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The Will Of John Quincy Adams

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The following extracta are from the will o: ilio dcceased patriot, Adaras. They will bc read wiih intei IS. I give and bequeatli to iho U. States o America, in Ivory Cune, presented me by Jutius t'iatt, of Meriden, in Connecticut, und by me deposited in tlie custody ot the Commissioner of Patonts, at Washington, to remain in his cuslody umi] rulled for by me. The said cane bears on it ui inscription in honor of the repeal of tlie rulo nf the Houso of Rpprcsent.-itives prohibiting the reception of pelitions on the suhject of Slavery, 3d December, 1S44, being inserted therein as the dote upon which tlie said rui was rescinded, according to the reqt'.est of the doror - which said is my defire, should be kepl. in the Patent Office of the United States in future, as it has been heretofure, 19. 1 give atil bcqueath fo my grandson, John Quincy Adams, son of my son Charles Francia Adams, a gold-headej Cane, out frorn the timbera of the frigate Constilution, and presented to me hy Miuot Th ayer, Sam'! A. Turner, Ebenezer T. Fogg, Soiomon Richards, and Harvey Field?, Committee, April 1, 1S37, on the head of which is engraved the namea of" the roambers cfttie House óf Representan ves of Massachusetts, from ihe several townsin my District, in the year 1837, in token of their sense of my public services in defendihg in the Congress of' tho United States, the right of pe titionof the peopleofthe United States in that body : nnd I request my son to have the custody of !iis bequest until this said John Quincy shall bucotne of age.