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On Monday morning iliere was an awful stillness. Few individuáis were seen, and no cairiages, except ainmunilion ivagons and those 'vhich I rougbt supplies for the soldiers. The " generale" was beaten at 5 o'clock in all querterg. At 9 o'clook ilie President of the Assembly cnlled together the membera ihen in ihe palace, and announced ihat ihe insurgente were altogeiher suppressed on ths left banks of t Lo river; on ihe riglit bank the Faubourg du Temple was taken in the nigtrt ; ihe barrier of the Temple was free ; the Faubourg St. Antoine alone resisted. On a mission of peace, the Arcbbishop of Paris aiyj the representativos Larabit, Galli-Cazale, and Eranlt, four delegates of the insurgents presentid in address to the Assembly, demandinn; an armistice, and promising to surrender the Faubourg on condiiioii of preserving tbeir tilles and rights of ciüzens. The President replied, that f they vvislied to re-enter the ranke of the Republic they must destroy their barricades themselves and makc their submission. Hostil'uies were resumed at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, and, after a short contest, the insurgents in t!ie Faubourg St. Antoine snrrendered unconditionally. This was ihe last stronghold of the revolt, the Clos de St. Lazere having been already storuied. The Aichbiíhop o' Paris, who was unfortunately shot at one of the barricades, vvhilst endeavoring lo induce the insurgents to surrender, bas since died of bis wounds. Nine Hundred Insurgents shot bij the Troops. On Monday eveniug five hundred insurgente who were captured at the Clos St. Lazare were shot on ihe spot, and four hundred more the next moniing. The struggle had been incredible, and the military exertions almost unparalled. Two LieutRnants of the National Guard were taken pnsoners on ihe barricades. - Tliree women dressed as canlinieres, were Rrrestefl in the neighborhood of the Asssmbly. for having sold poisoned brandy and wine to the troops. Several soldiers have died IVoin the effect of ihe liquors thus giveq tu the ra. Dccrce of Transportation on the Insurgents. The-President bad proposed to the Assembly a project of law pronouncing transportation on all persons lakei) with anns in their hands whirli had been adopted. The )roposal passed unanimously. The families of the convicts vvill be aüowed to go u'uh ihem. . It is stated that Gen, Cavaignac has summoned to his councils M. Thiers, and the new government will probably be placed uni der liis direction. The follomitg decree liad been published j by the " Cliief de Pouvoir Exe'cutif:" " Every person woiking at the barricade sliall be ronsidered as taken with arnis in his bands." i Paris, June 0-5. Tíü plan of operations of Uic insurgents was abiy conceived, according to the topography of ilie city, ïhe approaches of the palacè of the National Assembly being very favorable to the ernployment of troop cbarfes of cavalry, and ihe use of artillen-, they directed no attack on that side. Divided into four divisions of from 5,000 lo G,000 each, without reckoning many individual sharpshooters, all their efforts ivere directed to approach the Hotel de Ville, and from thence, f they were victors, they would have folio wed the quays by the hvo banks of the Seine to the palace of the Assembly. On the left bank the first corps ofthe insurgents, havngits head-quarters at the Pantheon, occu-'' pied all the Rue 8. Jacqoes, the liue de la Cite, and the approaches to the Pont St. Micliel. But this bridge, as well as the Palaiá de Jnstice and ihe Prefecture of Pólice, was guarded by (orces vvho would bave of-j fered an enereetic resistance. Furthei'. on ilie saine bank, auothei column pccupied ilie Rué St. Víctor, tlte Place Maubert an.J the Pont de l'Hotel de Dieu. Ou the right bank, ilie 3d column, baring for its head-qiiarters and fortress the new hospital building in the Clos St. Lazare, Faubourg St. Denis, supported the coinbat from the Faubourg Poissonneire to the Temple, attempting to aclvance by the great arteries wliich from these quarters lead ahnost direetly touards the Halles and the Hote! de Ville. The fourth mms of insurgentg, having for a support a gigantic barricade very sirongly conslructed on the Place of the Bastille, the entry of the Faubourg St. Antoine, reached by ibis long street lo the church of St. Gersrais, which is, as is wel! knowu, behind the Hotel do Ville, and aeir which ibey had conatructed another, cxiremely stront-, at the entry of the Place Bandoyer. h is superfinos to add, that the principal and rnain streets were uut by numcrous barricades, between whicli the instílenla passed by means of a small passage lef: at the side ofeach. TUESDAY. Residís of the Insurrcction. - On Tuesday morning the rappel was beaten again. The barriera were strictly guardeü, An exaci estímate of the losa of life, and the number of wounded was unatminable. The prisonérs taken among the insui were immediately deposited in the vauïts and dungeons under the Tuillers, the Louver, the Palaia Royal, the Chamber of Depiuies, the Hotel de Ville, and in die various prisons. Four or five of the ineinbers of the Assembly were among the killed ;unl abont sa many ainong the wounded. Fourteen general 'oíiicers h;ive been put hort ducombai, evoral being killed. The loss in superior officers bas been greatñrthan in-the most brillia'ni engagements during the wars of Napoleon. The fotlowing appaal wasposted on Monday by :he iqgurgents: - "Aux Armes.