIK COLLEGE OF HEALTH, 207, Jlon treei, BuStdo Niu York DR. G, C. VAUGHN'S Vegetable L'uliontiïptic Mixture. rriHlS eelebrated remedy is ooniWntly tacreanng ita J_ famo Viy the niiuiy cures it ia makmg Bà over the world. It lias now beenme the oüly iiumIÃcniic kor famh.v use, and is particularLy recnmmeudod tbr DROPSY: all stage ofiliis complamt immediately relioved, no matterof how long standing. See I'amphlet tbr teslimony. GRAVEL, and ; 1 1 dieease of the urinary organt; fot these distressing complaiuta 't standi alune; no other article can relieve you and the care tertified to jriï coovince the moit ceptioal ; Liver Oomptaint, Billioua . b'ever and Ãgue. To th Great West especialiv. nul whei r these complainta prevail tlii medicine isoffereil. Ni material agent, no deleteriona comicininl is b part of thi mixture, it cures these diseasei wiih certaiüty and celerity, and does nut leave the system rorpid. Si'e Pamphlet. PILES, i eomplamtof a most pamful oharloter, is immediately rel ie ved, and a curo follow by a few days use of this article". it is far before any olher preparation lor this disenso, or tbr any other disease originating from impura blond. - See pamphlet. DE131LITY OF THE SYSTEM, wealt back, weak ness ol'tlie Kidueys, &c, or inflamation of same, is ini mediately relieved by a few days use of this medicine, i and a cure is always tlie result of its use. It .stands as i eertail) remedy For such complaints, and also lor derangement of tb femóle frame, irregularitie, su])pressioua, painful menstruations. No artich' lia.s evei been offered excepl this wbJcb woald touch this kind of derangemeuts. It m;iy 1)l' relied upon as a sure and effective remauV, au:! Jid we fcel pennitted to do bo, could give a tli'niamid ñames as proofofourea in tliis distros'sing clasa oÃ' oomplaintÃ, All liroken down, dcbilitsted ooustitutioni fcom tho effect ol' uiorcury, will find the bracing power of the article to act immediately, and the p lisonoua mineral oradicated from the övstem. EHUI'TIVE DISEASBS will fiud the ttlternative propertieê of this arricie to pimfy theblood, mul drive sucb diseases iV.ini the systcni. See pampblet for te! imony of cures u all diseases, whichtbe limits of an advertisement will not permit t be named here, Apje'.itsgive them avvay ; they contain 32 pages of certificate of high cbaracter, and a stronger array of the proof of the virtóee of a medicine, neverappeared. It is one oi the peculiar features of this articla that it oever fiüls to benefit i u ;hiv case, and ifboneaod másele areieft to build upon let llie emaciated and lingering invalid HOPE ON, and keep taking the medicine as long as there is an iniprovement. The proprietor wonld oantion the public against a nnmber of arricie whicb come óot mider tb e bond ot Sarsaparillas, Byrups, &c., as cnrea for Dropey, Gravel, ékc.: They are gom! for DOthiug, and ooncockted to rail tiieunwary; touch them nut. TheirinveiUors nevërthougbtof curing aúch dUetwéa till thig article had done it. A particular study of the pamphlet is earnestly tolicited. itou ,i . l'nt u p in 30 oz. butilos, at$2; ISoï. doat' ach- the larcflr bolding 6 o9..morfl tlian two sinall boules. Look out and notget impoicil pon. Every boMlfl has "Taafka'i Vegetable Lithontripic UUture," blown upon the glass, lin wriiicn tigiiiitureof" O C.VnighB"oo Uieilirections, anl ' (â . C. V aughn, Cuffnlo," stampcd on Ihc cork. No otlier are genoine. 