Michigan Caving In

- The Free Soil movetneiits in Michigan show unmistaltable signs that traitors, likè propbets, are without honor in tbeir ovvn country. The present ndications are that Cass will b5, il' possible, more irretrievably desertad n his oWn State, ihan in any other in the Union. Democratie Free Soil meetings are being held in all paris of the " penÃnsula ;" callee! and uitemled by the stroneest and oldest men of ihnt party. - Tliree of the leadÃng DemocJ'atÃc papers have dropped Cosa's name since Vnn Buren's nomination at Uiica ; wliile two or three others are raiting ihe action of the Buffilo Conveu.tion. Verilv, tliere will be a shower, and-Old
Free Soil Party
Old News
Michigan Liberty Press
Lewis Cass
Martin Van Buren