- We vvish the Republio democratie and social. We will the sovereignty of the People. All citizens of a Jiepublic should not and can iot will any other. To delend this liepublic all must concur. Vumorous demócrata who iinderstand this ïave come out witbin the;e Iwo dip. This I lioly cause reckons already inany victima ; we are all resolved to avenge ihem or die. Alvrlc, Citoycns f lot not onc fnil to hls appeal. In defunding the Kepiiblic we delend property. Il i blind oli-.iiii.u-y fiiiil yon indifferent before so mud) blood bren shcd. we vvill all die bene;ith the burning ruina of the Fabourg Si. Anioine. - Think of wives and children and join us." On Tuesday evening every renaaining sytnpfoms of disorder was suppressed. Up lill iluii time the ïuimber of prisoners was G.OOO but every bour added to the number. The prisons, the cellara of the Tuilleries, and of the National assembly, vvere gorged wilb prisoners. In the Conciegerie 1500 were combined in au open court. The indignation oftUe National Guards and the inhabitanta against (hem was so intense tbat it was wilh the utmost diflicuhy ttiey conld be saved frorn summary vengeance. What is to be done with sucb a mass of human beings is a question which appears to puzzle every one. To send thein all !o the Paciiïc is ütterly impasible, and to keep thein in F ranee is to exposé. the cou itry to a renewai of sucb criminal atI tempts a.4 thai from which it bas just eseaped. Starlling Disclosnres. - The Government, it is said, was quite awarp, for sóme days previously, that the insurrection was about to break out and the Minister of War cousequently gave orders for a fresb supply of troops being sent to the capital, which orders were to bc: tiiinsmitted to the military authorities in the provinces by telegrapb. These orders, were never sent ; ami, as the (elegreph is in the department of ihe Minister of the interior, it remains whh bim to s-iy w-by ihey were supressed. Soine of the insurgent piisonersdo not beaitale to assert that they have friends in the Government who vvould have moved in their favor liad an opportunity occurred. This tnay account for the manner in whicli thn insurgent were allowed to complete ihe barricades without intefruption. One of the principal prisoners, M. de Klotte, was lound lo have in his possession a lassitier pastar in the hand-writing of M. de Latnaiiine, and another h ihat of M. Louis Blanc. Several letiers from M. de Lamartine were seized at bis house. It is now ascertained that at one time ihe insurrectionisis were as near as possiblo gainins: ihe victory. Further Details. - 100,000 insurgente were on the one side, and 250,000 troops and National Guards on ihe otlier. . All ibe Anarchist journáls are suppressed. The Presse and the Reforme are also suspended. M. de Lamartine and Arago headed detachments of naiionals, and boldly advaneed on die barricades. M. Canaigne, one of the editors of the Commiino and an associate of Sobrier, was arrestad on Monday. AI. Vatrin, Lien!. Col. of ihe Gilí legión, h'üs nrrested by ofder of Lamoriciere, after having been admitied to the conference on tbe plan pf atlack, be was taken in the ranke ol the insurgenis. The 8ih, 9th, and 12th legibns of the Paria National Guarda of the Banlieu were disanned on Tuesday, Napoleon Lebon at)d Keransie, botb cbiefs oT the insurrec'tion, have been arrested. The military committee at the I'alace of the Tuilferies has nlready examined upwards of 300 prisoners; almost all thein were in posseesion of pieces of gold, soine pf ibem had even five louis. " We saw," says the Siècle, "a box full of tnoney vvhieb had been taken f rom the insurgen!." Several of tbe prisoners, when oaked by ibe judges why tbey did not surrender before, replied, "We h ui to earn the money which had biien given lo lis." None of them have as yet betrayed the namus of lbo instigators of this terrible plot. A woman, ipprehended on Monday, owned frankly that she cm off the heads of three of the mobile guarda. On severul barricades heads cut off, wearing their kepis, liad been placed as scarecrows. Finally, a head in the mouth of which pitch had been matted and mstched p!ased, was put upon a pique. The mllyin;; sign of ihe insiirgents was a small oaier wind that each of them kept.concealed in his sleeve, those borne by the chiefs were forked at the end. Evidence bas been obtained tbat besides their general plan operation, the insiirgents bad a revolulionary Government ready organized.


Michigan Liberty Press
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