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The New Movement In Maryland

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Baltjmorts, July 14, 1S48. Yon can readily seo that, in the above view of matlera in iliis Siato, (tlie writer bad been speakingof the independent movement, wbich had been pronounced disbaoded by ilie leaders, and he says of ihe rank and file - " ibey will feel ihat they have been decidedly liurnbugged, and be little diapoaed lo fraternice witli ilieir no longer "independent" leaders!) the way is fast opening lor that " uprising of' the People" for whicb you teil us you have been longing. The prospect of a Free Soil Ticket in Maryland was by no means dim before. At eveiy turn votéis could be me!, who were nol only willing, but nnxious to support such a ticket. The vvords " Van Buren" and "Pree Soil" were npon bundreds of lipa. Nor waï the disafFection confined 10 any one class of men. Original Demócrata and Whigs - men who have never failed (o vote fortheir partios, respeciively - alikejoined in the wisli lor aucJ) a ticket. The diabanding of the indeneodeiH Taylor forces will naturally increase the nmnber of disaffected, to a greater or less extent. Many will ron 1ize tliac the (rammels have been knockcd off; and they wil! feel free to ia 1 1 in witii i movement that has sonie heart and principie in it. So do not be surprised at the anoouncemeni of a " Free Soil Ticket" in Maryland! The' only difficulty seem to bu the securing of proper persons for Electora in somo of the more rmuote Districis. In this city that vvo'd be a mere momenlnry job; but in pomo oí the cmmties the fear ol b e i n " cliaiyed wiili Aboliiionisrn will friglitun men who have been wont lo imjagine themselves veiy courageous ! For allliough Mr. Van Buren has ceitainly never done anything to descree the impulation of Abolitionism, of course tíiat cry will be raised for effect. But, nevertheless, 1 think tin; friends of Mr. Van Buren will have no nsurmountable difficulty in organizing a respectable and efficiënt ticket, if ihey set about t prompily and arigbt. Considerable discussion is going on, you perceive, between the friends of the Liberty candidate, John P. Hale, as lo the expediency, or propriety of a unión of the Van Buren and Hale Corees. Now, ] shall not presume to advise n this matter, alihough feeling a lively interest in il ; but let me sny, that the more (letermined oppnnenis of Slavery in ibis State, wou ld prefer Mr. Male to Mr. Van Buren, should a Hale ticket be Ibrmed here. - As this is not likely lo take place, they wo'd, probably, generally advise in favor of Mr. Van Buren's being selected by the Buffilo' Convention. Ünquustionably, in the absence j of an out-and-out Anti-Slavery ticket, they could mostly be depended on when the struggle carne ; and wilh their aid, which of course would not be despised by the friends of Mr. Van Buren, bis vote could not fail to be a highly respectable one, and such as would astound those who are not aware of the extent oï the politica] djsaffeciion on the one liand, and of the oppositton to Slavery on the nther - elements which would readily iiniie to ivvell the support of the Frce Soiï Ticket, ivlien once in the field. A like chain of nferences unnlil apply to [he National Reformers of thia State. Gerrit Smiih, as you are awflre, was nominated bv Industrial Congress. But the course of soine of llie Báltimore Delégales to that body, one of vvliom was an unsuccessfu! candidato for the Vice Presidential nomina'tion - re)resenting it to the working men as an " Abolition body" - has made it ncxt to impossible to get up a Smith ticket here. Under these cJrcumStances, since Mr. Hale has given in his public adherence to thc National Reform mensures, the National Reformers here vvould piobably vote lor him, if n the field, as the Freé Soil homioee, and an Electeral ticket could be formed. As it is not likely that such a ticket could be got up here, as 1 have already said, I think the most of this clasa also might be relied on to sivell the Van Buren vote in Maryland ; and the LacJdanders of the Souih, ivhen once moved from their indifference, would become poweiïul allios ofsuch a movement. Would that they did but properly feel thcir power, and resoVe to use it aright ! These are stirring linies, truly ! Tlicre ia a wide-sprend and hopefu.1 revolution in public sentiment going on; and it wants little to give it a gloríous and certain consummation.