The Buffalo Convention

All are now asking, what will ihe Buffalo Conveüiion do ? There will meet on one coimnon platform Democrats, Whigs and Liberty men, engaged in rtne conimon purpose, to rescue, the governmem from the hands of the slave power, and to preserve Free Soil sacred to F ree Labor and Free Men. Wbo shnll be the chosen standardbearer of ibis neiv giant moveinent? Sliall it be John P. Hale, Martin Van Buren or Jo!in McLean ? For, to these tlirec the choice seemsby genera! consent to be confined. To our mind, aside from oiher considerations, there seeins an obvioul propriety in selecting biin who, " solitary and alone," has so gallantly defended th.u 'standard ngainst the champions of Slavery in the Senate. But there are other and weighiy considerations. John P. Hale, while he bis becoine more intimately identified witli the Free Soil queslion tban any man living, will awaken none of tbat politieal prejudice whicb cannot but bear strongly in some seciions against Mr. Van Huren; And ibis, we knoiv, Ãs the feeling of nuiny of the truest Froe öoilers in other States. We inight fill our paper with testimoniáis wbicb come to us every week, evincing the deep and growing hold whreh John P. Hale has upon the hearts of the (rienda of Free Soil in all paris of our country. A large number of tliese, embodied n resol utions'of conventions, without diltinction of party, in Massachusctts, Ohio, New York and olher States we liad selected for paper tliis week. Bul a press of other matter has compelled us to omit tliem. We content ourselves, therefore, with the following from the Connecticut Cha ter Oak. It ibut a fair specimen of the dmiration his bold and fearIfiss course has excited among al! the friiiiids of Free Labor on Free Soil. JohnP. Hale. The intellectual Dapacity, the rare mora! courage, the unswerving devo tion lo principie, and the coolness and cour tesy exhibited by liim in debate, have lor Mr. Halo the admiration and iproval o men ofall parlies, and Sxed upon htm sbare of public attemion. It is agreed on al hands that he has sustained bimself, in lii novel and difficull posilion, in a manner t ha has cxtorted, even from bis opponents, tlip meed of warm commendation. He has more ihan justified the most sanguine anticipstion of his frieods, and donbly disappointed al thu e v il prediciions of his enemies. He bos proved himself emphnticnlly the man for tht bour, and the eyes of the enemies of slaverj througbout lbo country, turn (o bim in the present crisis, with more of hope and confi dcnce, thaiï to any other man. We know o no one, who at this moment possesses so large i share of the confidence and aflection of the Irue-hearted Iriends of Liberty - orwhose poailion, talents, and services, render bim so (riily available as the Presidential candidato ofihose ivho have made. up thejr minds to oppose the furtlier aeeressions of the Slave