1 repared by Dr.G. O. VaughD, and aoid ai the principal ofllce,2o7, .Mam â treet, Buffitlo, at wholesul and retail Np attentión givéa toletters UQleu pott paid - orders tïoin resularly constltuted Ageou excepted: post paid Iritcr, soücuingadviccprompily sUoudod to, gratis. . g Offices dovotcd ftxcïnsively to thft 5ale oflliis arucle - 1 - Nassau fct. New York cily; 395 Escx t. Salem Mass.; and by the principal Druggists tljrouifliout llie Uailod Stues oud Canada as Agent. For sale by 7to,dcl A. T. HAVENS, Battle Ci-eek. G &J G Hill anil J. Owen & Co., Del.; Mavnards, Ann Arboi; E. Samphon Ypsilanti ; J. Bn-ckford Saline, Mich.i F, Sun is Coocord ; Hall, Smith & Dunliam, GrassLake; D. C. Wlntwood T Wlicnloi'k, Albion; W. Jacksoll.Leoni ; A. C. Goodrich, PawFaw) J. T. Clapham, Kalainazooj Brown 4 Scott, Sclioolcraft; J. C. Luninorc, Nilea; J L. Tobv Sc Co., Jauksou ; undO.lI. Ilvdn. Mirihall. J.W.OWRS, Travcllini.' A.-'l. Slortgage S -le. DBFAÃLT haring beeu made in the payment of certaiD monies aeoured to ba paid b? an iudenture of Mortgage hearing date tlie eleventh day ol Octobor, ui the year of our Lord one thousand ëight hnndred and forly-five, execuled by Congdon Browa of Convis, Callumii cnuüty and State of" Michigan, to Benjamin F. Hinman and John F. Hinman, of Bellevue, Batan bounty, and State iforesaid, which said raortgage waa recorded in the offiue of the Rigister of Deeda in and for said county of Calhoan, on the eighteenth dayof October, 1845, in bonk I of Mortgages, on folios 177 and 178 - and on whioli is due at date hreof thesum ofthree huudred and eight dollars and Iwonty-five cis. for the recoven' of which no proceedinga at law or aqaityhave been instituted. Notice is herebygiven, that by virtue oà a power of sale in said mortgage eoulained the premuee therem deacribed aa follBwa, rilj All thal certain tract or parcel of land. lyinj and being in the townahip of Convis albresaid, viz : The east hall (&) of the soutlieast quarter (-J) of section six (6,) the soutli lialt (.J) oftbe west half [J] of the soutlieast quarter (i) of section sx [G,] togother wiih the appurtenancea thereto belonging, will lie sold at public auction to the bidder, on the 18lh day ofSeptembe' iiext, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the Court House m the village of Marahall pursunnt td the statute in such case made and provided. BENJAMIN F. Hl.NMAN, } NIortâaâees JOHN 1'. HINMAN, J Mortgees D.ited .TatiR 24, 1848. U-I2w STATE OV MICHIGAN, ? Oounty of Oalboun, n n IIRIUFF'S SAI.E ON 5XECUTTON.- By virtue of J one exei-miou is-ned om ul'tlie i'omity Ooort ia au il 6r the couiily of Calhouu, to ine direoted and deliverâ il. 11 favor of Richard II. Hall, and agaiust the goods ind chattel, (and tor want thereoftheu of the Imids and enemente) of tlie defendaut Dftmed in said executloii, bave levied ui1"11 llle following described real eslate, ñz: The west half of lotiweaty-fimrofrangeof blocks lamber one in the village of' Battle Creek. AJso, all hal cèrtain pieca or parce! of land, knuwn and de-ni,( m fbllowi, to wit: Beginning at a stake sottth fit'ty one (5l)degrees west seventeen and twenty-six Inindredtha chauu (mm the intersection of Mam and Jsffarsoii strei te, in the village of Battle Creek, thence soatfa ifty-one degrees weBt long the centre of the National in hl. o callfd. t-.vo nuil tit'iv-six hundredthe chaini - tlienee north iliirt v-tiine aegreea west ñz chaina - heneo north degree eaSt Iwo and lilty-one luudredtlie chaina - thence south thirty-niae degreea nul Bitchaituto the plaoe of beginning, oontaining one nul Bfty une hnndredthaacre, 6e djeaèiamart oriesa - together with the Bxtore and ppurwnancei belonging to each pieie orparcel ot' land, which I shall expose fot tale at public auction or rendue at the Courl Honse in the village of Marshall coünty and state aforesaiil, on the 7tli day of Aug. nest betweeu the houn of uioe o'clock and the setting of the iuh ofthal day. C. DICKEY, Sheriff. By E. CLARK, Deputv. Dsted .Tnn93th. 184S. 10-Bw Tüli CANTÃN TEA UUMl'ANY has been