
At Nüus Michigan, the Colored citlzcns of that place through a committee extended to me nn invitation to celébrate the iibolition of British Slaiery n 1834 in the West Indies. Having nu iuclinntion to know tho stand ing of my colored brethren in the western part of ihe State, I nccepti'd the invitntion. At the place designated, 1 met B largo COinpany of well dressed ind respettalile appearing gentlemen and Indios in Rtteadance, wbo groeted ino warmly nnd cotiducted me to llie platform where the oratjon wasto bedelivered. Aftor listeniog to nn ornlion of one hoor :ind u half in length, n general invitation was given by the marshall of the day, to partnke of a fino d'mner which had been preparad for the otcasion ; nll ere iuvited without regard to color, to partako of the cherv in commemoration of the day that gnve 300,000 Slaves tlieir liberty. A regular nnd well formed procession moved frotn the grove appointed for the meeting to the tabla, where we found a sumptous entertainment consisting of ;dl the luxuries of the season nwaiting us. A well ordered or bettev repast is seldom got up. Severa] hundred persons were in attendnnce both colored and white, and every thing pawed oft' pleaaantly - tho repast was sufficier.t for all, lsnving pleanty of erke and other good things for the littie boys nnd girls in attendance.' Alter dinner the fnllowing toasts were hended in In" llie Comuiitteo and were read by the Kev. Mr. Harrison with groüt emphasis and unanimously responded to by the assembly with lood cbeers, after which notice was given that Hem-y Pibb would gpenk ngain that night in the Congregntional Churcli; at an early hotir the house was crowded - they listenrd (o him with Ui? greatost ïttcntion, th meeting closad with a great deal of good feeling and tliis closed the exereises of the day. â H. R. The Ladies - Their tonrs of sympothy, have sootb'c! our eorrows - may HeaveD'e smiles be their rewnrd. Il t of August - glorious doy, briglit barbingor of universal liberty. The Frencli Ropubüc - glorious, because it gires liberty to rII. Tousant ; the defiverer of St. Dominjó - blessed man. American freedom - n )ut vitli but two legs ; will surely upset nnd pill the broth. Heury Pibb - wo lovo him, becnusc he i with us in body and soul. A Pro-sliivery Church - the Uo iis caricaturo of clivistian love. A Pro-slavery Minister - i pig tbat squeafa for swill - may ho find no ragged Prodigallo leed him.
Great Britain
Old News
Michigan Liberty Press
Henry Bibb