Look Out
A desperate attenopl is making andwitl be made to impress on the public mimi the belief that Genira! Tiiylor is ïiot thoroughly with the South on tlio subject of Slavery. Such nn attenipt. will only irove to wlmt reaorta our opponents me diiven, in irder to injure hini in the estimntion of his admirers. Why, who is General Taylor? and where does he live? Every body knows that he is a citizhn of Lonisiana - au extensiva and successful "srmer - and owns more slaves than most of his slanderers can ever hope honestly to obtain. Is thi'i'e any fear of sueh a iimn on this subject? - l?orn in a Slave State and still residing in one - with n. large poition of his capital vested in this Bpecies of pioderty - identified from interest, inclination nd oducation, with the institutiona around us - will any sensible man hesitate on this subject to prefer him overliis opponent.
Columbus Enquirer
Old News
Michigan Liberty Press
Zachary Taylor
Columbus Georgia