popularly known t'ir many years. ïliis ia the largMt and oldes Toa BatablUhment Ãn America. The public have bad ful] proof oi'thoir intogrity rndreapopnbility. Tlicir scrapulos regard to all prinoiplea tnal tend to elévate the diameter of a large lïousi-, is well nnilerâ tnnd, and li:is ilreudy eonred themaconueotion, probably, larger thao all other Tea Brtablulunents anited, and they ooaeeqwenlly are deterrained to sellTeas purer, mure (rogranúnd perfect fat theprices, in thaggreffiU'. tlian aiM boute in Ãiü world Bvery package, (in addition to its oontaining KULL WEIGHT, iudepemlant of tlve wrapper,) beni. the Btamp of uoatneM and eleuancc. and the Teas tlfesreio are io thoroughly necared froin lighi and air, that tlieir iiiality and power wil! rettmiu wiiinipiiirud iiianyclimate. A. T. HAVEN?, Agent, Battle Crtk ' UNRIVALLED ATTRACTIONà ANDGREAT BARGAINS! C. WAKELEE & Co-, Are now receiving nt their Store, in ihe Biick Block, noarly opposite the American Hotel, nn eotirely new and general assortment of MKRCHANÃIZE, consiBting ia part of the f'ollowing nrticiea- Broad Cloths, J.awns, Dress Mulls, Hats Caps, Kancy Cussiineres. Shawls, Bonuets, Palmawl Leghorn Hats, Satinetts. Bheetings, Groccnts, Good Assortment Of Summcr Blue aiul Brown Drills, Toa, Uoffee, Qoods, Bggig, Samr, Molai, Printi of all Trices, Keutucky Jeans, Tobauco Cigar, Ginghama. - Scotch, American. Cotton Yaniand Warp, Crockery, and Bnglkb. Boots and Shoes, Nails, Muil Guighams, I.adies' Slips & Tics, Glass. &c., &c, Tniiiella Boots, &c, Cotton Batting Wadding, &c, &O., &c, HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, DYE-STÃFFS. The Btock is entiroly new and well aelected, and bought at such ratea as will oimble the nbcribert UK aell very cheap, defying competition. Those who want any aiticle in their line, wilt do well M culi, u the induceinciits offered are unusual. # â _ Any quantiti) of Wool and Country Produce wantedfor wlach the Ihghest F nee wdl bc panl. Buttlo Creek, Culhoun county, Michigan, June, 1848. 7-m $p JAMES A. BA1LEY, S SIIOE ÃB LEATHER DEALER. L BATTLE CREEK, M., Q Q0 Keeps constnntly on hand and lor salean -A Xgs aaaortment of anieles ui bis line, consisthig ol ÃO! IIOWTH, IHOBi, LKAT1IER. gpij P Trimmings, &c.,r Skc., and tor sale cheap. jSs !Vil The subscriber voiild résped lul', y say to V p those who il.s'nv ;. O(il FIT, anda tastj M Fashionable BooÃ, or Shoe, sÃTtt And at the same rae durable, that he is pre_ $. pared to execute orders in snch a manner os '0 'V': TO OSÃFV COÃ1PETITIO1V, ?:.L U,L Eïaving the best ol' material and every }KJi. W% ity nacessary togratlfy the particular taste of yj %2 every individual - m sh'drl ro suit t lie most ipS! ts fastidious. Sliop, Main st., opposite Brick S 2 Block. Hides wanlcd, aud llie highest price Q "e"' naiÃl. " stP WISTA'R ' S BALSA OF %ÃLD CIIERRY. The Grcat Rcmedy fot Luna KjomplainU and all Ajfcctions of the RespiraÃory Organs. YE WISI1 tobedistiucdyunderÃtood that every certilicate and statement of cures performed by VVistar's Dalsam ofWild Chery, which we strictlytrae. We give namei and datesi andinyite the closest scrutiny, and ohallenge the most rigid iuq.iiry asto the ;miliriii'city of our statements- knowing full well that 1 knowledge of faets, as to the great supenonty of the medicine, is alone neoery toimmteits use, 'm prelereuce to any otherremedy, orapy physician's prescription. ïhis is strong language. Kor a proofof Ãts truth examine whal fbllow: Mr. Joseph I. ïousglove;- Sir- As a duty I owe to thecoininunity, aud parlicularly the afflicted, t wodld state tliat I have been for a number of veáis laboriog under disease and weakueà of thu long, whioh caused me to cough a great deal, aud prodneed a consequent debility ol