General Taylor's Position
J3TON' UoUGE La., Jan. 30, 1813. ' Sir : Your communication of the 15th instant has been received, and the suggestions tlierein ofFered duly considered. ' Ãn reply to vour inquinas, I have aLran to repeat, that I havo neilher the power nor the desire to dÃctate to the American Peopie the exact manner in which they should procced to nomÃnate for the Presidency of the United States. If thcy desire such a resu'f, they must adopl the nioans best suiied, in tlieir opinión, lo the consumation of the purpose; and if they think fit to bring rao befo re ihera for this omce, through their Legislatures, mass meetings, or convenlions, 1 cdnnot ohjccï to their these bodic.i ai Whig, Democratie, or Native. Bu', ii being kus n umi na teil, Imust insist 'on the condiUun - and viy pontion on this pmnt is inmutable - THAT 1 SHaLL NOT Bà BROUGHT FORWARD BV THEM AS TUK CANDIDATE OF THEIR PARTY, OR CONSIDEREI) AS THE EXPON E N T OF T H E 1 R PART Y DOC T 1 1 N E S. ' In conclusión, l have to repeal, that if I ere nominated for the Presidency by any hody of my FeTIow citizens, des'tgnatöd by name they may choose to adopt, I should esteein it an honor, and would accept such norainalion, proi'ided it had heen made entircly independent of party considerations. ' I am, sir, very respcctfullv, your obedient servant. Z. TAYLOR. 'Peter S7:cn Smiih, E?q., Tltiluddphia' Letter Acccyting the Taylor Wh g Nomina'ion. Ba.ton Rouge, July 15, 1818. Hon. John M. Morehead, Greenboro, North Carolina : : - I havo tlio honor to receive youv cominurication of Juno lOtli, announcing that the Whig Convention which assemblei] ai Philadelphia on the 7tli of that month, and of which you were the presicMng officer, have norninated me lor President oÃ' die United States. Looking to the composition of tho Convenid its nurnoious and patriotiecbnstituenta, l feel gniteful for tho honor bestowed upou ino ;nil for tlic dislinjuishd ennfidenco implied in my tiotninatiuri to the highest office in tho gilt of the American people. I cordially accept that numination, Lut witli a sinaere distrust of my fitness to fulnl ihe duties of an offico which lias been rfcndered illustrous by tlie ijreat ñames in Iiistory ; butshould tliü selection of the Whig Convention be confirmed by the people I shull cntlcavor to discharge the ncw duties then devolving upon me, so as to meet lhc expectationa â of my fellow citizens and preserve undiminished, the prosperity and roputation of our connnon country. I have the honor to remain, With the highest respect, Your obedientservant. Z. TAYLOR. Ã! It s stated that tSeaton Gales, a young manjuit gradualed at Cliapol Hill College is to auncced his father as editor of tho Kalsigh (N. C.) Register.