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Michigan State Liberty Convention

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Agreeable to a cali from the State Centrul Committee, the convention met at Jaekson on the 16lh of August nst. The convention was called to order by nom. nating Thos. McGee of'.Tackson to the chair. and appointing L. Wilcox secretary pro tem. On Motion, A committe of three was appointed to nomínate Office rs for the permanent organization of ihe convenlion consisting of S. J. Mt Hammond, of St. Josephí, David Handee of Hillsdale, and B. Treadwell of Jaskson. On motion, resolved, thata committe, of twelve be appointed as a business com. to present resolutions expressive of their views of this convention. On Motion, Liberty men present were requeeted to give their names to the Secretarles as members of the convention- The foüowing names were given. Lenawee Co. John Patchin. Ira Smith, Joseph Warner. Hillsdale, Wm. Heridee, Hiram Gibbs. Branch, J. M. Zimmerman, St. Joseph S. D Hammond. Ingham, Daniel Jefferds. Eaton. E. Curlis. Jackson, Reuben king, L. Wilcox, Wm. Fifield, Asaliel King, S. B. Treadwell, J. T. Wilson, Tra Freeman, Judson E reeman, Parsor. King, David Irisli, Jared YVhitrnore, J. VV. Cole, Lander Cole, Horace Cole, Jolin wliitney, James Brown, Oliver Hampion, Jas. L. Thorn, Hiram Morse, Ennch Fifield Samuel Higgins, Tho'l Mcüue, Benj. Wliitney, John Laycock, A. B. Laycock, David Laycock, Abram Quick. Theo. Ladera, Christopher Laycock, L. F, Grundy, J. E. Beehe John Laycock Nathaniol Huntingtcn, H. W. Gifford, Ö. Fleming, and Wm. Ludlow. The reading of the platform adopted at the Buffalo convention being repeatedly culled for it was then read and received with great applausc. ïho ommittce then adjourned to half past 1 o'clock. AFTERNOON. The Committee were called to order by tho chairThc Committee on the permanent organization reported. THOMAS M'GEE of Jaokson, President. Fnr Vice Presidents, J. D. Ziimmerman. of Branch Co. and S. M. Holmes of wayne Co. For Secretarios, Lanson Wilcox.of Jackson Co. and S J. M. Hammond, of St. Joseph Co. which was accepted and adopted. Letters were received and read, from Messrs. E. Hussey, S M. Holmes, E. D. Holton, N.M. Thomas, F. Dennison, Wm. Miller, S. P. Mead, Cyrns Kuiler, Samuel Holton, C. Gurney, S. M. Ten Eyck, expressing their regret at not being able to attend this conve"tion, and their upprnval of th proceedinngs of the Buffalo convention, after the reading of ihese several letters the ommitte om the several resolutionf reported, which after xumination, and interosting discussion, were unantmously adopted. The businesoi theconvention being closod. by the adoption of these resolutions it was settled that we form ourselves into a Free Soil commhte, and will meet ut huif pnst7 o'clock, tobewjanaddres frora the Uon. Mr. of Roclipster N. Y. On, V. Oved thikt ncopj "f lie proceedingt cjfihw Bonvpruson, ba fornwhed to tho Etíitor of tho Michigan Liberty Press for publicntion, whon tho convention atljüurned tin die. THOMAS M'GEE, Pres't. L. Wiloox. ) Secretarie. S. J. M. Hammond. Whereas the penple's National Conventinn recently held in BufFalo, at which 17 States of the Union were represented under the Banner or" ''FREE OIL," having with entire unanimity, adopted the principies of the Liberty party, with aomfi additional ones in which we most fully concur - Therefore, Resolved, That we hail the day as having now arrived, at which evont we have all repeatedly declared for the last eight years, that we should greatly rejoice when the people would take up our principies with a full dctermination to carry them out to a speedy and glorious triumph. Resvolued, That the highiy honored nominee of the Liherty party, the Hon. JohnP. Hale, has but raised hiraself still higlier in nur esteem and confidence, by pledging himself in advance by tlie mutual consent of his friends, as hehns most magnanimously dono in liis comrnunicntiüii to the Buffalo Convention, most cordially to support tlie nominee of that Convention sliould the Convention and its nominee adopl our principies. Resolved, Therefore, that we respectfully reccominend to all our Liberty friends in the State - "adopting the principie "areforthe cause and notliingfor men" to disband then Liberty organization, and cordially and fuilhfully support the nominees of the Buffalo Convention under the new Banner of" FREE SOIL" as they ahvays have the nominee of the Liberty party. Resolved. Tliat in recommending a tlisbanríing of our party in name, we erily do il le cruise we sincerely believe by so doing our principies will !)e the more spredily and cerlainly adviinced, and we herehy pledge ourselves, as Liherty men or as " Fret; Soil" men never to rest nntil " Free Soil, F ree Speech, Free Labor, and Free Men" sliatl be inscrilied upon every hearlh-stone in our land, Resolved, Tliat we fully believe it to be tlie solemn and imperious duty of all the friends of liberty. and our country in the land, to unite in the important presidencial campaign ljefore us to elect fnr President a thoronglily pledged 'free soil" candidate to prevent tlie ommiriently dangerous catastrophe to the canse of humanit.and the perpetuity of our Uuion, by preventing the present most nnhalliwed and deep Ta'ul ichemes oí the slnve power of introducing Slavery into an extent "f territory now free, larger than the original 13 slales of the Confedracy.whenverthcy are fairly satisfk-d by their letters of acceptance that these nominees stand firml) with us on the pla'form of the Buffalo Conveution. {p Owing to the disappointment in not get ting out uur paper une weck, therë are many coinmnnications nnd n irices of' meetings in various parts of tlie State, whicli are unavoidably tielayed. But as most of them have referente to the Buffalo convention.and as the proceedings ot' that convention comes out in this paper, and as the result of that enlirely changes the state of things, it vvill not be necessary to insert them. We have many Communications on hand that must lie over for want of room. E We are indebted to the Hon. J hn. P. Hale of the United Stats Senate, and the Hon. Chas. E. Stuart and Caleb B. Smith of the House, for many valuable public documonts, for whicli lliey have our ihanks.