my systeni generally to such a degree tnat it was with dÃfflculty I could walk, todo which, weu Ejt a ghorl distanoe, I exporienoed great fatigue. I had irimis medicines recommended to me, which 1 aned without any beneficial effeets whateyer, until 1 prooured a bottle of Wistar's Bslsam ofWild Cherry. ' theaseofone bottle afforded relief, entirely relievingà me of cough, and restoring my lungs to healthy action. health and strength to such au extent that I was er an.l inore heallhy than I had been for maoy years before. Krom the ti-ial I have made of the medicine I can imilidently recoinmend t as powerful touic, and i and a certaiu cure for aflections of the langs uiiKss it mav be in cases of consumption. obstÃnate i.nd of long standing. JAMES A. LEWIS. Maich 7, 1346. BowlingGreeii, Ky. CONSUMPTIVE f ATIBNT8 ! Wil] jilease read the following statement from tlie Harrison Gazette. The incredulous are iuvited to read the follo-sving note from Rev. Mr. Coldron, whose character for truth and veracity stands above suspicion, and nave their doubts dispelled as to the superiority of Wistar's Halsam of Wild Cherry, overall other remedies uow ( foie the public of' the same character: Corydon, Ind, Jan 28, 1848. ll is no less a duty than a pleasiire to state, for the benefit of the afflicted, that I consider WUtar's Balsam of Wild Cheriy, agreat blessinf; to the human race - Having tried il in a case of severo affliction of the lungs. j I unhesitatingly recoinmend it to iliose siinihn-lv ihebest remmly 1 have ever tried, and one which cured me when Physicians said I must die, and v hen t thoaaht mvself that my time todepart wat, nearathand. D " WILLIAM COLDRON. There isa difference betweeu -Wistar's Balsam. of I Wild Chérry" and all other preparations ofWild Cherry. The ti-ue and genuine Balsam, as sold by us, contains, besides the extract of wild cherry bark, other medical ageutBof great cliaracter and efficacy 111 theoure of coughs, cölds, and general diseases of the chest and lnii"s lint the all important difference betweeu this medicine and 11 otliers of the kind is that Wistars Balsam cures, whtte other remedies give only temporary relief to the sttfierer. Soldby.1. I). PARK. (successor to SANDt 9RD_& l'ARK,) Four'.hand Walnat streets, Cinciniuiti, Ohio. General Agont for the South and West, to whom all orders must be adresscd. A. T HAVENS, Battle; Comstock, & Halsey Marshal] : I). A. McNair, Kalamaioo ; H. A. Goodyear Hastings .!. Owen a Co. Detr.iit. 9 1848. ffüJJPWCTEB 1848. II V X T Ai KOliV, STORAGE, FORWAKDIXtt & COMMISSIOX MERCHANTS, Wui'chouc Pool of Rnlra Slrorl, Ãelrolt. Agenta forTroyuud Western Line. No traushipment at Albiinv dr Troy Phopkiitokb.- Rtce. OiapB & Co.. No. 31, Coenties Slip New York; I'. S. Sterpbery & Co., corner Krom M Doek, Buffalo. J. .T. Newoomb. L. Wliurf. Botton s R. Robiofoni Pier', Atbaay, kgeoül Also, Asents fort'i! â Warhisgtoo Line. PBOiEiKTors.- James QrUley & Co, 4!) Quay tâ Albany, Isaac Jerome, 125 Brond ut.. New York, Coats & Kolger, No. 10 Central Wliarf, Baffalo, Ageuta. Liberal Cash ulvances made Stall times apon property destini-d tor Ãmteru Markets, or lor ale tere. 2-tf First Agai. JUST RECBIVED from New Vork, a isplentlid as. Borlment of ladk-s and chiklrens Siraw Bomels, cons3linÃr n part ol Tuscan, l'edal BraidLacc, Fancy Braid aad Splil Straw. ALSü- A lot ol' bcantiful new style Ribbons, not forifolling a cliuiee assortmeut of printeii Lawns, O ijiihIv Mu"lin and Si:olcl Ging!iam ol' the finett â uality_cheap tbr oasli. 5 BIIOWN & BREWS TEU5 TAKEN UI' by the rabicribor on the 7th ilay 1 Ary? Jmi". ciuc soi-rcl horo, with liiud foet white, white sliipe in Ãir. forehead, Also one light b;iy maro, mane :iil mil black, sjarin the (brehead,with ;i spaviu nu ra â â ! 