Taylor's Position--southern Union
The southern Wlugs and Demócrata are united on the one point of slavery extensión, nnd every Northern man who votos for Cass or Taylor, must indorse the high-handed measures of the south, and be willing to sncrafice the prosperity of our country to sectional interests nnd southern policy. From the Marión (Ala.) Review of Jnly 6. GENERAL TAYLOR AND THE WILMOT PROVISO. Democratie editors must be possesed with a feeling somewhat akin to desperation, when tliey tliink it necessary, in order to sustain the Democratie cause, to acense Geueral Taylor of unsonndness on the question of slavery. The chargo caries such fin absurdity on its very face, as not to [escrve a serious refutation. General Taylor, a Southern man, the destiny of hi'nself and his children identified with the South, his immense vealth consisting in slaves, and lands which have o bs cultivated by sluves in order to make theru 'alaable - he an enemy to tho South ! - he in favor of proslrating southern rights and interosts ! ! The ery quintessence of absurdity ! They m'tght as veil say that General 'l'aylor is a free negro. - Theywould be beüeved just as soon, and exhibit fill as much roason nnd truth in mnking the charge.
Wilmot Proviso
African Slavery
Old News
Michigan Liberty Press
Zachary Taylor
Lewis Cass