1 les, ïupposed t be from eighl to ten years old. VM. H. HABMON. Einiiiett, June 54, 1Ã48. U-9" 1NDIAN CURE FOB TOOTH -ACHÃ- warrwited free froga sil powoa, and to be a sure rad larting cur for tooth-ache, und for the prrförvation of deoayod teeili. - For sale at the Drug Store of A. T. HAVENS. STOVÃ1: STOVES! ! I NEW.B8TABLI8HMENT. rHHE UNDERSIONED having opened a store one L door East of W. H. Coleman's, respcctfully invil the atlentÃDii ol tlie Stove buyiiig comiimuity to an ex amination of thcir Stock before purchaúng elsewhere. Stoves Stovo pipe and a general Maortment m Ti mul .,al1);ulea ware kept "0 hNELL. Battle Creck, Muy 1G, Mü7sïüü House, by L. KINGSBURY. Marl all, Michigan. Btageleavürrttf hou th Norlh and g"'iih. CliICKIVOK'S SIGAK-COATEB Purgativo Pilis. Cured witltin the last yearover 200,000 persons toko had been laborbtg undcr the most aggravated complaints, and given up as hopcless cases by the most eminent phyticiani, ARE the first mul oaij medicine everdiscovered that will l'usitivi-lv Gure Headache, Giddinrss, Bheumaüsm, Piles, Dispepsia, Scurvy, Smallnox, Jaundïce, Paina in tÃfe back,lnwarri Weakuess, Palpitation of the ïleart, Rising in thethroat, Dropay, Astlmia, l'cvcis uf ill kinds, Femala complaiuta, Measlee, Salt Rheum, Beartbuni] Wonns, Cholera Mm-bus. Cough, Consumptiuu, Fits, Livor (Jomplaint, Brysipelas,, Itcliings of the Skin, Colds, Narvoua Curaplainte, aud a variety of other diseuee arising lVora impnrities of lliu Blood and ob3trnctioti8 in the organs of digestión. It has been clearly proved that nuarlv cverv J to whjch the lmmau frame is subject, origÃnate from Impurities of theblood or deransemenbi ii' the Digestiré Oi-fjans ; and to secure healilÃ, wc mibt u-move the iibstructions or reitere the Blood to its natural state. - Tliis fiict is universally kuown; lmt people have aoob au aversión to medicine that, unless tlie tase is urgent, Lhey prefer the disease to the cure, unlil au in; Coudtitution, or a lii of sickness rebukes them fu folly of tlieir conduct. Stil] they had soine exense ; for beretofore, medicine in almost all its forin üs iteariy iis disgusting as it was beueficial. Now, however, the evil is most effeetually removed ; for Clickuer'à Vegetable Purgativa Filis, being completely enveloped with i coating of pure white sugar (wbich ia asdistinct from lie interna] ingrediente aa a nut slu-ll from the kernel.) Have no taste of .Medicine. - Bcit are as easily svvallowed as bits of Moreover they neither naiit':ite or gripe in the slightest degree, which is Ofcassioned by the fact that, they are cuinpounded on scientitic principien and opérate c-qually on all the dtseased part; Of the system, inatead ofcontining tliemselves to, and racking any particular región, (which is the graat and idulifted evil of everv other knovvu [mrgative.) Henee, they strike 3t the root of disease, remove all imjtore Immors from the body, open the porti externallv aud iuternaüy, promote tlïe Insensible PerÃpiration, obvÃate Flatnlency, Headache, &c. - separate all foreign anil :bnoxious particles from the chyle, so that tne blood, jf which it is the origin. must be thoroughly pure - jo:ure afree and healthy action to the Heart, Langs and Liver, and thereby Restore Health, Even wiien ai! sther means liave-failed; The entire truth of the abovtcan he ascertained by the trial of a single box ; aud Lheir virtues are so positive and certain in restoring Health, that the proprietor binds himself to return thci money paid for them iu all cases where they do uol give universal satisfaction. ö1 All letters of rnquiry or for advice must be adciressed (post paid) to Dr. C. V. CLICKENER. No. 66 Voaey st. New York, or his authorized agents throughut the country. N. B. Bemember Dr. C. V. Clickneneris the Inventar of Sugar Coated Pilis, and that nothing of the sort was ever heard of unlil he introduced them in .Tune, 1843. Purchasers should, therefore, always ask for Oliekner's Sugar Coated Vegetable Pilis, and taKeAio others, or lhey will be made the victims of a fraucT.- A. ï. HAVENS, Agent, ftattle Creek. Apothecarics Hall. DOCTOR M GILL havina reoently purchaaed well known Drug aad Medicine Store wtrald rcspectfully notify tho citizen3 of Battle Creek and vicinity thal Ãie is now filling np his Btore witli a good bmortraem of Drngs Medicines, Piiints, Oils, Dye Btiifis, Groceries &c &c. freêh Irom the East. Doet. G. designs to despose of hisstock it the lowegt possible raUs-, md is detelTnlnod uot tu be uudersold. Nu article of Medicine either Mineral, Bátanle, oà Patent will be sold except those which can be vvarranted pure and genumc. All the usual Patent Mediciues are kept constint!y on hand, amongst whichare thefjlluwing &. fo.-niMt f 'hich Dr. G. à an agent. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry Townsend's Comp. Ext. Sarsaparillo, Currie's. do Bristuls. do Osgoods Chologogue Shermau's or Folgor Olosanninn Vaughu's Vegetable Lithoalriptic. Vauchn'a Vennifiige. Barclay 's Balsam of' Wahoo and Wild Cherry. Hustiiis's synip of Naphtha. Jayue'i Bxpectorant. Biiehan'e Hungariau Balsam of Life. Ilav.s Liuiment for Piles. Uphara's Pile Electnary, together with mi eodleuvaïety of Liniment, Piasters, l'ills, Cordialu &c. &C - A few of the Pilis are ClicknersV Q B. Smith'i nd Wm. M. Smith'i Suar dootedi Mofiat'a I'hiuney'a randreth's, Gregory's, Persiiin. Oriental aud Hooper'à 'eniale pills. N. B. Boet. G. still continúes td atteod to the Juti â Pilis pvolession as hia primavy bnsinrss. ill cills tlicieiro, with which be niny be uivourèd by tie aliïicicil, ill r.a nsual receive liis atrictttt attentiun. Baitle Creek, July G. 1848. miiltnery. MRS. PIKRSON lias receiitly opened a MilliueHBH ry E.slalilislnntiiit m Muiu street. it the ilvvelling Ã5S. house formerly occupied by E. L. StiMsmi. en. Het praeènt stock was careiully lelected thia prinu' in the city of New York, and cunsists rf Cbiiteaa 'earl, Rice Btraw, Freiicli Gymp, l'eial Stniw. Neopn. tan and Florence Braid; vanety ot' silkaTor bonunts mbroidered ribbons, straw l'riiige, anificiu! Worderg, ice tiimmings, band-boxes, &c, all of the vei-y lutt-it tyle. DreM making hi aü its varioua branche, mul (ccoi-Jns in the latestfaahion. Plateof Kashioo will ba received regulai-ly from New York. BonueU ollered or I over ntatly anti speedily, I ratea. Battle Cieek, June 8, 1848. R JVciv Tailoring Establishment. THE SUBSCIURER havÃMopeued shop for business in the village of B itMe Oreek, on Jefiergou st., learly opposite tUu Battle Creek House, would reajj ully nimuunce to tbc citizens of tlie aml surrounling country, that he is now preparad fat operations ia the Tailoring Business. Hoving Uio expenenoe of niauy yc:irs in the trad, and by the substantial marnier añil elegance of style in vvhkb lic miy do his work, he n-u-ts ha WI ba able to satjefy ui 1 pleas th e who may lie dispoard to test liis skill for thenfflelvoi - aud, tlierofore, suliciti a ature of pnblic patronage. Particular attention will be paid to the fulfilment of engngements us iiear the time as poasible. l'rices adapl ed to the times, andthereceiptstbr paymont in thecominon curreucv of the coautry. Cntting done to onler. J. 8. MEACHA.M. Battle Creek, Juno 10, 1348. P-3m TTAKNISH.- Havens bas just receiyed a large lol ol V copal, coach and Ãowing varnish, jpnii, &c. L=uuesL,IEWBLIlïii[iier goodsatiht-rlifvu?Lzr T2: prug Store of I F A.T.HA
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